Subjects to be chosen by Mobility Direct students. Proper way of including a course in your Learning Agreement: OR you can choose courses from Erasmus Programme list: in “Course Unit Code” please put the code you find in description, for example: 1300D2P0017. Please know that the subjects listed below are also included in the Erasmus list on www. Important! Faculties reserve their right to open a course if at least 5 students enroll for them. If one of the courses does not open, there will be other options. You will be informed about the changes. Faculties’ codes: Faculty of Philology: 01 Faculty of Philosophy and History: 02 Faculty of Biology and Environmental Protection: 04 Faculty of Law and Administration: 05 Faculty of Economics and Sociology: 06 Faculty of Educational Sciences: 07 Faculty of Management: 08 Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science: 11 Faculty of International and Political Studies: 13 Faculty of Geography: 14 Faculty of Physics and Applied Informatics: 15 Faculty of Chemistry: 16 Prepared by International Relations Office UŁ, May 2015 FACULTY OF PHILOLOGY - 01 Department of Journalism: Winter and summer semester List of courses: 1. Journalism and press journalist’s profession, 8 ECTS 2. Journalistic and Artistic Radio Theory and practice, 10 ECTS 3. Media Market in Poland, 10 ECTS 4. Advertising, 8 ECTS. Institute of German studies: Winter semester List of courses: 1. Deutsche Publizistik, 3 ECTS 2. Deutsches Mediensystem, 3 ECTS 3. Sprachpraxis1 A1, A2, B1, 6 ECTS 4. Sprachpraxis3 A2, B1, B2, 6 ECTS. 5. Sprachpraxis5 B1, B2, C1, 5 ECTS. 6. Phonetik 1, 2 ECTS. 7. Phonetik 3, 2 ECTS. 8. Praktische Grammatik 1, 2 ECTS. 9. Praktische Grammatik 3, 2 ECTS. 10. Praktische Grammatik 5, 2 ECTS. 11. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 1 (Jahrhundertwende und Expressionismus), 4 ECTS. 12. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 3 (Aufklärung), 4 ECTS. 13. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 5 (Vormärz, Biedermeier), 4 ECTS. 14. Lesen und Schreiben von wissenschaftlichen Texten, 2 ECTS. 15. Beschreibende Grammatik der deutschen Sprache 2, 4 ECTS. 16. Sprachpraxis Englisch 1, 4 ECTS. 17. Sprachpraxis Englisch 3, 4 ECTS. 18. Sprachpraxis Englisch 5, 4 ECTS. 19. Englische Grammatik, 6 ECTS. 20. Elemente der englischen Geschichte und Kultur, 3 ECTS. 21. Elemente der englischen Literaturgeschichte, 6 ECTS. 22. Sprachpraxis Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch 1 (für nicht Fortgeschrittene), 4 ECTS. 23. Sprachpraxis Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch 3 (für nicht Fortgeschrittene), 6 ECTS. 24. Sprachpraxis Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch 5 (für nicht Fortgeschrittene), 5 ECTS. 25. Textanalyse, 3 ECTS. