ISLAMIC MUTUAL FUNDS OR OIL PRICES: WHICH LEADS THE OTHER? Faleh Alrashid, PhD1 Assistant Professor, Public Authority for Applied Education and Training, College of Business Studies, Kuwait 1Corresponding Author Manzoor Ahmed, PhD1 Assistant Professor of Economics and Acting Dean, Faculty of Social Sciences, Management and Information Technology, Lasbela University, Balochistan, Pakistan Dr. Faleh Alrashidi is an assistant professor of public authority for applied education and training at the College of Business Studies, Kuwait. He teaches financial management, establishing and managing small projects, and inventory management. He has published many research papers and presented his work at numerous conferences and seminars. Dr. Alrashidi obtained his Ph.D. in finance from Durham University, UK and his master’s degree in the United States. Dr. Manzoor Ahmed is an assistant professor of economics and acting dean of the Faculty of Social Sciences, Management and Information Technology at Lasbela University, Pakistan. He also works as director, academics at the same university. He is also associated with Durham Business School, Durham University, as visiting academic scholar. Dr. Ahmed has published many research papers and presented his work at numerous conferences and seminars. He obtained an M.Sc. and Ph.D. in economics from Durham University, the UK. ABSTRACT This study attempts to investigate the causal relationship between Islamic mutual funds and oil price using a rich dataset from leading world markets. The issue is an important one to examine because since the 1990s, Islamic mutual funds have emerged to occupy an important place in all the major stock markets of the world. The study uses the pair-wise Granger Causality test, the unit root test and cointegration test to assess the short-run and long-run relationship between Islamic mutual funds and oil prices. The results of this paper show that oil price does not cause changes in Islamic mutual fund performance, whereas Islamic mutual funds cause changes in oil price. On the other hand, there is a long-run relationship between Islamic mutual funds and oil price. These results are consistent with previous studies, which show that during recession periods, stock markets lead oil price because the equilibrium between demand and supply for oil is volatile and because oil is not only a fuel but also an investment commodity. Keywords: Oil Price; Islamic Mutual Funds; Granger Causality; Cointegration 1. INTRODUCTION The relationship between oil price and the stock market is somewhat complicated. In certain circumstances, the relationship between them is negative, whereas in other circumstances it turns out to be positive. Moreover, one variable can be the leader and the other the follower. The stock market can potentially be the leader because it is one of the 11 leading economic indicators that make up the index 1 of leading economic indicators. However, certain powerful shocks in the oil market can affect the stock market and therefore make oil price the leader. Throughout most of 2008–09, the worst of the recent “Great Recession”, the stock market was the leader and oil price happened to be the follower. Oil price has been fundamentally blind and divorced itself from physical supply and demand, because oil is not only a fuel but also an investment commodity (Hammoudeh & Sari, 2009). Nevertheless, Hammoudeh and Sari (2009) maintain that the oil price/stock market relationship is not unidirectional, particularly when the economy recovers. Currently, oil price is the leader because the drawdown in oil and refined products inventories is examined weekly and has been seen as a clue that there will be a rise in demand for oil, consequently boosting the stock market. Recent research (see, for instance, Abderrezak, 2008; Al-Fayoumi, 2009; Arouri & Rault, 2009) shows that changes in oil price may be decomposed into three types of shock — aggregate demand (reflecting global economic expansion) shocks, oil market-specific demand (oil idiosyncratic) shocks, and oil supply (oil production) shocks — and traces the impacts of those types of shock on stock returns. The impact on stock returns is positive if the oil shock originates from changes in aggregate demand. Conversely, higher market-specific demand (oil idiosyncratic) shocks have a negative impact on oil price. Finally, a decrease in oil supply in one country may be offset by an increase in another, making this type of oil supply shock of minimal importance in the short run. Alongside conventional mutual funds, Islamic mutual funds are registered in virtually all stock markets worldwide. Islamic funds, which have emerged rapidly since the early 1990s (Kraeussl & Hayat, 2008), are mainly meant to meet the demands of Muslims (particularly in the Middle Eastern Countries) who wish to invest in equities other than conventional mutual funds. While conventional funds are subject only to capital market laws, Islamic funds are also subject to the Quranic law of economics (Abdullah & Mohammad, 2007). Therefore, the Islamic finance industry has developed substantially in recent years. The importance of, and growth in, Islamic banking and finance has also been matched by the