
Students will understand that the mastery
of vocabulary, paired with the application
of grammar, will allow them to
comprehend the Latin language.
Mr Hunt
Latin 235
March 19-23
- Better ability to read,
translate, and discuss Latin
- Review 2012 National Latin
- Class reads, translates, and
analyzes Petrarch’s 2nd letter to
- Students work on translation
- Formative teacher
- Translation
- homework copies
- Standard 1.1: Students read, understand, and interpret Latin or Greek.
- Standard 1.2: Students use orally, listen to, and write Latin or Greek as part of the
language learning process.
- Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the practices of the Greeks or Romans
- Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the products of the Greeks or Romans.
- Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines
through their study of classical languages.
- Standard 3.2: Students expand their knowledge through the reading of Latin or
Greek and the study of ancient culture.
- Standard 4.1: Students recognize and use elements of the Latin or Greek language
to increase knowledge of their own language.
- Standard 4.2: Students compare and contrast their own culture with that of the
Greco-Roman world.
- Expand Latin vocabulary
- Better ability to read,
translate, and discuss a
passage of authentic Latin
historical prose
- Recall and discuss the
sack of Rome and Valla’s
- Class goes over homework,
correcting own work
- Class reads, translates, and
discusses Atticus and Sulla
- Introduce Ch. 8, the sack of
Rome by the Gauls, and Valla
- Formative homework
- Formative teacher
- None
- None
- Standard 1.1: Students read, understand, and interpret Latin or Greek.
- Standard 1.2: Students use orally, listen to, and write Latin or Greek as part of the
language learning process.
- Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the practices of the Greeks or Romans
- Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the products of the Greeks or Romans.
- Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines
through their study of classical languages.
- Standard 3.2: Students expand their knowledge through the reading of Latin or
Greek and the study of ancient culture.
- Standard 4.1: Students recognize and use elements of the Latin or Greek language
to increase knowledge of their own language.
- Standard 4.2: Students compare and contrast their own culture with that of the
Greco-Roman world.
- Increased recall of Latin
- Recognize and translate
irregular comparative
- Recognize and translate
deponent verbs
- Class reviews vocabulary,
inferring English derivatives
- Introduce irregular
comparative forms
- Introduce deponent verb
forms and practice with them
- Formative teacher
- None
- None
- Standard 1.1: Students read, understand, and interpret Latin or Greek.
- Standard 1.2: Students use orally, listen to, and write Latin or Greek as part of the
language learning process.
- Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the practices of the Greeks or Romans
- Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines
through their study of classical languages.
- Standard 3.2: Students expand their knowledge through the reading of Latin or
Greek and the study of ancient culture.
- Standard 4.1: Students recognize and use elements of the Latin or Greek language
to increase knowledge of their own language.
- Standard 4.2: Students compare and contrast their own culture with that of the
Greco-Roman world.
- Increased recall of Latin
- Recognize and translate
irregular comparative
- Recognize and translate
deponent verbs
- Class reviews vocabulary,
inferring English derivatives
- Students review comparative
forms, filling in table
- Students review deponent
verbs and their forms
- Students work on translation
homework with time
- Formative teacher
- Translation
- None
- Standard 1.1: Students read, understand, and interpret Latin or Greek.
- Standard 1.2: Students use orally, listen to, and write Latin or Greek as part of the
language learning process.
- Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the practices of the Greeks or Romans
- Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the products of the Greeks or Romans.
- Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines
through their study of classical languages.
- Standard 3.2: Students expand their knowledge through the reading of Latin or
Greek and the study of ancient culture.
- Standard 4.1: Students recognize and use elements of the Latin or Greek language
to increase knowledge of their own language.
- Standard 4.2: Students compare and contrast their own culture with that of the
Greco-Roman world.
- Increased recall of Latin
- Better ability to read,
translate, and analyze
authentic Latin historical
- Class goes over homework,
students correct own work
- Class reviews vocabulary and
infers English derivatives
- Students read, translate, and
analyze Atticus’ departure
from Athens
- Formative homework
- Formative teacher
- None
- None
- Standard 1.1: Students read, understand, and interpret Latin or Greek.
- Standard 1.2: Students use orally, listen to, and write Latin or Greek as part of the
language learning process.
- Standard 2.1: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the practices of the Greeks or Romans
- Standard 2.2: Students demonstrate an understanding of the perspectives of
Greek or Roman culture as revealed in the products of the Greeks or Romans.
- Standard 3.1: Students reinforce and further their knowledge of other disciplines
through their study of classical languages.
- Standard 3.2: Students expand their knowledge through the reading of Latin or
Greek and the study of ancient culture.
- Standard 4.1: Students recognize and use elements of the Latin or Greek language
to increase knowledge of their own language.
- Standard 4.2: Students compare and contrast their own culture with that of the
Greco-Roman world.