Dushanbe: "Irfon", 2013 - Агентство по Гидрометеорологии

A. K. Kayumov
The first comprehensive international scientific expedition to study the state
of the glaciers and the environmental situation in the upper reaches of
Vakhsh and Panj rivers. Part 1. Glaciers and Hydrology. - Dushanbe:
"Irfon", 2013
Kayumov A. K.
K- 12 The first comprehensive international scientific expedition to study the state of
the glaciers and the environmental situation in the upper reaches of Vakhsh and
Panj rivers. Part 1. Glaciers and Hydrology. - Dushanbe: "Irfon", 2013. – 154 с.
This monograph summarizes the main results of the expedition on glaciology and
hydrology in the upper reaches of Vakhsh and Panj rivers. The author points out that the study
of the impact of climate change on glaciers in the basins of the rivers Vakhsh and Panj is
extremely important, because these rivers fed by glacier melt, stabilizing role of glaciers
becomes less effective because of the glaciations area reduction in the last decade, and this
can significantly affect the overall flow formed on the territory of Tajikistan, especially in
drought effected years. Hydrological observations generally indicate an increase in interannual variations of river flow with the prevailing trend of reducing surface runoff. In the
monograph describe the ways and prospects of cooperation in the aspect of glaciology and
Environmental and social-medical data obtained in the course of this expedition will
be published separately.
The book is designed for a wide range of climatologists, hydrologists, glaciologists,
biologists, environmentalists, decision makers, students of institutes of higher education and
those interested in issues of glaciers, water resources in the context of global warming.
1805030000 -153
М 501 (12) - 2013
ISBN № 978-99947-0-984-7
BBK 26.222.5 +28,081 +65.9 (2tadj) +28.082 +26.234.7
Recommended for publication by the scientific and technical Council of the Committee for
environmental protection of the Republic of Tajikistan (№ 2/10 from July 2, 2013)
© Kayumov A.K., 2013
Muhabbatov Kh.M.
Doctor of Geographical Sciences, Professor
Hakdodov M.M.-
Corresponding member of the Academy of Sciences of
Tajikistan, Professor, Doctor of Technical Sciences
Kobuliev Z.V.
Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor
Rafiev M.K.
Academic MANEB,
Doctor of medical
In the monograph, the author analyzes and summarizes the results of the expedition, as
well as a comparative analysis with the extensive literature data about glaciers and the
hydrological situation in the upper reaches of Vakhsh and Panj river basins.
Significant achievements of this expedition are not just about the new results, but also
attracted global attention to the problem of glaciers and water resources of Tajikistan, where a
main flow of the rivers of Central Asia is formed. This example showed that a major
international scientific expedition in the upper reaches of the river Vakhsh and Panj, with the
participation of representatives of Central Asia that is conformable to the Republic of
Tajikistan on cooperation in water for the future This example showed that the organization of
large-scale international scientific expedition to the upper reaches of rivers Vakhsh and Panj
with representatives of Central Asia is possible, which is in line with the appeal of the
Republic of Tajikistan on water cooperation for the benefit of the future. The International
Year of Water Cooperation is a good foundation for such collaboration.
It should be noted that Professor Kayumov in accordance with the Government
decision in the frameworks of International Polar Year (IPY) has organized the first Tajik
Antarctic expedition with the support of 54 Russian Antarctic expedition in 2008-2009.
The first comprehensive international scientific expedition to study the state of
glaciers and the environmental situation in the upper reaches of Vakhsh and Panj rivers in
2011 is a logical continuation of the Antarctic expedition. It has a historical basis, and
represents the beginning of a large-scale international scientific experiment in Tajikistan in
the framework of the International Polar Year for the study of glaciers, hydrological
conditions and the environment in the mountainous regions of Tajikistan.
Tajikistan Government has approved (3.05.2010 № 209) "State program for the
monitoring and preservation of glaciers 2010-2030". This decision is timely and relevant and
in accordance with international standards it can be implemented in cooperation with the
international community, as part of major international projects. The International Polar Year
is a such study of glaciers in the global scale.
Historical facts show that the large-scale complex expedition to study glaciers and
hydrological regime of the Republic of Tajikistan and Central Asia were organized in 30’s in
the framework of the "Second International Polar Year 1932-1933" and in 1957, the
International Geophysical Year (IGY). As a result of these expeditions catalogue of glaciers
and the hydrological regime of the rivers were compiled, and made major geographical
discoveries. There were a lot of other expeditions, but they solved particular problems and
complementary materials from previous expeditions. Unfortunately, after the 90s expeditions
to the Pamir were suspended.
