Table 1. LETKF parameters. Horizontal localization scale (number of grids): 7 vertical localization scale (m): 2000 Covariance inflation parameter (%): 21 (10.5, 42) Observation error of SSHA (m): 0.2 (0.1 & 0.05) Observation error of T (0C): 1.0 Time interval of LETKF (day): 2 ensemble members: 20 Table 2. The LETKF Experiments and the OI experiment. LETKF runnum obs data used 012 SSHA (>500m)+MCSST+parm_infl (42%) 013 SSHA (>500m)+MCSST+parm_infl (10.5%) 014 SSHA(>500m) +MCSST+LC(uv, err = 0.05 m/s) 015 SSHA(>500m)+MCSST +parm_infl (21%) 016 SSHA(>500m) +MCSST+LC(uv, err = 0.1 m/s) OI SSHA(>500m)+MCSST Table 3. The comparison between the model output and Loop Current moorings. The vector correlations, skills, mean and standard deviation ratios are averaged over depth, 90 days, and 9 moorings (a, b, & c) for different experiments. V. Corr Skill mean std run R Θ u v speed ratio αm-αo ratio OI 0.41 29o 0.63 0.79 0.56 -10o 0.88 012 0.47 23o 0.88 0.95 0.91 22o 0.80 013 0.47 31o 0.87 0.94 0.92 4o 0.90 014 0.41 20o 0.82 0.87 0.69 13o 0.72 015 0.49 19o 0.88 0.95 0.91 9o 0.74 016 0.46 16o 0.89 0.86 0.70 18o 0.77 Table 4 The comparison between the model output and Loop Current mooring d. The vector correlations, skills, mean and standard deviation ratios are averaged over depth, 54 days, and 8 moorings (d) for different experiments. skill run R mean std θ u v speed ratio αm-αo ratio 0.51 53o 0.36 0.70 0.85 -14o 0.94 012 0.68 72o 0.27 0.69 0.87 -6o 0.92 013 0.66 72o 0.29 0.76 0.96 -12o 0.98 014 0.53 62o 0.31 0.70 0.74 -16o 0.67 015 0.59 92o 0.31 0.75 0.79 -2o 0.69 016 0.53 91 o 0.31 0.65 0.67 45 o 0.70 OI Fig.1 Model domain and bathymetry in the Gulf of Mexico. The red grids represent the locations for the MCSST, and the blue grids are the locations for AVISO satellite SSHA used in the LETKF. The white triangles indicate the locations of Loop Current moorings a, b, & c, the yellow triangles indicate the locations of Loop Current moorings d, and the green dots are the NDBC ADCP locations in the northern Gulf. The yellow cross denotes the oil spill location. Grey contours are 200m and 2000m isobaths. Fig2. Daily-averaged SSH (colors in m), surface currents (squiggly black lines) and wind stress vectors (blue) shown every 6 days for the OI experiment (see Table 2) . White contour=AVISO SSH=0 and grey contour=200m isobath. Fig. 3 Daily-averaged SSH (colors in m), surface currents (squiggly black lines) and wind stress vectors (blue) shown every 6 days for the LETKF experiment (see Table 2) . White contour=AVISO SSH=0 and grey contour=200m isobath. Fig.4 Comparison between AVISO and modeled SSHA. Top: spatial correlation coefficient between the 6 experiments and AVISO SSHA’s in the region north of 23oN and west of 84oW, and over water region deeper than 500 m in the Gulf of Mexico for time period 04/22-07/21 in 2010; and bottom: the corresponding RMS error for the same region. In each case, the 90-day means are also shown. See Table 2 for experiment names. Fig.5 Variance ellipses and the corresponding mean velocity vector at z=-100m from moorings (blue, mooring a, b, &c) and model experiments (red ) for the entire 90 days. Left panel: OI; right panel: LETKF015. Fig.6 The same as the Fig. 5, except that z=-500m Fig. 7 The 90-day averaged vector correlation, correlation coefficient (R, left) and angle (θ, right), over moorings a, b, & c in the vertical. See Table 2 for experiment details. Fig. 8 Observed and model (see Table 2) mean velocity vectors (left) and principle axis standard deviation ellipses (right) displayed as a function of depth at the mooring b2 (its location see Fig.1); the period of analysis is 90 days from April, 22 to July, 21 in 2010. Note that the scale in the lower left panel is five times larger than the others. Fig. 9 Variance ellipses and the corresponding mean velocity vector from moorings (blue, mooring d near bottom ) and model experiments (red ) for the entire 90 days. See Table 2 for experiment details. Fig.10 Vector correlation (R: top panel; θ: bottom panel) of model and three ADCP currents (green dots in Fig. 1) at 500 m. Fig. 11 Variance ellipses and the corresponding mean velocity vector at z=-500m from ADCP (blue) and model experiments (red ) from May, 1 to Jul, 21. Left panel: OI; right panel: LETKF012.