development of the mutual fund industry. The Islamic mutual fund industry is relatively new, having only been established for 30 years (Failaka, 2007). The Amana Income Fund was the first Islamic mutual fund to appear in the United States in June 1986. By 2010, there were 580 Islamic mutual funds globally. Elfakhani and Hassan (2005) noted that various Islamic funds were launched to take advantage of a bull phase and profitable investment climates in the developed markets experienced in the late 1990s. According to Hayat (2006), the most common type of Islamic fund is the openended fairness fund with medium- to long-term growth. Additionally, the Dow Jones Islamic Market Index (DJIMI) and the Financial Times Stock Exchange (FTSE) Global Islamic Index launched the first example of various Islamic touchstones. The Dow Jones Index includes 2,000 Shariah-compliant fairness-listed companies involved in the broader Dow Jones World index, while the FTSE Global Islamic Index includes 1,000 Shariah-compliant fairness companies involved in the FTSE All World Index. In terms of regional investments, all indices are diversified, but the Dow Jones index is larger than the FTSE Global Islamic Index and more exposed to U.S. markets. According to Iqbal and Molyneux (2005), the features of an Islamic mutual fund are the same as those of a traditional fund in terms of being a depository for 2 investment capital. Many types of asset classes are held within Islamic mutual funds, but equity is the focus of this paper. Elfakhani and Hassan (2005) assert that Islamic mutual funds cannot be hedged using the debt factor. One of the methods of purification is zakah. According to the Islamic Shariah, zakah is a form of charity an individual pays out of his or her personal wealth. Zakah has a yearly limit, called Nisab in Islamic Sharia. The zakah rate varies with the type of the asset held by the individual. Normally, 25 percent zakah is paid on monetary wealth and other earned income (Alqaradawi, 1999). However, DelLorenzo (2000) argues that the calculation of zakah on investment profits is still controversial and therefore requires extensive deliberation and debate. The Middle East has more than half of the world’s proven oil reserves and remains the locus of the global oil market. There is no doubt that the importance of the region is poised to grow (Middle East Economic Survey, 2003). Oil plays a pivotal role in the economies to many countries in the Middle East. The region is predominately Muslim, and, given the increasing popularly of investing in Islamic mutual funds, one might expect a correlation between oil price and Islamic mutual fund investment. Therefore, it is worthwhile to explore the relationship between these two variables. Although much attention has been given to the contemporaneous relationship between oil price and index returns, there is still a serious gap in the literature on the contemporaneous relationship between oil price and Islamic mutual fund performance. Moreover, the literature shows mixed results in terms of which variable leads the other: oil price or index performances. Although the causality and cointegration relationships between Islamic mutual fund performance and oil price have been tested by a few studies, the results are inconsistent and inconclusive and lack definitive conclusion. Considering this gap in the literature, this paper is aimed at providing a systematic analysis of the cause and effect relationship between the two. Thus, the core research question of the study is whether Islamic mutual funds react to oil price or the oil price moves in response to Islamic mutual funds. In other words, which variable leads the other: oil price or Islamic mutual funds? We can investigate the primary goal of this paper by discussing the following two questions: 1) Which causes the other? Does oil price cause performance changes in Islamic mutual funds? Or does Islamic mutual funds performance cause changes in oil price? 2) Is there any long-run relationship between oil price and Islamic mutual fund performance? The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 details the related literature. Section 3 describes the methodology, data, and hypotheses. Section 4 reports the results. Section 5 presents the conclusion. 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE Over the last two decades, a substantial amount of research has been conducted to assess the relationship between oil price, indices, and mutual funds. Much of this research has focused on the relationship between oil price and indices, and some of this literature is devoted to the relationships between mutual funds and oil price. However, the literature has given no attention to the matter of Islamic mutual funds and oil price. This section provides an overview of the available related literature and 3 tries to justify this study of the relationship between oil price and Islamic mutual funds. One of the interesting aspects of investment has always been the subject of evaluating the performance of mutual funds. In the past, investors evaluated their performance almost entirely based on the rate of return. They knew about the likely risks but were not familiar with ways of