Some experts in their discussions on water use outdated and fragmented data or data
obtained by interpolation, which does not correspond to the real situation of today's glaciers
and water resources in general. Sometimes it happens that the data is expressed distrust
because these data were obtained by other researchers. The real way out of this situation, it is
the joint work of scientists from all interested parties.
The results of the expedition were presented at the World Meteorological Organization
(WMO) in Geneva on meeting on "Cryosphere". Information on the expedition was posted on
the UN website (http://www.unmultimedia.org/radio/russian/archives/98071), indicating a
resonance on a global scale and significance of this expedition.
In September of the same year, an International Conference was organized, which
brought together more than 120 participants, including representatives of about 30 countries
in the world. The results of the expedition were presented at the plenary session. Also a
special section was organized, which was devoted to the expedition, where the results were
discussed in details.
The results show that many of the priorities of Tajikistan in the field of climate change
issues related to the development of hydropower, the implementation of adaptation measures
for vulnerable communities and systems, conduct research and observations of the climate,
which is not only a local and regional value but also a global.
This work helps to build capacity for research and information management activities
in mountainous areas, which will make a significant contribution to the development of
national and world science. The results will make it possible to realize the limits of natural
variability in the climate system and to evaluate future trends of climate change, will form the
basis for improving the prediction of glaciers and water resources.
Organization and conduction of the International Year on Water Cooperation by the
initiative of the Republic of Tajikistan and the research results of Tajik scientists in the aspect
of the of glaciers and water resources once again proves to the world community that the
Republic of Tajikistan is always open to constructive dialogue.
The Chairman of the Committee
on Environmental Protection under
Government of the Republic of Tajikistan,
Doctor of Technical Sciences
PREFACE ........................................................................................................................................................... 6
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................................. 8
IN THE UPPER RIVER VAKHSH AND PANJ ............................................................................. 12
Morphostructural features of the area of the upper reaches of the river VakhshError! Bookmark not defined.
Exogenous geological processes and phenomena ...................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Morphostructural features of the area of the upper reaches of the river PanjError! Bookmark not defined.
Representative glaciers basin Vakhsh River.............................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Representative glaciers basin Surkhob ...................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Representative glaciers basin Panj River................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.1 GLACIERS “MEDVEJI” AND GLACIERS “RGO” .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Glacier “Medveji” ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Snow and avalanche valley Vanj................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Mudflows valley river Vanj .................................................................................................................... 39
Glacier “RGO” ( Kashalayah ) ................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.2 HYDROMETEOROLOGICAL OBSERVATIONS ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hydrometeorological characteristics of the area ....................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
The results of the hydrological observations on the river Vanj .......................................................... 49
Hydrology river Vanj................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Flow of the river Abdukahor during the overlap ice dam ........................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
Water balance of the river. Abdukahor ..................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
The quality of river water Abdukahor(Vanj).. .......................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Meteorological observations ........................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
2.3 GLACIER SKOGACH ...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
3. WATER REGIME IN THE UPPER RIVER VAKHSH AND PANJ ... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Hydrological conditions in the upper reaches of the river Vakhsh and Panj an
estimatedexpedition...................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Assessment water resources Vakhsh and Panj rivers in the area of their formationError! Bookmark not defined.
Assessment the impact of climate change on water resources ................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4. MODELING OF CLIMATE CHANGE ............................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.1 Review of the ADB report TA - 7599 -TAJ: « Adapting to climate change including investments
in nat ural resources" ................................................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
4.2 Review of the ADB report - TA 7532 : "Water and adaptation interventions in Central and
West Asia"................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
Summary of the review of the two reports ................................................. Error! Bookmark not defined.
SUMMARY ........................................................................................ Error! Bookmark not defined.
APPENDIX .................................................................................................................................... 116
Information on the expedition ............................................................................................................. 117
Summary report on the preparatory expedition to the upper reaches basin of the Amu Darya
river ............................................................................................................... Error! Bookmark not defined.
List of participants and performers sections ...................................................................................... 137
LITERATURE ............................................................................................................................... 138
Научное издание
КАЮМОВ Абдулхамид Каюмович
член-корр. ИА РТ, профессор
Часть 1. Ледники и гидрология
Научный редактор
д.т.н., Т.О. Салимов
Художественный редактор А. Исоев
Технический редактор М. Шарипов
ИБ № 4954
Компютерная верстка и дизайн
Рахимов Ф.А.
Подписано в печать 15.08.2013. Формат бумаги 60х84/16.
Бумага офсетная. Гарнитура литературная. Печать офсетная.
Усл. печ. л. 9,5 Тираж: 300 экз. Заказ 000-14
Издательское предприятие «Ирфон» Министерства культуры Республики Таджикистан,
734018 г.Душанбе ул. Н. Карабаева 17