File - Prophecy Club

for the testimony of Jesus is the spirit of prophecy. Rev 19:10
1717 Angel Pkwy #136, Allen, TX, 75002, 214 585-0524
Hong Kong Bond Input Instructions
Open “HK AGREEMENT.docx” in “Word” and fill in while looking at the “SAMPLE” to do it right. Please type then
print rather than hand write if at all possible.
Print all three pages and get pages 1 and 3 signed and notarized but for sure page 3.
Hong Kong exchange requires proof of purchase. Proof of purchase is your sales receipt.
Please scan and email the three pages PLUS your sales receipt into ONE .pdf file and email it to:
Please put your “last, first name” in the TOPIC line and in the file name along with the words “HK3.”
For example: DOE JOHN HK4.pdf
If you input after August 8 it will be HK5.
FedEx or UPS overnight or 2 day delivery. (Don’t use the unreliable USPS)
Include a $50 donation payable to: Spirit of Prophecy Church to overnight into the Hong Kong exchange.
If your bond is not exchanged it will be returned upon receipt of a $50 donation for return overnight charges.
Don’t make a mistake, have someone double check everything… a second set of eyes is good.
If you want a bond/s in the Hong Kong offer you need to send me:
Pg 1 gives the SOPC permission to present your bond for exchange.
Pg 2 is where you want your money sent and who you are.
Pg 3 is the notary page.
Pg 4 is your sales receipt, proof of purchase. (May take several pages)
Put all 4 pgs in ONE .pdf file and email to:
Please put this kind of detail in your paperwork so there is no doubt about which bonds you sent in.
Three (3) Imperial Government of Russia 3% Gold-loan of 1896, 500 FR, Serial numbers, 123456, 123457, 123458.
Spirit of Prophecy Church
1717 Angel Parkway #136
Allen, TX 75002
214 585-0524
Please use discretion when calling or emailing as I am busy, thank you in advance.
God bless,
Stan Johnson
Disclaimer: This is a private matter and not to be released to the public. We are not a financial advisor and give no legal advice. We cannot guarantee the exchange of your bond. If we can’t
exchange your bond it will be returned to you. We are only keeping it safe and presenting it for possible exchange. We are not a licensed broker and receive no fees or commissions. All funds
are considered gifts.
Nothing I am saying in this letter should be deemed an offering of a security or a solicitation for you to buy a security. Any such thing can only be done through a legal prospectus such as a
private placement document approved by the company. My statements are my personal views and opinions, and are not a legal representation or promise. Any legal relationship, which
would include a business relationship or an investment, will only be done through proper legal documents. It contains forward looking statements and is not a guarantee that any bond will
ever be exchanged.
Disclaimer: The Sender is not a U.S. Securities Dealer, Broker or Investment Adviser. This electronic transmission and or attached
documents have not been verified or authenticated and are not to be considered a solicitation for any purpose in any form or content, nor an offer to sell and/or buy securities. The Sender
makes no warranties or representations as to the Buyer, Seller or Transaction and warns that all due diligence is the responsibility of the Buyer and Seller, if applicable. This response to the
recipient's request for private information is intended for the recipient's private use only.
Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act, 15 U.S.C. 6801-6809.The Recipient hereby acknowledges this Disclaimer upon receipt hereof. By reading beyond this point, you agree, acknowledge and accept that
this is a privileged, proprietary and confidential communication and you agree to keep it private if not please return to sender.
DISCLAIMER: By your email address being on the list and accepting our email updates you realize we cannot guarantee that you will ever be offered anything of value for your historical
bond. If you purchase bonds you do so as a collector. The entire idea is highly speculative. Stan Johnson and the Spirit of Prophecy Church makes no guarantees other than the safe keeping
and return of items presented to it. To say it twice, we cannot guarantee you will ever be offered anything for your items. Anyone making any decisions not in compliance with this and other
similar disclaimers should immediately contact us for return of your items and removal from our email list. This is a private email not to be shared with others. I have also included this and
similar disclaimers in our paperwork and this same disclaimer extends to all communications written or verbal.