Worksite Wellness Tobacco Prevention

Annual Objective 3.7
Community at large
□ Community institution/organization □ Health care
□ School
X Work site
Policy/environmental change strategy to achieve this objective:
Tobacco cessation referral system
Evidence/practice base for the strategy:
Target number of people that will be reached:
How the objective impacts the problem:
Access to a tobacco referral system will increase the number of employees who have access to quitting resources
By September 12, 2012, increase the number of worksites from 0 to 1 that implement a tobacco cessation referral system.
Measuring progress:
Primary Data Source
Secondary Data Source
tobacco cessation referral process document
Describe the progress
On track to complete objective by September 2012
Describe barriers or issues and plans to
overcome them
No barriers
Action Steps (list up to 10):
Action Steps
Research and Gather information on RCCC current referral procedures
(which are very limited, if existent)
Research and gather information on adopting a tobacco cessation referral
Specific Person(s)/ Organization(s)
Tricia Staggers
April 2012
Tricia Staggers
May 2012
Tricia Staggers
July 2012
Ann Morris
August 2012
Ann Morris and Tricia Staggers
September 2012
Identify and equip an organization or RCCC staff member to assume
referral responsibilities
Discuss tobacco cessation referral system with Human Resources
Advertise and Implement new tobacco cessation system
Annual Objective 3.8
Community at large
□ Community institution/organization
Policy/environmental change strategy to achieve this objective:
□ Health care
□ School
Work site
Tobacco cessation classes
Evidence/practice base for the strategy:
Target number of people that will be reached:
How the objective impacts the problem:
Providing support to quit will enhance the ability of those who use tobacco to begin to quit
By September 12, 2012, increase the number of worksites from 0 to 1 that offer tobacco cessation classes.
Measuring progress:
Primary Data Source
Secondary Data Source
Class schedules and class evaluation
Describe the progress
Describe barriers or issues and plans to
overcome them
Action Steps (list up to 10):
Tobacco cessation resources have been identified and we’re on track to achieve objective by
September 2012
No barriers exist at this time
Action Steps
Research and Gather information on RCCC current tobacco cessation
classes or activities(which are very limited, if existent)
Research and gather information on offering tobacco cessation classes
(location, costs if any, schedule)
Specific Person(s)/ Organization(s)
Tricia Staggers
April 2012
Tricia Staggers
Ann Morris
May 2012
Tricia Staggers
July 2012
Tricia Staggers
Ann Morris
September 2012
Identify and equip an organization or RCCC staff member to assume
instructional/training responsibilities
Schedule, Advertise, Host, and Evaluate Classes