quantifying and measuring them. A study by Markowitz (1952) revealed the necessity of ensuring greater expected returns for investors to expose themselves to greater risk. Fund performance was first critically analyzed in the 1960s, and it has been the subject of widespread study in numerous reports since then. Amongst the more noteworthy, the first empirical analysis of performance was offered by Friend et al. (1962), while Treynor (1965), Sharpe (1966), and Jensen (1968) were the pioneers who moved the field on to evaluating fund performance in direct relation to risk. They all managed to originate key standards with which to measure risk-adjusted returns. Clearly, some mutual funds always perform better than others, and thus, there is the possibility that they will not only beat their peers but also beat the market. Sharpe (1966) tried to investigate this issue by studying the performance of 34 mutual funds during the years 1954 to 1963. The results of his study proposed that the differences among funds are mainly explained by differences in expense ratios, skill, and past performance. Performing a similar study on 115 funds during the years 1955 to 1964, Jensen (1968), found that on average the beta values of funds were below one. These findings suggest that these funds typically took on lower risk than the market and that the funds achieved worse returns when adjusted for systematic risk. Considering that oil determines the wealth of the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries in particular and oil-producing countries in general, it is also essential for the impact of oil price on financial performance to be observed. Looking at the literature, we can see that since the demand and supply equilibrium for oil is unpredictable and oil is considered both an investment commodity and a fuel, the stock market leads the oil price. The literature in such studies indicates that there are 11 leading indicators, one of which is the stock market. The oil price can generally be considered a coincident indicator rather than one of those 11 indicators (Hammoudeh & Choi, 2005). Abu-Bader and Abu-Qarn’s (2008) empirical evidence suggest that the financial sector development leads to growth in five out of six Middle Eastern and North African countries. The empirical results indicate that oil price has no significant effect on stock returns. Maghyereh’s (2002) findings do not show any significant impact of oil shocks on stock index returns in emerging economies, and Cong et al. (2008) show that oil price shocks do not have a statistically significant impact on real stock returns in most Chinese stock market indices. Additionally, empirical results do not support the hypothesis that changes in oil price lead to changes in stock market returns in countries such as Turkey, Jordan, and Tunis (see Al-Fayoumi, 2009). Moreover, Kandir (2008) shows that industrial production, money supply, and oil price do not appear to have any significant effect on stock returns. Although stock markets in countries like Qatar, Oman, and the United Arab Emirates react positively to oil price increases, in other countries, such as Bahrain, Kuwait and Saudi Arabia, a change in the oil price does not affect stock market returns, as found by Arouri and Fouquau (2009). However, Abdelaziz et al. (2008) show that oil prices are observed to have a long-run positive effect on the stock market in countries such as Egypt, Saudi Arabia, Oman, and Kuwait. Furthermore, according to the findings by Huang et al. (1996), in the 1980s, there was virtually no 4 correlation between oil futures returns and the returns of various stock indices. However, it has since been revealed that the oil and stock market returns are indeed now cointegrated. The results from the modified vector error correction model (VECM) by Anoruo and Mustafa (2007) suggest that causality runs from stock market to oil market, but not vice versa. In most oil-importing countries, oil price shocks have a significantly negative effect on the stock market. The exception is Norway, where real stock returns show a significantly positive response to oil price because of the particularly large benefit to the Norwegian economy of uplift in the oil price (Park & Ratti, 2008). Oil price is found to have a significant effect on both economic activity and the price levels of indices. Park and Ratti (2008) and other studies show that the relationship is always positive and often highly significant, and therefore reflects the direct impact of volatility in the price of crude oil on share values within the sector (see also El-Sharif et al., 2005). Sadorsky (1999) shows that oil price and oil price volatility both play important roles in affecting real stock returns. According to Papapetrou (2001), oil price is important in explaining stock price movements. With the existence of an instantaneous oil price, there is a temporary effect of oil price innovations on stock prices (Cologn & Manera, 2008). Thus, an oil price change or its volatility has a limited impact on the economy if: (a) the change is below the threshold level; (b) the change is above the threshold level; and (c) it appears that the change in oil price better explains macroeconomic variables