1 Supplementary Methods: 2 Assumptions of Nb and Ne estimators 3 There are assumptions associated with every method of estimating Ne and deviations from these 4 assumptions may introduce a severe bias in Ne calculations if left unaddressed. The first common 5 assumption is that no mutation or selection is present in our genetic markers. Bias introduced from 6 mutation rate is unlikely to be substantial considering the short time interval of our study and influence of 7 selection appears to be minimal due to the general adherence of the microsatellite loci to HWE. Another 8 crucial assumption for most Ne estimators is that the assumption of closed population with no further 9 subdivision or structure. We ensured that no further population structure exists through a number of 10 STRUCTURE analyses, though the resulting information did show some gene flow between the two 11 populations. The LDNe method of estimating Nb is expected to be robust to migration rate lower than 12 10% (Waples and England 2011), but additional steps were taken to reduce bias from this violation of 13 assumption. Putative immigrants from each population were removed for all methods with the exception 14 of the maximum likelihood method (MLNe), in which immigration is specifically considered for the 15 estimation of Ne. 16 Most methods of estimating Ne also assume a stable population size, which may be violated for 17 our study species. Splittail population numbers are driven by availability of floodplain habitat critical for 18 spawning, which in turn depend on the amount of precipitation (Moyle et al. 2004). This reliance on 19 precipitation may produce natural variability in the population size of the species. However, this 20 presumed life history is based upon information on the Central Valley splittail population that has greater 21 access to floodplain spawning habitat. Given the limited floodplain availability and comparatively low 22 annual freshwater outflow within the Petaluma and Napa Rivers (Feyrer et al. 2005; Feyrer et al. 2007), it 23 is unlikely that the life history of the San Pablo Bay splittail population would be identical to that of the 24 Central Valley population (Moyle et al. 2004). 25 The last major assumption of many Ne estimators is the assumption of discrete generations. 26 Treating overlapping generations as discrete can introduce significant bias (Waples and Yokota 2007; 1 27 Luikart et al. 2010) and we attempt to address this bias in a couple of ways. First, single-sample Ne 28 estimators (i.e., LDNe) can be applied to individuals randomly sampled from a single cohort in a 29 population with overlapping generations, providing an estimate of the effective number of breeders (Nb) 30 that produced the cohort (Waples 2005). A second approach is to use the temporal method and allow for 31 ample time to elapse between two sampling periods. Once several generations have passed between the 32 two sampling points, signal from genetic drift should become stronger relative to the overlapping 33 generation bias (Palstra and Ruzzante 2008). Although a method to incorporate age-structure effects for 34 species with overlapping generations exists, it requires detailed demographic information lacking for less 35 well-studied species such as splittail (Jorde and Ryman 1995). 36 When using temporal estimators, Waples and Yokota (2007) recommended using samples spaced 37 apart by ~3-5 generations or more to reduce overlapping generation bias. Unfortunately, otolith and scale 38 analyses on adult splittail collected in the San Pablo Bay (Hobbs, unpublished data) suggested a 39 moderately long generation interval for the species (~4.4 years) and indicating that ~2 generations have 40 passed between our two sampling periods. Waples and Yokota (2007) observed that for species with Type 41 2 or Type 3 survivorship (higher mortality among juveniles, increased survivorship in older individuals), 42 sampling of newborns without sufficient time gap results in a downwardly biased estimate. Based on this 43 information and our understanding of the splittail’s life history (Moyle et al. 2004), a slight downward 44 bias may be expected in our temporal Ne estimates. 