ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADE: Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome Student-Friendly Learning Objectives Life Science. Analyze how various organisms grow, develop, and differenciate during their lifetimes based on an interplay between genetics and their environment. 2.1a) Use evidence to develop a scientific explaination regarding the stages of how organisms develop and change over time. C We will use evidence to explain the stages of organism development. We will identify the life cyle of an organism. 3 TIMELINE: QUARTER 3 Level of Thinking Application (Synthesis) Resource Correlation Academic Vocabulary Scott Foresman Science Unit A – Chapter 1 and 2 Pages 2-64 Scott Foresman Science Website glish/grade_3/index.htm PLANT DEVELOPMENT stom/resources_ftp/client_ftp /ks2/science/plants_pt2/inde x.htm Growing Bean Plants ucation/homeworktips/articles/45956.aspx SEED GERMINATION Life_Science/Germination/le ssonplan_germination.pdf Trait Vertebrate Adaptation Instinct Inherited Migrate Hibernate Develop System Pollinate Extinct Vertebrates Invertebrates Germinate Life Cycle Egg Larva Pupa Adult Fish Amphibians Reptiles Birds Mammals Plant Growth Simulation dulesK2/NewPlants/index.html ©Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, Page 1 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: SCIENCE Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome GRADE: Student-Friendly Learning Objectives 3 TIMELINE: QUARTER 3 Level of Thinking Resource Correlation Academic Vocabulary Plant Vascular System Animation dules36/LivingSystems/index.html Life Science. Analyze how various organisms grow, develop, and differenciate during their lifetimes based on an interplay between genetics and their environment. 2.1b) Analyze and interpret data to generate evidence that different organisms develop differently over time. C ©Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, We will compare and contrast how different organisms develop. Analysis & Comprehension Scott Foresman Science Unit A – Chapter 1 and 2 Pages 2-64 LIFE CYCLES – SMART BOARD LESSON: m/details.html?id=5a32e138a852-4cdc-ac5e04b38e8b7d2b Invent a Plant – ADAPTATION m/node/53 Trait Vertebrate Adaptation Inherited Migrate Develop System Pollinate Extinct Germinate Compare Contrast Venn diagram Life Cycle Egg Larva Pupa Page 2 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: SCIENCE GRADE: Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome Student-Friendly Learning Objectives Life Science. Analyze how various organisms grow, develop, and differenciate during their lifetimes based on an interplay between genetics and their environment. 2.1c) Use a variety of media to collect and analyze data regarding how organisms develop. C We will use a variety of media to collect data about organism development. 3 TIMELINE: QUARTER 3 Level of Thinking Application & Analysis Resource Correlation Academic Vocabulary PLANT GROWTH ence/cellularlifeandgenetics/ plantgrowth/preview.weml All About Plants – Discovery http://www.discoveryeducati We will use a variety of media to analyze data about organism development. How Plants Grow Simulation /gamesactivities/plantsgrow. html Trait Vertebrate Adaptation Inherited Migrate Develop System Pollinate Extinct Germinate Data Observation Hypothesis Bar Graph Line Graph Chart Great Plant Excape e/index.cfm Earth Science. Evaluate evidence that earth’s geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact as 3.1a) Investigate and identify two or more ways that earth’s materials can be broken down and/or combined in different ways such as minerals into rocks, rock cycle, formation of soil, and sand. C ©Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, We will investigate and identify the different ways that earth’s materials can be broken down and/or combined. Knowledge Scott Foresman Science Website glish/grade_3/index.htm Scott Foresman Science Unit B – Chapter 7 Pages 194-212 Rock Mineral Igneous Rock Sedimentary Rock Metamorphic Rock Soil Decay Page 3 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: SCIENCE Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome GRADE: Student-Friendly Learning Objectives 3 TIMELINE: QUARTER 3 Level of Thinking Resource Correlation Academic Vocabulary Crust Mantle Core Landform Magma Lava Weathering Erosion a complex system Earth Science. Evaluate evidence that earth’s geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact as a complex system Earth Science. Evaluate evidence that earth’s geosphere, atmosphere, hydrosphere, and biosphere interact as a complex system 3.1b) Use evidence to develop a scientific explanation about one or more processes that break down and/or combine earth materials. C 3.1c) Utilize a variety of media sources to collect and analyze data around earth’s materials and the processes by which they are formed. C ©Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, We will use evidence to explain the processes that break down and/or combine earth’s materials. We will use a variety of media to collect and analyze data about the formation of earth’s materials. Application (Synthesis) Scott Foresman Science Unit B – Chapter 8 Pages 218-236 Erosion & Weathering Photos http://science.nationalgeogra athering-erosion-gallery/ Application & Analysis EROSION Scott Foresman Science Teacher’s Activity Book Page 103-104 BrainPOP | Science | Learn about Rock Cycle ence/earthsystem/rockcycle/ preview.weml Interactive Rock Cycle Animation ooks/earth_science/terc/cont Decay Crust Mantle Core Landform Magma Lava Weathering Erosion Earthquake Decay Crust Mantle Core Landform Magma Lava Weathering Erosion Page 4 ROCKY FORD CURRICULUM GUIDE SUBJECT: SCIENCE Standard and Grade Level Expectation Evidence Outcome GRADE: Student-Friendly Learning Objectives 3 TIMELINE: QUARTER 3 Level of Thinking Resource Correlation Academic Vocabulary ent/investigations/es0602/es 0602page02.cfm TYPES OF ROCKS ence/earthsystem/typesofroc ks/preview.weml ROCK CYCLE ANIMATIONS TWorkshops/petrology/visual izations/rock_cycle.html ©Learning Keys, 800.927.0478, Page 5