February 3, 2015 - University of West Florida

MINUTES: February 3, 2015
Present: Richard Berg, Jacqui Berger, Faye Bowers, Jerry Cartwright, Elaine Lavender, Carol Morgan,
and Pat Smith
Richard Berg opened the meeting at 1:03 p.m., provided an agenda, and asked for additional agenda items
or revisions to the agenda. Jacqui Berger added the January Caribbean Cruise to Old Business. Jerry
Cartwright made a motion to approve the agenda submitted with the addition of the January Cruise. Faye
Bowers seconded the motion and it was unanimously approved.
Secretary’s Report: Richard asked for approval of the January 2015 minutes. Carol Morgan moved that
the minutes be approved as submitted. Jerry Cartwright seconded the motion. The motion was
unanimously approved.
Treasurer’s Report: Carol Morgan distributed the bank reconciliation to Board of Directors members by
email on February 2nd. She reported that 58 members have paid dues for 2015. After payment to
Chartwell’s for the Christmas social, the balance in checking as of January 31, 2015 was $4,022.75. Jerry
Cartwright moved that the treasurer’s report be approved. The motion was seconded by Jacqui Berger
and unanimously approved.
Sunshine Committee Report: Report was tabled due to the health-related absence of Evelyn Grosse.
President’s Report: The Provost is seeking nominations of individuals who have made significate
contributions to the growth, shape and reputation of UWF to be published in a book of profiles featuring
deserving individual as part of UWF’s 50th anniversary in 2017. Richard said there are lots of good
people that could be nominated. Jacqui stated that Lisa Norris Bernau has nominated Jerry Norris.
Richard shared with us that UWF would have a football signing day luncheon on Wednesday, February
4th, a press conference at 3:30 p.m., followed by a 2015 Signing Day Celebration beginning at 5:30 p.m.
downtown at Phineas Phogg/Seville Quarter.
A discussion was held as to who has been heading up the Camellia Garden project. Most thought it was
Tom Henderson.
Linda Dye will be heading up the REA 50th Anniversary committee. First meeting will be held on
February 10, 2015.
Vice President’s Report: Faye Bowers reported that she has sent out membership renewal notifications
via email to her list of retirees. In an effort to not leave anyone out she has requested from Carol Gentry
in Human Resources a list of names and emails of those that have retired since July 2014.
Faye has solicited door prizes for the next Quarterly UWF REA Dutch Treat Luncheon (February 19th at
Cactus Cantina Mexican Grill). Must be present to win!
Old Business
Foundation Funds: Pat Smith has been investigating a way to spend the $500 from The President’s
Foundation account. She has contacted Jerre Brisky, CFPA Director, who has suggested one of the
Wednesday Concerts at Noon at the Old Christ Church in downtown Pensacola. The concerts are held at
noon the first Wednesday of every month. It was decided that April 1, 2015 would be a good time to
have a brunch in one of the UWF properties, then afterwards attend concert and/or take one of the
Historic Tours. Pat will look into this further.
50th Anniversary: As Richard stated in his report, Linda Dye is chairing the REA 50th Anniversary
committee. Everyone she asked to serve on the committee agreed and their first meeting is next Tuesday,
February 10, 2015.
Dutch Treat Luncheon: Jacqui reported that 23 have signed up to attend. She will send out another
notice before the February 17th RSVP deadline so she can let the restaurant know how many to expect.
The luncheon will be held February 19th at Cactus Cantina Mexican Grill, 5121 N. 12th Avenue (across
the street and slightly north of the airport), from 11:30-1. There will be door prizes!
UWF/REA Website: Grady was unavailable to give an update. It was mentioned that the site needs to be
updated to make it easier to get an application for membership. Richard suggested that maybe we could
have a blurb on the UWF Today email inviting retirees to join and a link to website and an application.
New England Fall Trip: Jacqui reported that 15 REA members have signed up for this fabulous trip to
New England to take place from September 24 - October 1, 2015. The initial deposits were due in
December, but it might be possible to still get in on this trip. Contact Majestic Travel if interested.
January Newsletter: The REA Newsletter was briefly discussed, but it was clear that Evelyn was the one
that needed to be present to bring the board up-to-date on the status of newsletter. Richard Berg said that
he needed to put an article in the newsletter as incoming UWF REA President. He will also check with
Connie Marse to ascertain what Evelyn has sent to her so far.
January Short Trip: Jacqui Berger reported that she and three other REA members were able to cruise
the Caribbean in January. All had a wonderful cruise, good weather, and participated in several
New Business
Membership List for 2015: Faye Bowers and Carol Morgan are working on condensing their many lists
of retirees into two main lists, those that have paid dues for current year and another list of all retirees.
Faye is working with Human Resources to get names and emails of retirees since July 2014.
Next Board Meeting: Richard stated that next board meeting to be held March 3, 2015, 1:00 p.m.,
building 72, room 262.
Open Discussion
Had discussion of possibility of REA members attending some local functions as a group.
Blue Wahoos game on party deck or Hancock Bank deck
Ice Pilots game
Jerry Cartwright made a motion to adjourn meeting. Carol Morgan seconded and motion was
unanimously approved. Meeting adjourned at 1:46 p.m.
Respectfully submitted by Elaine Lavender, Secretary
February 4, 2015