45 46 References: 47 Feyrer F, Sommer TR, Baxter RD (2005) Spatial-temporal distribution and habitat associations of age-0 48 49 splittail in the lower San Francisco Estuary watershed. Copeia 1:159–168. Feyrer F, Sommer T, Hobbs J (2007) Living in a dynamic environment: Variability in life history traits of 50 age-0 splittail in tributaries of San Francisco Bay. Trans Am Fish Soc 136:1393–1405. doi: 51 10.1577/T06-253.1 2 52 53 54 Jorde PE, Ryman N (1995) Temporal allele frequency change and estimation of effective size in populations with overlapping generations. Genetics 139:1077–1090. Luikart G, Ryman N, Tallmon DA, et al. (2010) Estimation of census and effective population sizes: the 55 increasing usefulness of DNA-based approaches. Conserv Genet 11:355–373. doi: 10.1007/s10592- 56 010-0050-7 57 Moyle PB, Baxter RD, Sommer T, et al. (2004) Biology and population dynamics of Sacramento splittail 58 (Pogonichthys macrolepidotus) in the San Francisco Estuary : A review. San Francisco Estuary & 59 Watershed Science 2:Article 3. 60 Palstra FP, Ruzzante DE (2008) Genetic estimates of contemporary effective population size: what can 61 they tell us about the importance of genetic stochasticity for wild population persistence? Mol Ecol 62 17:3428–3447. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2008.03842.x 63 64 65 66 67 68 Waples RS (2005) Genetic estimates of contemporary effective population size: to what time periods do the estimates apply? Mol Ecol 14:3335–3352. doi: 10.1111/j.1365-294X.2005.02673.x Waples RS, England PR (2011) Estimating contemporary effective population size on the basis of linkage disequilibrium in the face of migration. Genetics 189:633–644. doi: 10.1534/genetics.111.132233 Waples RS, Yokota M (2007) Temporal estimates of effective population size in species with overlapping generations. Genetics 175:219–233. doi: 10.1534/genetics.106.065300 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 3 78 79 Fig. S1 Mean estimated Ln Pr(X|K) values from STRUCTURE K inference analysis of the full data set. Vertical lines denote standard deviation. Out of K= 1-8, K= 2 has the highest mean value. 1 2 3 4 Mean of estimated Ln probability of data -84000 80 -85000 -86000 -87000 -88000 -89000 -90000 -91000 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 4 K 5 6 7 8 91 92 93 Fig. S2 Mean estimated Ln Pr(X|K) values from STRUCTURE K inference analysis of 2011 San Pablo Bay (Petaluma and Napa Rivers) collection. Vertical lines denote standard deviation. Out of K= 1-8, K= 2 has the highest mean value. 1 2 3 4 Mean of estimated Ln probability of data -21000 94 -21500 -22000 -22500 -23000 -23500 -24000 -24500 -25000 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 5 K 5 6 7 8 104 105 106 Fig. S3 Mean estimated Ln Pr(X|K) values from STRUCTURE K inference analysis of 2012 San Pablo Bay (Petaluma and Napa Rivers) collection. Vertical lines denote standard deviation. Out of K= 1-8, K= 1 has the highest mean value. 1 2 3 4 Mean of estimated Ln probability of data -21000 107 -21500 -22000 -22500 -23000 -23500 -24000 -24500 -25000 108 109 110 111 112 113 114 115 116 6 K 5 6 7 8 117 118 119 Fig. S4 Mean estimated Ln Pr(X|K) values from STRUCTURE K inference analysis of 2011 Central Valley collection. Vertical lines denote standard deviation. Out of K= 1-8, K= 1 has the highest mean value. 1 2 3 4 Mean of estimated Ln probability of data -17000 120 -17500 -18000 -18500 -19000 -19500 121 122 123 124 125 126 127 128 129 7 K 5 6 7 8 130 131 132 Fig. S5 Mean estimated Ln Pr(X|K) values from STRUCTURE K inference analysis of all individuals assigned to the San Pablo Bay population. Vertical lines denote standard deviation. Out of K= 1-8, K= 1 has the highest mean value. 1 2 3 4 Mean of estimated Ln probability of data -40000 133 -40500 -41000 -41500 -42000 -42500 -43000 134 135 136 137 138 139 140 141 142 8 K 5 6 7 8 143 144 145 Fig. S6 Mean estimated Ln Pr(X|K) values from STRUCTURE K inference analysis of all individuals assigned to the Central Valley population. Vertical lines denote standard deviation. Out of K= 1-8, K= 1 has the highest mean value. 1 2 3 4 Mean of estimated Ln probability of data -43000 -44000 -45000 -46000 -47000 -48000 -49000 -50000 -51000 146 -52000 147 148 149 150 151 152 153 154 155 9 K 5 6 7 8 156 157 Fig. S7 ΔK values, calculated as ΔK = m|L′′(K)|/s[L(K)], from K inference analysis of the 2011 San Pablo Bay (Petaluma and Napa Rivers) collection. 2 3 K 4 450 400 350 300 ΔK 250 200 150 100 50 158 0 159 160 161 162 163 164 165 166 167 168 169 10 5 6 7 170 Fig. S8 ΔK values, calculated as ΔK = m|L′′(K)|/s[L(K)], from K inference analysis of the full dataset. 2 3 K 4 3000 2500 2000 ΔK 1500 1000 500 171 0 11 5 6 7