LGBT Caucus Safe Zone Questionnaire – Compilation May 22, 2013 San Luis Obispo 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? March 6th, 2013. 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? April 8th, 2013. 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? Done 29 so far, 6 more planned for this, anticipating approximately 5 more requests – totals approximately 40 for academic year. 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) Faculty, staff, students, and interested community members with a vested interest. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) AmeriCorps provides staff for training, Instructionally Related Activity provides funding for printed materials - in the future student volunteers will also help run trainings. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? We attended Kris Gottlieb’s (PFLAG Staff Member) training for Transitions Mental Health Association earlier this year, which is not a campus, but still gave us significant strategies to ideas to incorporate and improve upon. 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? Yes. Anything within reason (Los Angeles area, Bay area). Fresno 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? April 25, 2012 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? April 24, 2013 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? One 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) Students, faculty, staff, and administrators from our campus as well as community members. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) It varies. Institutionally related activities grant, student affairs, University Student Union, Center for Women and Culture. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? I would consider it. Stanislaus or Bakersfield. Stanislaus 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? October 2012—before that was 2001 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? April 10, 2013 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? One both semesters—two a year 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) Every employee on campus regardless of position, a student panel, faculty from other CSU campuses 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) Faculty Affairs paid for everything—manuals, flyers, lunch, snacks 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? We attended a training at Maritime Academy 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? Now that we have our own, we don’t need to travel and I’d be interested in attending one further south. Long Beach 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? February 22, 2013 (we have conducted 5 to date) 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? Summer 2013 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? 3-4 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) We usually offer them to faculty, staff, and admin. We have had one for just administration and we are currently offering one to campus police and then student leadership. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) • The committee members include 5 faculty and 1 staff member (all unpaid volunteers) • Cost for each training is approximately $500 (room, refreshments and A/V) – this has been covered Dean’s Office - College of Health and Human Services. • We are looking into grant funding to continue to fund 3-4 trainings per year. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? N/A 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? I would be interested in seeing other programs. Note: we have shared our materials with at least 2 campuses outside of the CSU and are happy to share our materials with the CFA. Note: Last year, we volunteered to provide our materials to serve as a template for the CSU’s. We have fully tested materials for faculty/staff and a website with resource material; our student training will be ready in fall 2013. San Diego State 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? Our last general training open to faculty, staff and students was 2/23/13. Our most recent specialized SZ training for mental health providers was 3/20/13. 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? Our next general training will be held on 4/16/13 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? We conduct a minimum of 2 general trainings per semester. In addition we provide periodic specialized trainings for Student Health Services providers, Mental Health Services providers, and University Police 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.)? SDSU faculty, staff, administrators, and students. We have also had faculty, students, and staff from local community colleges and SDSU Imperial Valley campus. Our various specialized trainings are offered to public safety/university police, healthcare providers and staff, therapists, and masters/doctoral level interns in psychology, social work and counseling. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) We have received financial support for ally trainings and other Safe Zones sponsored events and activities from Student Affairs, the Department of Women's Studies, Associated Students, President's Leadership Fund grants. The Office of the President has been very proactive in supporting Safe Zones @ SDSU. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? NA 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? San Francisco 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? Our last training was our pilot training in December 2011 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? Our next training is on April 5, 2013. 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? We are currently aiming to do 2 trainings each year. 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) Since this is the beginning of the rollout of the program, we are focusing on faculty, staff and adminstrators on our campus. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) We have been funded the Division of Student Affairs/Enrollment Management. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? During the development of our program, 2 committee members attended a safe zone training at CSU-Long Beach on 10/20/09. 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? N/A Pomona 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? The last campus-wide training was Oct. 29, 2012. The last special request for Safe Zone was Feb. 28, 2013 (I will do a separate training for groups of 10 or more). 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? Thursday, March 21, 2013 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? 3-4 campus-wide, 1-2 additional requests 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) We just invite our campus folks to join (students, staff and faculty attend the same training). I do get grad students and occasional staff from area campuses that don’t have their own safe zone training. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) Associated Students, Inc. – They provide money for LGBT History Programs, Trainings, Events, etc. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? n/a 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? I have facilitated trainings on many other campuses, and don’t need to travel to other schools. Maritime 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? SPRING 2012 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? MARCH 28TH, 2013 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? ONE 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) FAC/STAFF/STUDENTS 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) DIVERSITY COUNCIL FOR FAC/STAFF AND HOUSING FOR STUDENTS/RES. ADVISORS 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? NO. 