than the volatility of the oil price (El-Sharif et al., 2005). The inconsistency of the findings is a major issue. For example, Gjerde and Sættem (1999) show that the stock market responds accurately to oil price changes. As Hooker (1999) finds that the price increase in the Organisation of the Petroleum Exporting Companies (OPEC) do appear to have significant impacts, while the effects of the price declines of the 1980s are smaller and harder to characterise. In addition, Hammoudeh and Choi (2005) show that positive oil shock will benefit most of the Cooperation Council for the Arab States of the Gulf (GCC) markets. However, Arouri & Jawadi (2010) identify that, the response of stock returns to oil price changes differs a lot, though it depends on the sector of activity. In addition, Gogineni (2010) indicates that the stock returns of some industries that use little oil, and perhaps none directly, are also sensitive to fluctuating oil prices. Agusman and Deriantino (2008) find that oil price changes do not have a significant impact on industry stock returns, but a negative and significant impact on the stock returns of the trading sectors. Moreover, interest rate and inflation variables are strong determinants of stock returns, while dividend yields and oil prices only influence returns in regimes identified by multiple regime models (Agusman & Deriantino, 2008). In addition, Sørensen (2009) shows that oil price changes that are caused by exogenous events show that it is only oil price changes predict stock returns. In another line of argument, Gogineni (2008) finds that the direction and magnitude of the market’s reaction to oil price changes depend on the magnitude of the price changes. Thus, oil price changes most likely caused by supply shocks have a negative impact, whereas oil price changes most likely caused by shifts in aggregate demand have a positive impact on the same-day market returns. Overall, changes in oil price are therefore observed to strongly predict future stock market returns in many countries. However, the available literature does not deal specifically with the issue of oil price and Islamic mutual funds; this gap is the primary motivation of this study. 5 3. METHODOLOGY, DATA, AND HYPOTHESES This study used a purely quantitative approach with an empirical analysis, in which a test of the short-run and long-run relationships between oil price and Islamic mutual fund performance is applied. For this empirical purpose, we used monthly data relating to mutual funds operated globally from January 2004 to December 2009. The dataset utilized in this study consists of monthly net asset value (NAV) per unit prices of 52 Islamic equity funds. The data were sourced from Bloomberg at the National Investment Company (NIC) in Kuwait. This sample was selected from a larger sample such that it only includes Islamic funds that mainly invest in equity. The sample for the Islamic equity funds represents nearly half of the funds currently in existence. This study examined monthly data for both domestic and global equity funds. The dataset includes information related to monthly net asset values (NAVs), management fees, DJIMI returns, a screened subset of 2,000 Shariah-compliant equities included in the broader Dow Jones World Index, S&P 500 Index returns, FTSE4Good Global Index returns, Morgan Stanley Capital International All Country (MSCI AC) World Index returns, and oil prices. In addition, price-weighted and equal-weighted prices for all mutual funds in each portfolio (Islamic, ethical, and conventional) were calculated in order to test the comparative performance. NAV, which is the value of a unit less its liabilities, is often measured in relation to mutual funds. This study standardizes the measurement of NAV from the beginning of the period in order to harmonize the NAVs of all mutual funds. The standardization of the funds is expected to help in calculating their performance. The growth or change in NAV is calculated by subtracting the previous period’s value from the current value, dividing the difference by the current value, and then multiplying the outcome by 100. In an Islamic equity mutual fund, a screening process examines the stock company’s source of income, and any non-Islamic activity represents greater than 10 percent of income, the stock of the company is deleted from the market (Iqbal & Molyneux, 2005). In addition, it may be relevant here to mention that the principal portion payments of a company’s stock are made when the ratio is greater than 33 percent; in an Islamic mutual fund, such a company’s stock is not permitted to function in the market. This is known as negative screening using financial statements. Table 1 provides the descriptive statistics for Islamic mutual funds and a comparison with ethical mutual funds and conventional mutual funds. As shown, all three funds have similar mean values and maintain almost the same level of dispersion. However, in terms of minimum and maximum values, the Islamic mutual funds differ from the other two; Islamic funds have the lowest minimum value (40.96%) and the highest maximum value (27.49%), although for all funds the minimum value is negative. 