Salem Public Schools Initial and Annual Parent Notification of English Language Learning Program Placement - K-12 Date _________________ Dear Parent or Guardian: In accordance with state and federal laws, school districts in Massachusetts are required to assess the English language proficiency of all students whose home language is other than English. Students who are classified as English Language Learners are annually assessed using a standardized English language assessment. Students are tested in reading, writing, speaking, and listening. Your child has been tested in these areas. This letter explains whether your child is eligible for an English Language Learner (ELL) program. If so, it also explains the program your child will receive. The purpose of the ELL program is to help ensure that English Language Learners master English and meet the same challenging state and academic achievement standards that all children are expected to meet. If your child has a disability and is eligible for Special Education Services, ELL programs and services shall be provided in conjunction with the Individualized Education Program (IEP). ELL Program Placement The following are the results of this English language assessment: Student Information First Name_______________________ Middle Name __________________ Last Name _________________________ Current School Name ___________________________ Student has a documented: ______ IEP Assessment Tool (W-APT, ACCESS) Domain Grade_________ Start Date in ELL Program _____________ ______ 504 Plan S L R W S L R W S L R W S L R W Continuing ELL Students and/or Transfer Students Results Date of Assessment Day/Month/Year Results Date of Assessment Day/Month/Year Speaking (ACCESS for ELLs test) Listening (ACCESS for ELLs test) Reading (ACCESS for ELLs test) Writing (ACCESS for ELLs test) Overall Score/Proficiency Level: (i.e. 2.4, 3.8) MCAS (if applicable) Initial and Annual Parent Notification Letter English April 2014 English Language Proficiency Level based on language assessment data and other measures (Check one): _____ L1 - Entering _____ L4 - Expanding _____ L2 - Beginning _____ L5 - Bridging _____ L3 - Developing _____ L6 - Reaching ELL Program: The school district proposes to place your child in the indicated program: She/ he will receive instruction in the following SEI program/s: ____ Kindergarten ELL Program: Students receive High School ESL I-IV: Students receive direct English supports and sheltered instruction from an ESL certified teacher within the general education setting. language instruction focused on developing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English as well as sheltered content instruction in core academic subjects. ____ Sheltered English Instruction Gr. 1-8 classes: Students receive a minimum of 2.5 hours daily of instruction from an ESL certified teacher integrating sheltering strategies to make content comprehensible and develop content area academic language. This program is designed to provide intensive instruction in English Language Development. ____ High School ESL I: For beginners/newcomers. ____ ESL Support: Students receive sheltered content made significant progress but continue to need support with a focus on reading and writing. instruction in the general education setting. Students also receive direct English language instruction focused on developing speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills in English from an ESL certified teacher. Students are either pulled out for instruction or the teacher instructs within the classroom. ____ High School ESL II: For students who are not beginners but need significant support. ____ High School ESL III: For students who have ____High School ESL IV: For students who have made significant progress but will benefit from additional academic reading and writing support. ____ SIFE: SIFE classes are for students with interruptions in formal schooling to provide students with additional support in basic literacy (reading and writing) and in math, as well as in instruction in other curricular areas. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------_____ General Education: Your child was not found to be an English Language Learner and therefore does not qualify for ESL services. Your child will receive instruction in the mainstream, general education classroom. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Based on the testing results above, the student is classified as (Check one): ____ English Language Learner (ELL) Initial and Annual Parent Notification Letter ____ English ProficientNot ELL English April 2014 Exit Criteria Students who have demonstrated academic competency in English will no longer be classified as an English Language Learner (ELL). Therefore, the student will be exited from the ELL program and will not be eligible for ESL services. Students who are no longer classified as English Language Learners must be monitored by the district for two years to ensure that they are succeeding academically. However, if the student struggles to meet grade level academic expectations due to lack of English language proficiency, the district must provide language support services to such students and/or recommend re-entry to the ELL program. In order to exit out of the ELL program, students need to meet the following criteria: Obtain an Overall Composite score of at least 4.0 on ACCESS for ELLs (Tier B or C), and score Proficient (240 or above) on the MCAS ELA test. OR Demonstrate ability to perform ordinary classroom work in English as indicated by: AND ______________________________________ Obtain Obtain an Overall Composite score of at le at least 5.0, Reading and Writing scores scores of at least 4.0 on ACCESS for ELLs (Tier B or C). ______________________________________ (Include information about other relevant data) Opting Out and Alternate English Language Education (ELE) Program Options a. Opting Out of Services I understand that my child is an English Language Learner and I have the right to opt out of the language program chosen for my child, and other programs for English Language Learners offered by the district. Federal and state laws require that the district provide my child with support so that he or she can understand instruction taught in English and develop his or her English skills. This means that if I choose to opt out, my child’s teachers will support my child in the general education classroom. However, if I opt out of the language programs, my child will not receive specific English as a Second Language (ESL) instruction focused on developing language skills. I understand that the district believes that ESL instruction would help my child learn English and succeed in school, so it recommends that I allow my child to be part of the district’s language programs. This type of instruction is especially important if a child is just beginning to learn English or struggles to understand, speak, read, or write English. If I decide to opt out of language services for my child, I will contact the ELL teacher at my child’s school and the ELL department at 978-740-1126 or 978-740-1175 to request an Opt Out form that I will fill out, sign, and send to my child’s school. b. Alternate English Language Education (ELE) Program If you believe that your child should be placed in a program other than the SEI program (if indicated above), you have the right to request a waiver into an alternate program. Transitional Bilingual Education (TBE) – a program where content instruction is initially taught in the native language of the student, and English. As the student develops English language proficiency, instruction is increasingly taught in English. This type of program is only allowed after a waiver for TBE has been requested by at least 20 parents of students in the same grade level with the same native language and such waiver has been granted, or if the student’s school has an approved Level 4 Turnaround Plan that includes at TBE program. Please contact the ELL Director at 978-740-1126 or 978-740-1175 if you wish to request a waiver. If you have any questions, you may contact the English Language Learning (ELL) Department at 978-740-1175 or 978-740-1126. ________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ I have received information about my child’s English language proficiency and eligibility for ESL services. If eligible, I have also received information about what services are available in the Salem ELL Program, and which ESL services are recommended for my child. ___________________________________________________ Signature of Parent or Guardian Initial and Annual Parent Notification Letter __________________________________ Date English April 2014