ST. PETERSBURG COLLEGE COLLEGE OF EDUCATION "Preparing students to serve as effective, reflective and caring teachers." COURSE SYLLABUS EEX 4941 Nature and Diagnostic Assessment of Autism Field Experience This syllabus course calendar and other attending documents are subject to change during the semester in the event of extenuating circumstances. Course Prefix: Section #: Credit Hours: Co-requisites: Pre-requisites: EEX 4941 Day, Time and Campus: Modality: Online In schools Choose an item. Online - Weekly participation is required for attendance. Participation in this course is defined as posting to the discussion board or submitting an assignment. Professor: Office Hours: Office Location: Office Phone: Email Address: One Credit EEX 4094 Admission to AUTISM-NO program or COE student w permission Online, within 48 business hours Choose an item. Click here to enter text. MyCourses email preferred ACADEMIC DEPARTMENT: College of Education Dean: Office Location & Number: Kimberly Hartman, Ph.D. Tarpon Springs BB 101 I. COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is a companion course to the Nature of Autism course. Students will spend time in a classroom with children who have Autism Spectrum Disorders (ASD) in order to apply the knowledge gained in the paired theory course. Assignments and peer discussion relating to the observed application of material covered in the companion course will be submitted. 30 clock hours spent with child or children diagnosed with ASD in a school setting. 15 contact hours. Please note: only FLDOE can determine if practicum hours are required for an experienced ASD teacher. All others must take the field hours with the theory course. II. MAJOR LEARNING OUTCOMES 1. The student will compare the companion/theory course instruction (Nature of Autism) to its application in an authentic field setting by: a. b. 2. analyzing best teaching practices through the use of an observation checklist of instructional strategies for children with autism. constructing and evaluating a case study on a child with ASD. The student will perform the Florida Educator Accomplished Practices (FEAPs) as they apply in a classroom of children with ASD by: a. b. evaluating personal performance using a summative rating form based on the FEAPs. conducting themselves in an ethical and professional manner in the schools as evidenced by a disposition form. Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. S Blanchard 1 of 3 MASTER EEX 4941 2015-2016 III. REQUIRED TEXTBOOK(S), RESOURCES AND MATERIALS A. Required Textbooks Textbook(s) Required : No text required Recommended : Students using eBooks must have access to the eBooks during class sessions. B. Supplemental Material Resources Materials: Library: C. Technology Technology is an essential tool for receiving and developing instruction. Students are expected to reference ANGEL continuously to assure all current content for class has been accessed. Additionally students are expected to be familiar or familiarize themselves with PowerPoint presentation methods. The instructor of this course frequently uses smart boards, ELMOs, power point, digital media, and web based resources to disseminate information and engage preservice learners and students. All work must be submitted in a format compatible with Microsoft Word (e.g.: .doc, .docx, .rtf) D. Supplies > IV. COURSE REQUIREMENTS & EXPECTATIONS A. School Based Hours Course Requirements This course requires 30 hours in a setting that includes students with Autism Spectrum Disorders. Classroom teachers of students whose classrooms contain students with ASD may use their own classroom for the field experience. Students are encouraged to do more than sit and observe, but to jump in, tutor, work with students, and even teach lessons as permitted by the individual Cooperating Classroom Teacher (CCT). Continued Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. S Blanchard 2 of 3 MASTER EEX 4941 2015-2016 B. ALL Course Assignments Name of Assignment Description Assignment Hours Form (Required) Printout verifying hours or signed verification letter (use provided template) Not needed if you are a classroom teacher or aide per above form Reflective Reflective Journals - one per ten hours Journals 1st – by Week 3, 2nd – by Week 6, 3rd – (150 points) by Week 9 - 50 points each Follow directions! Connect reflections to the course materials/concepts! Disposition Form is available in MyCourses Report (20 supplement. Due Week 9 points) Case Study (130 points) 300 Student will complete the case study template on an actual student, using an alias for that student. Due Week 9. TOTAL POINTS Required signatures CCT or administrator Volunteer Coordinator, Administrator of School/Camp You may request supervising teacher/administrator to comment, but signature is not required Required that this is completed by your CCT or administrator regarding your professional performance. N/A as this is an assignment completed by the student V. SYLLABUS STATEMENTS COMMON TO ALL COE SYLLABI A. COE SYLLABUS STATEMENTS B. SPC SYLLABUS STATEMENTS Each student must read all topics within this syllabus and the content of the links. If the student needs clarification on any items in the syllabus or linked statements, he/she should contact the course instructor. If you remain enrolled after the drop date this signifies that you agree to abide fully by the parameters set in this syllabus and any syllabus addendum. VI. CALENDAR AND TOPICAL OUTLINE Hours Form – by Week 10 Reflective Journals - one per ten hours 1st – by Week 3, 2nd – by Week 6, 3rd – by Week 9 Be sure to use the course materials and concepts when reflecting on your experiences. Student Case Study – by Week 9 Disposition Report – by Week 9 VII. UNIFORM CORE CURRICULUM ASSIGNMENTS There are no UCC assessment points/assignments in this course. Syllabus Coordinator: Dr. S Blanchard 3 of 3 MASTER EEX 4941 2015-2016