6 Figure 1: Descriptive Analysis of Islamic, Ethical, and Conventional Mutual Funds 40.0000% 30.0000% 20.0000% 10.0000% 0.0000% -10.0000% -20.0000% -30.0000% -40.0000% -50.0000% AVERAGE STDEV MIN MAX Islamic Mutual Funds 0.0662% 2.0942% -40.9627% 27.4887% Ethical Mutual Funds -0.1074% 0.8055% -31.6057% 13.8505% Conventional Mutual Funds 0.0932% 0.6881% -28.7428% 17.0154% Source: Bloomberg (2010) Regarding the geographical concentration of Islamic mutual funds, 46 percent of the funds used in this study are located in Saudi Arabia (see figure 2), which clearly indicates that Saudi Arabia dominates Islamic mutual fund ownership. However, it is worth mentioning that the assets of those funds are not necessarily invested in the same country (Saudi Arabia in this case). For example, if a Saudi Arabia–based company establishes a new Islamic mutual fund, it is normally supposed to declare the investment strategy for that fund, which usually reveals where the assets of that fund are invested. Nevertheless, in practice, companies often do not disclose their investment strategies; therefore, it is hard to determine where the funds’ assets are invested. Among the other countries/regions shown in figure 2, Kuwait with 23 percent and the United States, with 7 percent share, have the second and third-largest ownership of Islamic mutual funds, respectively. Bahrain, the United Arab Emirates, and Luxembourg, each with a 6 percent share, have third-largest shares of these funds. Figure 2: Geographical Focus of Islamic Mutual Funds 7 Bahrain 6% United States 7% Egypt 4% UAE 6% Ireland 2% Bahrain Egypt Kuwait 23% Ireland Kuwait Luxembourg Saudi Arabia 46% Saudi Arabia Luxembourg 6% Source: Bloomberg (2010) 3.1. Hypotheses Development To statistically prove the hypothetical assertion, this study empirically tested the following main hypotheses using a rich dataset as described above: Hypothesis 1: Holding everything else constant, there is no long-run relationship between Islamic mutual fund performance and oil price. Hypothesis 2: Holding everything else constant, oil price does not cause a change in the Islamic mutual fund performance. Hypothesis 3: Holding everything else constant, Islamic mutual fund performance does not cause a change in oil price. In addition to the above three main testable hypotheses, this study also tested the following two hypotheses, assuming that the data series is stationary: Hypothesis 4: There is a unit root in the oil price. Hypothesis 5: There is a unit root in Islamic mutual fund performance. The tests were conducted to examine the cointegration and causality between oil price and Islamic mutual fund performance in order to ascertain whether there is any relation in the long or short run between oil price and Islamic mutual fund performance. Time-series analysis was undertaken according to Driesprong et al. (2003), who found that changes in oil price strongly predict future stock market returns in many countries. Cointegration and causality between oil price and Islamic mutual fund were tested to determine whether there is any relation in the long or short run between oil price and Islamic mutual funds. 3.2. Statistical Techniques A paired sample t-test is conducted in cases in which the variances and standard deviations of two populations are unknown. More commonly, the only information available is that related to the sample collected, where we can obtain the sample 8 mean, the sample variance, and the sample standard deviation. If it is assumed that the samples are collected randomly and independently, drawn from populations that are normally distributed so that the population variances are equal, then a pooled-variance t-test can be used to determine whether there is a significant difference between the means of the two populations. Therefore, statistical t-tests were used to determine the mean, variances, and standard deviation (Berenson et al., 2002). A unit root test was also used, as autoregressive moving-average (ARMA) models require that the statistical inputs be a stationary time-series. A series is said to be (weakly or covariantly) stationary if the mean and autocovariances of the series do not depend on time. Any series that is not stationary is said to be nonstationary, and includes a unit root such that the number of differences (d) it takes for us to render the data stationary defines the level of stationarity, denoted I(d). Typically, for a timeseries to be rendered stationary, we must first-difference the observations, as in converting prices to returns, rendering the series an I(1) process. A common example of a nonstationary series is the random walk denoted as: yt yt 1 t where 𝑦𝑡 is the target variable in current and 𝑦𝑡−1 is one time lag of the same variable. 