S.J.F Catholic Primary School Curriculum Map Year 5 (2015-2016) Autumn 1 Autumn 2 Topic Food Glorious Food Differences Subject Stories by significant Non Fiction: Can Literacy authors. ‘Billy the we save the tiger? Kid’ Michael Traditional Tales; Morpurgo Grimm Tales. Performance Poetry Persuasive writing Traditional tales: Beowulf Numeracy Spring 2 Summer 1 The World Around Us Poetry Judith Nicholls and Benjamin Zephaniah Traditional Tales: The three little pigs. Fiction: Stories from other cultures. Danny the champion of the world. Summer 2 Changes Text based Unit. Fiction: London Eye Mystery Text based Unit. Unit 2: Narrative poetry. The Highway Man Non Fiction Research Books Linked to Geography and Science Unit 3: Performance and play scripts: A Midsummer Night’s Dream Theme 1: T heme 2: Theme 4: Theme 4: Theme 7: Theme 7: Using place value to solve problems Solving problems using written methods (+/-, x/ ÷) Geometrical reasoning Geometrical reasoning Theme 5: Theme 5: Problem solving involving measures Solving problems using mental calculation and conversion Solving problems using mental calculation and conversion Problem solving involving measures Theme 8: Theme 6: Theme 6: Problem solving using mental & written strategies Developing and using fractional equivalence to solve problems Developing and using fractional equivalence to solve problems Community (Mission) Relating (Memorial sacrifice) Giving (sacrifice Theme 2: Solving problems using written methods (+/-, x/ ÷) Religion Spring 1 Family(ourselves) Belonging (life choices) Theme 3: Reasoning about fractions Loving (Hope Solving statistical problems Serving (Transformation) Inter-relating (Freedom & Theme 9: World (Stewardship Responsibility) Science Forces History The Vikings We are game developers. Art DT P.E Games Music Italian Research famous chemists/ Scientific investigation The Mayan Civilization Earth and Space The Mayan Civilization The British Isles/UK & Ireland. Counties and main towns. Where people settled and why. OS maps, grid references and symbols Geography ICT Properties &changes o of materials Healthy Eating campaign/ Bread Week Athletics Tag Rugby/ Volleyball & Football LA scheme of work MD We are architects: Creating a virtual space Containers Living things and their habitats Britain since 1948 N. America, physical and human features. We are bloggers: Media Reviews We are web developers Talking Textiles MD Swimming Tag Rugby/ Volleyball & Football MD Rivers and their features. Famous rivers and locality. Fieldwork- River Thames Earthquakes and canyons We are Artists We are cryptographers: Still Life (linked with life cycles) Musical Instruments Gymnastics Athletics/ Hockey Animals including humans Swimming Athletics/ Hockey MD Moving Toys Drama/ Dance Netball/ Rounders MD Drama/Dance Netball/ Rounders MD