Mandy L. Kirchgessner1 Doctoral Candidate, Temple University Curriculum, Instruction & Technology in Education Cell: 847.612.5240 Residence: El Paso, TX EDUCATION Temple University College of Education, Philadelphia, Pa. --Ed.D., Curriculum, Instruction &Technology in Education (CITE) anticipated Dec 2014 Dissertation, The Impact of Zoo Live Animal Presentations on Students’ Propensity to Engage in Conservation Behaviors Dissertation Committee: Diane Jass Ketelhut; Kristie Newton; Carol Brandt University of North Carolina, Wilington (UNCW), Wilmington, NC --M.A.T. Secondary Education, Science Advisor: Dennis Kubasko University of Arizona, Tucson, Az --B.A., Ecology and Evolutionary Biology May 2008 May 2003 PROFESSIONAL POSITIONS Informal Learning Consulting Owner, consultant 2014-present Association of Zoos and Aquariums Intern, Literature and Research 2014 John G. Shedd Aquarium Staff Training and Volunteer Coordinator 2008-2009 Phoenix Zoo Volunteer Coordinator 2003-2005 ACADEMIC POSITIONS 1 S.A.V.E. Science (Situated Assessments in Virtual Environments) Research Assistant, Temple University Principal Investigators: Diane Jass-Ketelhut, Ph.D., Temple University; Catherine C. Schifter, Ph.D., Temple University, Brian C. Nelson, Ph.D., Arizona State University 2010 – 2011 College of Education Graduate Assistant , University of North Carolina, Wilmington (UNCW) 2007 Note: Birth name Amanda Windman PUBLICATIONS Schifter, C.C., Natarajan, U.J, Ketelhut, D. Kirchgessner, M. L. & Carey, M. (under review) Data-driven decision making: Facilitating teacher use of data to inform classroom instruction. Contemporary Issues in Technology. Submitted August 2014. Bergey, B. W., Cromley, J. G., Kirchgessner, A. & Newcombe, N. (under review) Using Diagrams Versus Text for Spaced Restudy: Effects on Learning in 10th Grade Biology Classes. British Journal of Educational Psychology. Resubmitted with revisions August 2014. Pecore, J.L., Kirchgessner, M. L., Demetrikopoulos, M. K., Carruth, L. L., Franz, K.J. (under review). Formal lessons improve informal educational experiences: Influence of cognitive novelty on student engagement. Visitor Studies. Submitted July 2014. Tenam-Zemach, M., Kirchgessner, M., Pecore, J., Lai, L. & Hecht, S. (2014) Development of an innovative method for analyzing the presence of environmental sustainability themes and an ecological paradigm in science content standards. Studies in Education Evaluation, 4, 133-142. Pecore, J. L., Kirchgessner, M. L., & Carruth, L. L. (2013). Changes in science content knowledge and attitudes toward science teaching of educators attending a zoo-based neuroscience professional development. The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, 86(6), 238-245. Kirchgessner, M., & Ketelhut, D. (2012). Book review of Video games and learning: Teaching and participatory culture in the digital age. Science Education, 96(5), 963-965. CONFERENCE PRESENTATIONS Kirchgessner, M. K., Gill, S. Conservation educators – taking our practice to the next level. 1-hour workshop to be held at the National Association of Interpreters (NAI) National Workshop, Denver, CO. November 18-22, 2014. Kirchgessner, M. K. Exploration of animal use in programs and student conservation behavior change. Poster to be presented at the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. September 14-18, 2014. Pecore, J.L., Kirchgessner, M. L., Carruth, L.L., Demetrikopoulos, M.K., & Frantz, K.J. Pre-trip lesson raises engagement at zoo by reducing novelty. Poster to be presented at the Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) Annual Conference, Orlando, FL. September 14-18, 2014. Pecore, J. L., Kirchgessner, M. L., & Carruth, L. L. Possibilities of informal settings to impact science educators through unique collaborative professional development. Paper presented at the Association for Science Teacher Education (ASTE) Annual Conference. San Antonio, TX. January 15-18, 2014. Kirchgessner, M. L. Interpretive Placement: Fools Gold or Real Wealth? Presentation (concurrently webcast) for the National Association of Interpretation Annual Workshop, Reno, NV. November 6-9, 2013. Bergey,B. W., Cromley, J. G., Dai, T., Wills, T. W., & Kirchgessner, M. Comparing Two High School Classroom Interventions for Improving Comprehension of Chemistry Diagrams. Paper submitted to the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, SanFrancisco, April 27-May 1, 2013. Cromley, J. G., Bradley, B. W., Kirchgessner, M. & Willis, T. W. Combining