𝜀𝑡 is a stationary random disturbance term. The series y has a constant forecast value, conditional on time t, while the variance increases over time. The random walk is an I(1) stationary series, since the first difference of y is stationary as follows: yt yt 1 (1 L) yt t A first-difference stationary series is said to be integrated and is denoted as I(d), where d is the order of integration. The order of integration is the number of unit roots contained in the series, or the number of differencing operations it takes to make the series stationary. For the example of a random walk as shown above, there is one unit root, so it is an I(1) series. Similarly, a stationary series is I(0). Standard inference procedures do not apply to regressions, which contain an integrated dependent variable or integrated regressors. Therefore, it is important to check whether a series is stationary before using it in a regression. The formal method to test the stationarity of a time-series is the unit root test: the Augmented DickeyFuller (ADF) test or the Phillips-Perron (PP) test. The Granger causality test is another method used to analyze the data in this study. The Granger (1969) approach to the question of whether an independent variable (x) causes variation in the dependent variable (y) is to see how much of the current value of y can be explained by its past values. We should then move to examine whether adding lagged values of the independent x can improve the explanatory power of the model. The dependent variable y is said to be Granger caused by x if x helps in the prediction of y, or equivalently if the coefficients on the lagged x values are statistically significant. It should be noted that a two-way causation is frequently found such that x Granger causes y and y Granger causes x. It is important to address that the statement “x Granger causes y” does not imply that y is the effect or the result of x. Granger causality measures precedence and information contents but does not by itself indicate causality in the more common use of the term. 9 A primary step to follow when selecting the Granger causality view is to define the number of lags to be used in the test regressions. In general, it is better to use more rather than fewer lags, since the theory is bedded in terms of the relevance of all past information. A lag length should be chosen that corresponds to reasonable beliefs about the longest time over which one of the variables could help predict the other. Using E-Views software, we ran bivariate regressions of the form: 𝑦𝑡 = 𝛼0 + 𝛼1 (𝑦𝑡−1 ) + 𝛽(𝑥1 ) + 𝛽1 (𝑥𝑡−1 ) + 𝜖𝑡 𝑥𝑡 = 𝛼0 + 𝛼1 (𝑥𝑡−1 ) + 𝛽(𝑦1 ) + 𝛽1 (𝑦𝑡−1 ) + 𝜖𝑡 For all possible pairs of an (x, y) series in the group, the reported F-statistics are the Wald statistics for the joint hypothesis, and the null and alternative hypotheses, respectively, are reported as follows: 𝐻0 : 𝛼1 = 0; 𝛽1 = 0; 𝛽2 = 0 𝐻1 : 𝛼1 ≠ 0; 𝛽1 ≠ 0; 𝛽2 ≠ 0 For each equation, the null hypothesis is that x does not Granger cause y in the first regression and that y does not Granger cause x in the second regression. The test results are as shown in Table 1. Table 1: Pairwise Granger Causality Tests Null Hypothesis O bs. Oil price does not cause Islamic mutual fund performance Islamic mutual fund performance does not cause oil price 2 444 FStatistic 4.6622 2 0.4954 1 Lags: 2 Probab ility 0.0095 3 0.6093 8 For this example, we can reject the hypothesis that oil price does not Granger cause Islamic mutual fund performance, but we cannot reject the hypothesis that Islamic mutual fund performance does not Granger cause oil price. Therefore, it appears that Granger causality runs one-way from oil price to Islamic mutual fund performance but not the other way. Table 1 relates to Hypotheses 2 and 3, which narrate the causality and effect of oil price and Islamic mutual funds. A cointegration test was also used as part of the time-series analysis. The finding that many macroeconomic time-series may contain a unit root has spurred the development of the theory of non-stationary time-series analysis. Engle and Granger (1987) pointed out that a linear combination of two or more non-stationary series may be stationary. If such a stationary linear combination exists, then the nonstationary time-series are said to be cointegrated. The stationary linear combination is called the cointegrating equation and may be interpreted as a long-run equilibrium relationship among the variables. Two types of test statistics are reported in the cointegration results (the results are reported in the next section). The first block reports the so-called trace statistics, and the second block reports the maximum eigenvalue statistics. For each block, the first column is the number of cointegrating relations under the null hypothesis, the second column is the ordered eigenvalues of the matrix, the third column is the test statistic, 10 and the last two columns are the 5 percent and 1 percent critical values. The (nonstandard) critical values, which are taken from Osterwald-Lenum (1992), differ slightly from those reported in Johansen and Juselius (1990). To determine the number of cointegrating relations conditional in general on the assumptions made about the trend, we can proceed sequentially from r =0 to r = k-1 until we fail to reject the null hypothesis. The result of this sequential testing procedure is reported at the bottom of each table block in the next section of this paper. The trace statistic reported in the first block tests the null hypothesis of r cointegrating relations against the alternative of k cointegrating relations, where k is the number of endogenous variables, for r = 0, 1,…..,k-1. The alternative of k cointegrating relations corresponds to the case in which none of the series has a unit root and a stationary Vector Autoregressive (VAR) may be specified in terms of the levels of all of the series. The trace statistic for the null hypothesis of r cointegrating relations is computed as: k LRtr (r / k ) T log(1 i ) i r 1 where λi is the i-th largest eigenvalue of the matrix, which is reported in the second column of the output table. The second block of the output reports the maximum eigenvalue statistic, which tests the null hypothesis of r cointegrating relations against the alternative of r + 1 cointegrating relations. This test statistic is computed by Eviews as: LRmax (r / r 1) T log(1 r1 ) LRtr (r / k ) LRtr (r 1/ k ) for r = 0, 1, 2, 3, ……, k-1. 4. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION 4.1. Unit Root Results The prerequisite in applying the cointegration procedure is to make the unit root properties for the series. Thus, this study used PP statistics and ADF statistics to test unit root. The null hypothesis: There is a unit root in Islamic mutual fund returns, and there is a unit root in oil price if the null hypothesis is rejected, it means that the timeseries is stationary. Table 2: Unit Root tests (Augmented Dickey-Fuller) Augmen ted DickeyFuller Intercept Intercept and Trend No Intercept, No Trend Level 1st Lev 1st Le 1st Difference el Difference vel Difference Islamic mutual funds 5.7223* 9.9098* 5.706* 9.8332* 5.713* 9.9835* Oil 6.28526* 13.268* 6.281* 13.1733* 6.182* 13.364* Significance is shown at the 1% (***), 5% (**) and 10% (*) levels respectively The results in Table 2 show that the null hypothesis of the unit root is rejected under the ADF test at the 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance levels in 11 three cases: with intercept, with intercept and trend, and without intercept or trend for Islamic mutual fund returns and for oil returns. This indicates that the three series are stationary at the level I(0) at the 1 percent significance level, and at the first difference I(1) at the 1 percent significance level. Table 3: Unit Root Tests (Phillips-Perron) Phillip s-Perron Intercept Lev Islami c mutual funds Oil el 5.6749* 1st Difference 29.9852* Intercept and Trend Leve l 5.6595* 1st Difference 31.538* No Intercept, No Trend Le 1st vel Difference 5.664* 30.3908* 6.3694* 18.9749* 6.3666* 18.893* 6.269* Significance is shown at the 1% (***), 5% (**) and 10% (*) levels respectively 19.1441* Similarly, the results in Table 3 show that the null hypothesis of the unit root is rejected under the PP test at the 1 percent, 5 percent, and 10 percent significance levels in the three cases: with intercept, with intercept and trend, and without intercept or trend for Islamic mutual fund returns and for oil returns. This indicates that the three series are stationary at the level I(0) at the 1 percent significance level, and at the first difference I(1) at 1 percent significance level. 4.2. Granger Causality Results The results in Table 4 show that the Islamic mutual fund returns caused the mean oil price at lag 2, whereas the mean oil price did not cause the Islamic equity fund returns at lag 2. Like the Granger causality test discussed earlier, with a two-period lag, the null hypothesis that Islamic mutual fund returns do not determine the mean oil price is rejected at the 5 percent level of significance. This suggests that the twoperiod lagged performance of the Islamic mutual fund portfolio has an impact on current oil prices. However, it is important to note that the F-test (1.588) is significant at 5 percent rather than 1 percent as was observed with the one-period lagged Granger Causality test. The probability value with two periods of lag (0.0229) is higher than that with one period of lag (0.00735). This shows that the impact of Islamic mutual fund returns remains after a two-period lag, but with less effectiveness than after a one-period lag. On the other hand, the study failed to reject the null hypothesis that means oil price does not Granger Cause Islamic mutual fund returns. As was the case with one-period lag, two-period lagged mean oil price does not determine the current performance of Islamic mutual fund returns. Table 4: Granger Causality Tests (with maximum 5 lags) Obs Null Hypothesis . OILP* does not Granger Cause ISLPW ISLPW** does not Granger Cause OILP OILP (lag 2) does not Granger Cause ISLPW ISLPW (lag 2) does not Granger Cause OILP OILP (lag 3) does not Granger Cause 12 Pairwise Granger Causality Test Sample: 2004M01 2009M12 Probabi F-Statistic 71 71 0.03130 7.63722 0.86009 0.00735 70 1.58834 0.21209 70 4.00434 0.02291 69 0.83892 0.47769 lity ISLPW ISLPW (lag 3) does not Granger Cause 69 2.65036 0.05653 OILP OILP (lag 4) does not Granger Cause 68 0.98822 0.42109 ISLPW ISLPW (lag 4) does not Granger Cause 68 2.08676 0.09392 OILP OILP (lag 5) does not Granger Cause 67 1.31031 0.27288 ISLPW ISLPW (lag 5) does not Granger Cause 67 1.82168 0.12341 OILP Note: *Mean oil price; **Islamic mutual fund price-weighted portfolio Moreover, the findings of the study (table 4) reveal that Islamic equity fund returns caused the mean oil price at lag 3, while the mean oil price did not cause the Islamic equity fund return at lag 3. With a three-period