See Attached Document

Join Us for Population Section Day at ASA
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Section on Sociology of Population Roundtables
8:30 to 9:30am, Palmer House Hilton, 3rd Floor, Crystal
Table 01. Health and Education among Hispanics
Table 02. Predictors of Fertility in Low Fertility Contexts
Table 03. Making the Most of a Multidisciplinary Postdoctoral Experience
Table 04. How to Prepare Yourself for the Job Market
Table 05. Demographic and Socioeconomic Associations with Physical and Mental Health
Table 06. Life Course Events and Health in China
Table 07. Abortion, Pregnancy and Childbearing Preferences
Table 08. Health Outcomes in Less Developed Countries
Table 09. Family and Population Studies in Asia
Table 10. Strategies for Demographers at Colleges and Universities without a Population Research Center
Section on Sociology of Population Business Meeting
9:30 to 10:10am, Palmer House Hilton, 3rd Floor, Crystal
Section on Sociology of Population Paper Sessions
LGBT Health Disparities
10:30am to 12:10pm, Palmer House Hilton, 3rd Floor, Salon 12
Spatial Stratification
2:30 to 4:10pm, Palmer House Hilton, 3rd Floor, Salon 12
Race/Ethnicity and Population Dynamics
4:30 to 6:10pm, Palmer House Hilton, 3rd Floor, Salon 12
Population Section Mentor/Mentee Lunch – 12:00pm
Terzo Piano restaurant located on the third floor of the Modern Wing at the Art Institute of Chicago. As the
“semi-private” room in the restaurant, it can comfortably accommodate up to 30 people, we would like to
host 15 mentees whose meals will be picked up by 15 mentors. Those interested in attending the event
should contact Peter Brandon (, Kathleen Cagney (, or
James Raymo ( Mentors can pay Peter (approx. $67) on the day. The section is
delighted to host this networking lunch.
Joint Reception: Section on the Sociology of the Family and Section on Sociology of Population
6:30 to 8:30pm
The Gage: Theodore Ascher Room and Bar, 24 South Michigan Avenue - located between Madison and
Monroe Streets,
Thematic Session. Counting the LGBT Population in Federal Statistical Systems
Sunday, August 23, 10:30am to 12:10pm.
Hilton Chicago, Lobby Level, Continental Ballroom B
Irma Elo organized this invited thematic session. Being counted in federal data systems is an important
statement of public recognition and acknowledgement of the need for accurate information for all
population subgroups. Such data can help document disparities in health, well-being, and the equitable
provision of government services. Data can also improve the ability of community service providers
working with specific population subgroups to access government funds by enabling providers to document
service needs. Members of sexual minority groups have been fighting to be counted in federal surveys for
the past few decades. Due to recent legislative changes and court rulings, especially those related to
marriage, the need for information has increased in importance over the most recent years. This session will
present recent advances in efforts by federal statistical agencies to modify their data collection efforts to
have the data needed to evaluate the implications of changing public policies regarding the LGBT