Lesson Part
Assessment of
Prior Learning or
(Sequence start)
Standard (Common
Central Focus (CF)
Learning Target (LT)
Academic Language to be used:
Materials (with specific count)
Lesson Part
Activity description/Teacher does Students do
Previous Lessons in Air and Weather Unit (FOSS Science Kits):
Finished Investigation I: Air and have done parts 1 and 2 of
Investigation 2: Weather
Watching Clouds
1) 2-3 INQA Scientific investigations are designed to gain knowledge about the natural world.
--PE: Explain how observations can lead to new knowledge and new questions about the natural
2) 2-3 PS2A: Objects have properties, including size, weight, hardness, color, shape, texture, and magnetism. Unknown substances can sometimes be identified by their properties
--PE: List several properties of an object
Students will identify the properties of three different kinds of clouds (cirrus, cumulus, stratus)
Focus Question: How are clouds alike and how are they different? (write up on the board at beginning of the lesson)
These should be measurable objectives – one for each Standard.
1) Students will:
--learn the properties of three main cloud types through
“The Cloud Book” and by observing clouds outside
--describe in writing the three main types of clouds in detail
--predict what kinds of weather different clouds bring and write their predictions in their science notebooks
--if extra time: create cloud “buddies” using the cloud properties just learned
Critical new vocabulary: cumulus, cirrus, stratus, clouds, properties/attributes
Review vocabulary: weather, partly cloudy, and overcast.
Make sure to include any textbook pages and worksheets, journal pages, etc.
And if you have a textbook page or a worksheet that you are using, please include a copy for me so I can better assess your lesson plan.
--“The Cloud Book” by Tomie de Paola (one for the class)
--FOSS lesson kit w/ necessary materials for each student
--clouds worksheet (one blank and one w/ cloud names for each student)
--clipboards and pencils to write on during story (22—one per student)
--science notebooks (one per student)
--white paper to make cloud buddies, markers to label, blue paper for background, and colored paper for legs (22 of each for each students)—teacher may make this as a visual tool for review.
Activity description/Teacher does Students do
BEFORE—Engage and Encounter
-Direct students to the back carpet to read “The Cloud Book” by
-Students come to the carpet
-As book is read, students
Tomie de Paola
T: “Please bring a pencil and the worksheet on your desk and grab a clipboard before coming back to the carpet.”
-Pass out blank “all about clouds” worksheets (have on desk when listen for types of clouds and their descriptions. ( split students into 3 groups and have them listen for a they come back from lunch/recess?)
T: “Good afternoon scientists, today we are going to start our science time off by reading a book! Sometimes, good scientists read about the topic they are studying, this is called research. As we read this book today I want you to write down the kinds of clouds mentioned and think about how you would describe them. Try to use your own words.”
-Read story aloud, pausing to talk about each cloud as it is mentioned particular type of cloud?
-Students will participate in discussion w/ vocabulary.
-After story is finished, go through the types of clouds and their properties
Informal Discussions throughout book and worksheet w/ types of clouds Students participate in
(if needed)
DURING—Explore & Investigate
T: “Scientists, now we are going to go outside and observe the clouds we can see! When we go outside I want you to take your clipboard with pencil and worksheet with you.”
Line students up at the door and explain the next set of directions:
T: “As we look at the sky I want you to write down any observations you see about the clouds, either in the cloud bubble on the worksheet or on the back. Everyone needs to stay together because I will be asking you all more questions as we watch the clouds.”
-Lead students outside to observe the clouds and decide which clouds they can see currently.
T: “What kinds of clouds can you see?
“How can you tell (hopefully properties are mentioned here) ?
“What is unique about each kind of cloud?”
“What makes clouds move?”
“If the wind is blowing very hard, what happens to the clouds?”
“If there is no wind, what happens to the clouds?”
“What do you think clouds are made of?”
Worksheet filled out with observed descriptions Informal
Activity (if needed)
AFTER—Reflect & Explain
--Bring students back to carpet and discuss the clouds observed and how students could differentiate them.
T: “How are these clouds alike? Different?
“What properties do the clouds have so that we can tell them
“What makes clouds move?
--Based on student responses, explain how to tell the clouds apart and record their definitions on the “What We Learned” poster.
Discussion Informal
If there is extra time, make these “cloud buddies” with students to show where in the sky the particular clouds are and what they look like. **otherwise draw similar caricatures on the “What We Have
Learned” poster as an extra visual for further use. discussions and write on worksheet.
-Students observe the clouds and write down observed descriptions of clouds they can see.
-Students participate in discussion
Students fill out worksheet.
-Students will participate in discussion
Students participate in discussion
Students make cloud buddies or draw them in their science notebooks.
Clouds are made accurately and labelled appropriately Informal
Activity (if needed)
Assessment of
Student Voice
Vocabulary developed through discussion above in the “After” section.
Student discussion and observations shared with partners and some with the class.
CLOSURE—Apply & Extend
T: “I want you to finish our science time with a prediction. Based on our observations and research (inquiry standard) , what kinds of weather do you think different clouds bring? For example, do
Students make cloud buddies correctly.
Students help fill out the
“What We Learned Chart”.
Students will listen and think about their own predictions.
Students will complete page in science notebook.
0 cumulus clouds always bring warm, sunny days? Think back to the weather calendar we have been making this week. What was the weather like one each day? Do you remember what kind of clouds were out that day?”
Use “Turn and Talk” talk move
T: “Can I have 3 or 4 predictions before we go back to our desks and write them in our Science Notebooks?”
Use “Say More” and “Repeat” talk moves
T: “Thank you for sharing your predictions! Remember class, it is okay if your predictions are different than your classmates. As you write your predictions in your science notebook use this sentence starter: I think _____cloud brings _____ kind of weather because ________.
-Model writing on the document camera.
-Have students complete the page in their Science Notebooks which ask, “What kinds of weather do different clouds bring?”