2015-2016 Early Release Day Professional Development Plan Date

October 7, 2015
January 20, 2016
March 1, 2016
April 20, 2016
2015-2016 Early Release Day Professional Development Plan
Elementary/ K-8/Middle/High Schools – All schools 3 hours early
Grab and Go lunches provided
After School Activities
Extended Day Activities, Field Trips, Community-Based Trips: Not permitted due to bus and bus driver availability
Practices: Not permitted for middle schools and must start after PD for high schools
After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP)
Begins 3 hours early to correspond with early release and remains open until the regular closing time.
Elementary/ K-8/ Middle/High Schools- All schools 3 hours early
High School students involved in make-up exams will have the option of riding a CMS bus home at 2:15 pm.
o High Schools will notify transportation specialist by 1 pm for students involved in make-up tests (name & address) who need transportation.
Grab and Go lunches provided
After School Activities
Extended Day Activities, Field Trips, Community-Based Trips: Not permitted due to bus and bus driver availability
Practices: Not permitted for middle schools and must start after PD for high schools
After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP)
Begins 3 hours early to correspond with early release and remains open until the regular closing time.
Elementary/K-8/Middle/High Schools- All schools 2 hours early due to ACT administration
Release time 12:15 pm
Grab and Go lunches provided
After School Activities
Extended Day Activities, Field Trips, Community-Based Trips: Not permitted due to bus and bus driver availability
Practices: Not permitted for middle schools and must start after PD for high schools
After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP)
Begins 2 hours early to correspond with early release and remains open until the regular closing time.
Elementary/K-8/Middle/High Schools-All schools 3 hours early
Grab and Go lunches provided
After School Activities
Extended Day Activities, Field Trips, Community-Based Trips: Not permitted due to bus and bus driver availability
Practices: Not permitted for middle schools and must start after PD for high schools
After School Enrichment Programs (ASEP)
Begins 3 hours early to correspond with early release and remains open until the regular closing time.
ASEP 3-hour Early Release for School Professional Development
1. ASEP will begin program 3 hours earlier and remain open until the regular closing time.
2. ASEP will charge additional $20 per day for students who are not registered in the program already. All other students already registered will attend at no additional
3. ASEP will utilize cafeteria temps for additional staffing, if possible.
4. Children should be registered two weeks prior to dates of Teacher’s PD.
5. Principal/Designee should provide additional space for overflow of drop-in students.
6. ASEP sites cannot exceed licensing requirements.
7. Principal/Designee should assist with parent notification—Connect ED; ASEP newsletters; and day school teachers notes in students’ backpack.
8. Site coordinators should develop a substitute list and the substitutes will commit to the four days.
Athletics 3-hour Early Release for School Professional Development
High School
No district-wide stance; each high school will develop a plan for their student-athletes as they determine necessary.
Practice cannot begin until professional development is completed.
No travel to away game and/or preparation for home game can begin until professional development is completed.
Faculty coaches not permitted to supervise student-athletes on early release days until professional development is completed; Exception: a non-faculty coach and/or
a principal designee coach, CSA, BMT, etc.
Out-of-season student-athletes are not permitted to participate in skill development, conditioning and weight training on early release days.
Middle School
1. No middle school contests are scheduled on early release days.
2. No middle school practices are permitted on early release days.