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? NO, THANK YOU. Chico 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? October 2012 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? April 2013 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? 1 per semester 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) faculty, staff, admin 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) Office of Diversity. Volunteer time. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? Fullerton 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? - LGBT 101 was held on March 8, 2013 Ally Training was held on March 20,2013 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? - LGBT 101, April 10, 2013 Ally Training, April 23, 2013 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? - 16 sessions: 8 LGBT 101 and 8 Ally Training Each one is offered once a month during the academic year 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) - On campus faculty and staff 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) - Through the Division of Student Affairs 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? - NA 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? - NA Bakersfield 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? March 15, 2013 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? It is not scheduled yet, but it will either be in May or October. 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? Two 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) All CSUB employees, faculty, administrators, and staff. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) We use a small amount of the Counseling Center funds for printing costs. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? I attended the CSU Long Beach Safe Zone training to help the development of our program. 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? No need. San Marcos 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? March 15, 2013 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? We schedule on demand. 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? Last school year conducted 6 scheduled and 4 more impromptu sessions. This year we are not scheduling but putting workshops together by demand. We have held 3 sessions this year so far. 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) Anyone! We have offered to faculty, staff, administration, faculty, staff, and administrators from other campuses ,community members including k-12 teachers, students including future k-12 teachers 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) Through the LGBTQA Pride Center which is funded by Associated Students Inc. I just try to squeeze it out of my budget. We received a grant to start program 5 years ago. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? Sacramento 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? Our Safe Zone trainings’ are available to Sacramento State University students, faculty and staff on a request basis. We have two Safe Zone Training workshops currently. 1. Ally Safe-Zone Training - takes roughly two and a half hours and we broadly discuss the LGBTQIAP (Queer Communities). We cover identities basic, current issues and how to be an ally (supporter) to the Queer communities. During the training we do discuss identity as being made up of multiple factors including race/ethnicity, socio-economic status, values, interests etc. This training not only increases knowledge but, also develops skills that can easily be applied to real life situations. It is intended for individuals with a basic knowledge of the sexual orientation and gender identity basics. 2. Gender Variant (Transgender) Training - takes roughly two hours and solely concentrates on the Gender Variant/Transgender communities, identities, current issues and how to be an ally (supporter) to the Transgender community. This training not only increases knowledge but, also develops skills that can easily be applied to real life situations. 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? Our next Safe Zone Trainings is scheduled for Friday May 3rd. 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? We host approximately 20+ Safe Zone Trainings a semester. 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) Our Safe Zone trainings are our offered to all Sacramento State University students, faculty and staff on a request basis. Over the past six years, we have trained hundreds of students, faculty and staff including; Resident Life, The Biology Department, The Speech Pathology & Audiology Department, The MultiCultural Center, The Women’s Resource Center, Student Organizations and Leadership, Peer Health Educators, The Queer Straight Alliance, and School Counseling Department. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) The PRIDE Center and its programs, including the Safe Zone Trainings, are funded through grants from Sacramento State Associated Students Inc.. 6. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? Yes, we would be very interested in participating in another Campuses Safe Zone training, we should be willing to travel most likely within Sacramento County. Sonoma 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? We had been piloting some training sessions with faculty and staff. I believe the last pilot that took place was in the fall semester. Our “coordinator took a leave for a while and is now back and we are in the midst of moving the Safe Zone program to the HUB (our multicultural center) and working out logistics. 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? We do not have one scheduled as we are in the midst of finding a home as stated above. Our advisory board has not met do to various circumstances. 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? N/A: it was 0 and that is why the Safe Zone advisory council brought in some trainers for a “train the trainers” session, and then we began piloting some training. We have yet to fully role out our training program. 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) Faculty, staff, and administrators were invited and we were working on trainings for students. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) They were not really funded, we did get a little $ from some Deans and others for our train the trainers day, but do not believe it is funded. 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? N/A 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? I would like to see what others are doing for their Safe Zone trainings. I could possibly travel to closer campus such as Sac, Chico, SF, etc. Northridge 1. When was your last Safe Zone training? Last week for a group of summer orientation leaders. 2. When is your next Safe Zone training scheduled? Currently none scheduled open to the public. 3. How many training sessions do you conduct annually? About 20 to individual classes and/or departments. 4. Who do you normally invite to the trainings (your faculty, faculty from other campuses, staff, administration, etc.) We don’t invite. We are invited to do the trainings. 5. How are your trainings funded (e.g. Foundation grants? Human Resources? Faculty Affairs?) Pride Center (University Student Union) 6. If you do not conduct your own Safe Zone trainings, have you attended trainings at another campus? If so, which campus? N/A 7. Would you like to participate in a Safe Zone training and if so, which campuses would you be likely to travel to? N/A