Name:________________________________________ Hr.:___ Global Climate Change Webquest Link #1 – A Student’s Guide To Global Climate Change o Watch the video on this page (no questions to answer) Link #2 – Today’s Climate Change 1. Explain why greenhouse gases are good for our environment. 2. Explain why greenhouse gases are bad for our environment. Link #3 – The Greenhouse Effect o Watch the video on this page (answer the questions below) 1. Explain how the greenhouse effect works on Earth (words or a diagram). 2. How are greenhouse gases added to our atmosphere? 3. What are the problems created by warming temperatures on Earth due to increased greenhouse gases? Link #4 – Greenhouse Gases 1. Explain how water vapor is a greenhouse gas. Click On The Graph “Greenhouse Gases from People’s Activities” To Answer The Following Questions: 2. Where does Carbon Dioxide come from? 3. Where does Methane come from? 4. Where does Nitrous Oxide come from? Look At The Graph “Sources of U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions (2009)” to Answer The Following Questions: 5. What contributes to the greenhouse emissions in the U.S.? 6. What are the three largest contributors of greenhouse gas emissions in the U.S. (as of 2009)? Look At The Graph “Emissions of Greenhouse Gases Worldwide” to Answer The Following Questions: 7. Which greenhouse gas was emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere the most in 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005? 8. Which greenhouse gas was emitted into the Earth’s atmosphere the second most in 1990, 1995, 2000, and 2005? Link #5 – All About Carbon Dioxide o Watch the video on this page (answer the questions below) 1. Explain how Carbon Dioxide is taken out of our atmosphere. 2. Explain how Carbon Dioxide is added to our atmosphere. 3. Why do scientists believe that Carbon Dioxide is a major reason for global climate change? Link #6 – The Signs of Climate Change: Higher Temperatures: 1. What’s happening now? 2. What will happen in the future? 3. Why does it matter? Link #7 – The Signs of Climate Change: Changing Rain and Snow Patterns 1. What’s happening now? 2. What will happen in the future? 3. Why does it matter? Link #8 – The Signs of Climate Change: More Droughts 1. What’s happening now? 2. What will happen in the future? 3. Why does it matter? Link #9 – The Signs of Climate Change: Rising Sea Levels 1. What’s happening now? 2. What will happen in the future? 3. Why does it matter? Link #10 – The Signs of Climate Change: Shrinking Sea Ice 1. Why does it matter? Link #11 – The Signs of Climate Change: Melting Glaciers 1. Why does it matter?