lag, the Granger Causality test shows that the mean oil price does not have a deterministic role in Islamic equity fund returns. Thus, the study fails to reject the null hypothesis. However, with a three-period lag Granger causality test, the null hypothesis that Islamic mutual fund returns do not cause oil price is rejected at the 10 percent level of significance. Nevertheless, with a three-period lag, Islamic mutual fund returns Granger cause the mean oil price at the 10 percent level of significance, compared to the 1 percent and 5 percent levels, respectively, with oneand two-period lags, as observed earlier. The F-statistic of 0.05653 shows that Islamic mutual fund returns still cause the mean oil price, but the effectiveness is much less than it was with one- and two-period lags. On the fourth lag, the study rejects the null hypothesis that Islamic mutual fund returns Granger cause mean oil price. However, as the probability value of the FStatistic (0.09392) shows, that the test is barely significant at the 10 percent level. The decreasing significance level suggests that as time goes on, Islamic mutual fund returns become less effective; thus, the study fails to reject the null hypothesis. It suggests that oil prices do not have any deterministic role in Islamic mutual fund returns. Likewise, the result shown in Table 4 indicates that Islamic equity fund returns did not cause the mean oil price at lag five, nor did the mean oil price cause the Islamic equity fund returns at lag five. Thus, with a five-period lag, the study failed to reject the null hypothesis that mean oil price does not Granger cause Islamic mutual fund returns. Similarly, the null hypothesis is also rejected that Islamic mutual fund returns Granger cause mean oil prices with a five-period lag. What is worth noting with the five-period lag is that Islamic fund returns’ Granger Causality of mean oil price disappears, which is contrary to the result seen with one-, two-, three-, and four-period lags. 4.3. Cointegration Results The Johansen procedure employs two Likelihood Ratio (LR) test statistics—the maximal eigenvalue (λ-max) and trace (Tr) —to test for the presence or absence of a long-run relationship between the variables. The null hypothesis under maximal eigenvalue (λ-max) is that the number of cointegrations is r against the alternative of r + 1. The null hypothesis under -trace is that the number of cointegrations is less than or equal to r against the alternative that the number is greater than r. The result in Table 5 indicates the presence of two cointegrations between Islamic mutual fund returns and oil returns under the assumption that there is a linear deterministic trend in 13 the data and no trend in VAR, which means that it is possible to forecast using the historical prices of the other series in the long run. Table 5: Johansen Cointegration Test Results Sample (adjusted): 2004M04 2009M12 Trend assumption: Linear deterministic trend Lags interval (in first difference): 1 to 2 Included observations: 69 after adjustments Series: ISLPW OILP Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Trace) Trac Hypothesized No. of CE(s) e Eigen value Stati stic 0.05 Critical Value Pr ob.** 0.283 33.7 0. 4588 15.49471 0000 0.143 10.7 0. At most 1* 958 2509 3.841466 0011 Trace test indicates 2 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 5% level **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) p*Denotes rejection of the values hypothesis at the 5% level Unrestricted Cointegration Rank Test (Maximum Eigenvalue) Max Hypothesized -Eigen 0.05 Eigen Stati Critical Pr No. of CE(s) value stic Value ob.** 0.283 23.0 0. None* 684 2078 14.2646 0016 0.143 10.7 0. At most 1* 958 2509 3.841466 0011 Max-eigenvalue test indicates 2 cointegrating eqn(s) at the 5% level *Denotes rejection of the **MacKinnon-Haug-Michelis (1999) phypothesis at the 5% level values None* 684 5. CONCLUSION The main finding of this study is that oil price does not cause changes in Islamic mutual fund returns, whereas Islamic mutual fund returns cause changes in oil price. There is, however, no long-run relationship between the returns of Islamic mutual funds and oil price. This result is consistent with previous studies, which tell us that during the recession period, the stock market leads oil price because the equilibrium between demand and supply of oil is volatile and because oil is not only a fuel but also an investment commodity. No strong shocks in the oil market have been witnessed during recessionary periods. The stock market as an economic variable is one of the 11 leading indicators that make up the Leading Economic Indicators Index, which is assumed to lead the economy. Oil price is not one of those indicators and can generally be considered a coincident indicator. 14 REFERENCES Abderrezak, F. (2008), “The performance of Islamic equity funds: A comparison to conventional, Islamic and ethical benchmarks”, Unpublished Master’s Thesis: Maastricht, Netherlands: University of Maastricht. Abdullah, F., Hassan, T., & Mohammad, S. (2007), “Investigation of performance of Malaysian Islamic unit trust funds”, Managerial Finance, 33, 142153. 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