Based on national accreditation standards, New Jersey administrative code, Stockton’s 2020 Learning objectives, the School of Education’s annual goals, and most specifically the annual Teacher Education (TEDU) program’s goals, we are requesting two faculty fellows. Educator Preparation Providers (EPPs) in New Jersey are now “crosswalking” their stateapproved programs from NCATE or TEAC to the new successor national accreditor: the Council for the Accreditation of Educator Preparation (CAEP). Part of that process involves demonstrating that Stockton’s Teacher Education program complies with a completely new standard, #5: Provider Quality, Continuous Improvement, and Capacity The provider maintains a quality assurance system comprised of valid data from multiple measures, including evidence of candidates’ and completers’ positive impact on P-12 student learning and development. The provider supports continuous improvement that is sustained and evidence-based, and that evaluates the effectiveness of its completers. The provider uses the results of inquiry and data collection to establish priorities, enhance program elements and capacity, and test innovations to improve completers’ impact on P-12 student learning and development. During the 2015-16 academic year, the New Jersey Board of Education will adopt a renewed Title 6A Chapter 9A (Educator Preparation Programs) that requires all programs to provide evidence of meeting this new standard, demonstrating in particular how the EPP aligns to the makes improvements to its program based on assessment evidence. Each of these two external changes align well to Stockton’s 2020 Learning objectives: particularly to S1: Deliver high value-added learning experiences and promote scholarly activity, and to ER1: Develop faculty and staff skills to support high-value learning… Similarly, the School of Education and the TEDU program have established 2015-16 goals that align to all three of these frameworks, most notably the “continuation of program realignment to CAEP [and InTASC] standards.” Educators throughout New Jersey have already created a “crosswalk” of InTASC (Interstate/national) standards to our state’s own version: Following the statewide example of this process, the Teacher Education program faculty requests that the Provost approve a selection committee that will recruit two Stockton TEDU Fellows to use program-specific assessment evidence from student and employer survey results that informs two curricular priorities and enhance those elements in our program: 1. Addressing the needs of multicultural learners throughout the TEDU program 2. Differentiating instruction to meet the needs of special education students The successfully selected Fellows will be responsible to: 1. Create an inventory of current TEDU programmatic elements where these priorities should/could be incorporated 2. Create a “gap analysis” between what is currently offered and what is needed, based on data results (can be furnished to the Provost and/or selection committee as needed) 3. Research best practices and exemplars of these elements from outstanding teacher preparation programs 4. Design model “signature assignments” that assess TEDU students’ competencies in these two priority areas at several “mileposts” throughout the program 5. Offer professional development to faculty colleagues to “turnkey” the assessments and instructional elements 6. If time permits, collect preliminary data at the earliest mileposts to begin “closing the loop” on these uses of assessment results to inform continuous improvement. These preliminary data can be incorporated into the Program Coordinator’s Assessment Plan and annual CAEP accreditation report.