Conventions of Diagrams Instruction and Repeated Practice in Biology Classes, Paper accepted for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, SanFrancisco, April 27-May 1, 2013. Tenam-Zemach, M., Pecore, J., Tenam Lai, L. & Kirchgessner, M. A Methodological Approach to Analyze Florida’s K-12 Next Generation Sunshine State Science Content Standards. Paper accepted for the annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, SanFrancisco, April 27-May 1, 2013 Teufel, C., Natarajan,U., Ketelhut, D.J., Shelton, A., Kirchgessner, M., & Schifter, C.C. Designing Professional Development for Scientific Inquiry. Presentation delivered at the annual meeting of the National Science Teacher’s Association (NSTA) Conference, Indianapolis, IN. March 31, 2012. Shelton, A., Willard, C., Kirchgessner, M., & Shriver, J. Technology Evaluations and Integration Ideas. Paper presented at the annual meeting of the Pennsylvania Educational Technology Expo and Conference, Hershey, PA, February, 14, 2012. Cromley, J. G., Bergey, B. W., Fitzhugh, S. L., Wills, T. W., Kirchgessner, M., Newcombe, N. Effectiveness of Student-Constructed Diagrams Versus Self-Explanation Instruction. Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, CA, April 13-17, 2012. Natarajan, U., Kirchgessner, M. & Jass Ketelhut, D. (2012) A Design Strategy for Scaling Up Implementations in Virtual Environments. Poster presented at European Conference of Game Based Learning (ECGBL), Cork, Ireland, October 4-5, 2012. Dai, T., Cromley, J. G., & Kirchgessner, M. Change in implicit self-beliefs about ability in biology and its effect on retention in STEM majors: A latent growth modeling approach. Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, CA, April 13-17, 2012. Kirchgessner, M., Perez, A. C., Dai, T., & Cromley, J. G. The Interplay Between Contingencies of Self-worth and Anxiety in Final Chemistry Grades. Paper presented at the 2012 annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association, Vancouver, CA. April 13-17, 2012. Kirchgessner, M., Huffman, R, Fischetti, J. (2007). Why Most Teachers are Staying. Poster presented at the North Carolina Teacher Educator Forum (NCTE): Raleigh, NC. INVITED LECTURE Should Zoos Exist? (May 2014) Invited by 6th grade teachers of Eisenhower Elementary School: Fort Leavenworth, Ks. Teaching the Nature of Science (November 2, 2011) Invited by Dr. John Pecore: Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Emerging Trends in Gaming and Computers in Education (March and October 2011). Joint discussion with Shelton, A. and Teufel, C. Invited by Dr. Catherine Schifter: Temple University, Philadelphia, Pa. Biology Teacher Summer Workshop: Dispelling Common Misconceptions and Clarifying Challenging Concepts (June 2007). Invited by Dr. Dennis Kubasko of UNCW and supported through the Science and Math Education Center (SMEC); Wilmington, NC. PROFESSIONAL MEMBERSHIPS American Educational Research Association (AERA) Association of Zoos and Aquariums (AZA) National Association of Interpreters (NAI) National Science Teacher Association (NSTA) North Carolina Science Teachers Association (NCSTA), Local Chapter President 2007-2008. Visitor Studies Association (VSA) INTERESTS Informal Education: Zoo, Aquarium, and Museum Education Conservation Psychology Environmental and Outdoor Science Affective and Behavioral Transformation through Informal Contexts Gaming Use and Assessment in Education PROFESSIONAL QUALIFICATIONS Computer Skills: Experienced in Blackboard structure and feature application Oversaw database software development and honed user-intuitive properties with external contractor Designed online educational mini-series for doctoral technology use and volunteer content education Proficient with Microsoft Office Applications Practiced in using a wide range of “cloud” storage and distribution systems (ie: Dropbox ©, TaskStream©, Google Docs,Prezi, etc) Familiar with Raiser’s Edge, Donor Management System Proficient in Redworks: Volunteer Works set up and management AWARDS “Graduate Fellowship” (2013-2014). College of Education, Temple University. “Volunteer of the Year” (2009). Chicago USAREC, United States Army. SERVICE El Paso Zoo Volunteer Operation Homefront Event Volunteer National Association of Research in Science Teaching Conference. Volunteer Assessor, Strand 6: Science Learning in Informal Contexts. Army FRG volunteer, leader, treasure August 2014 - present July 2014 – present March 2012 2007 - present