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Deutscher Film, 3 ECTS. Deutsches Theater, 3 ECTS. Interkulturelles Training, 3 ECTS. Schreiben von journalistischen Texten, 3 ECTS. Stilistik, 3 ECTS. Geschichte der deutschen Philosophie, 3 ECTS. Projekt, 3 ECTS. Rhetorik, 3 ECTS. Kontrastive Grammatik, 3 ECTS. Latein, 3 ECTS. Textgrammatik, 3 ECTS. Businesskommunikation, 3 ECTS. Semantik und Pragmatik, 3 ECTS. Fachsprache 1, 3 ECTS. Sprachpraxis, 4 ECTS. Interkulturelles Training, 3 ECTS. Vorbereitung auf die C2-Prüfung, 5 ECTS. Konversation 2, 2 ECTS. Deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur, 5 ECTS. Mediävistik, 5 ECTS. Literaturtheorie, 5 ECTS. Modelle der Sprachbeschreibung, 5 ECTS. Fremdsprachendidaktik 2, 4 ECTS. Summer semester List of courses: 1. Deutsche Publizistik, 3 ECTS 2. Schreiben von journalistischen Texten, 3 ECTS. 3. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 4: Klassik, Romantik Realismus, Naturalismus, 4 ECTS 4. Elemente der englischen Geschichte und Kultur, ECTS. 5. Deutsches Mediensystem, 3 ECTS 6. Sprachpraxis2 A2, B1, B2, 6 ECTS. 7. Sprachpraxis4 A2, B1, B2, 4 ECTS. 8. Sprachpraxis6 B1, B2, C1, 5 ECTS. 9. Phonetik 2, 2 ECTS. 10. Phonetik 4, 2 ECTS. 11. Praktische Grammatik 2, 2 ECTS. 12. Praktische Grammatik 4, 2 ECTS. 13. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 2, 4 ECTS. 14. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 4: Klassik, Romantik, 4 ECTS. 15. Geschichte der deutschen Literatur 6: Realismus, Naturalismus, 4 ECTS. 16. Verstehen von wissenschaftlichen Texten, 2 ECTS. 17. Beschreibende Grammatik der deutschen Sprache 1, 4 ECTS. 18. Beschreibende Grammatik der deutschen Sprache 3, 4 ECTS. 19. Sprachpraxis Englisch 2, 4 ECTS. 20. Sprachpraxis Englisch 4, 4 ECTS. 21. Sprachpraxis Englisch 6, 4 ECTS. 22. Englische Grammatik, 6 ECTS. 23. Elemente der englischen Literaturgeschichte, 6 ECTS. 24. Sprachpraxis Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch 2 (für nicht Fortgeschrittene), 4 ECTS. 25. Sprachpraxis Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch 4 (für nicht Fortgeschrittene), 6 ECTS. 26. Sprachpraxis Französisch, Spanisch, Italienisch 6 (für nicht Fortgeschrittene), 5 ECTS. 27. Deutscher Film, 3 ECTS. 28. Deutsches Theater, 3 ECTS. 29. Interkulturelles Training, 3 ECTS. 30. Kontrastive Grammatik, 3 ECTS. 31. Latein, 3 ECTS. 32. Textgrammatik, 3 ECTS. 33. Businesskommunikation, 3 ECTS. 34. Semantik und Pragmatik, 3 ECTS. 35. Fachsprache 2, 3 ECTS. 36. Konversation 1, 2 ECTS. 37. Praktische Grammatik, 2 ECTS. 38. Kreatives Schreiben, 2 ECTS. 39. Schreiben von wissenschaftlichen Texten, 3 ECTS. 40. Deutsche Gegenwartsliteratur, 5 ECTS. 41. Deutsche Sprachwissenschaft, 5 ECTS. 42. Historische Grammatik, 5 ECTS. 43. Medien in der Didaktik, 5 ECTS. 44. Aktivierende Methoden im Fremdsprachenunterricht, 5 ECTS. 45. Fremdsprachendidaktik 1, 2 ECTS. Institute of English studies: Winter semester List of courses: 1. American history and culture, 2, 2 ECTS 2. American literature 3, 4 ECTS 3. 0100-ERAS856 Integrated skills – module 1, 4 ECTS 4. 0100-ERAS625 Integrated skills – module 2, 4 ECTS 5. 0100-ERAS627 Integrated skills – module 3, 4 ECTS 6. 0100-ERAS626 Integrated skills – module 4, 4 ECTS 7. 0100-ERAS628 Integrated skills – module 5, 4 ECTS 8. 0100-ERAS523 Integrated skills – module 6, 4 ECTS 1. 0100-ERAS090 Phonetics 1, 2 ECTS 2. 0100-ERAS092 Phonetics 3, 2 ECTS 3. 0100-ERAS094 Practical grammar 1, 2 ECTS 4. 0100-ERAS109 Descriptive Grammar 1, 4 ECTS 5. 0100-ERAS112 Descriptive Grammar 3, 4 ECTS 6. 0100-ERAS114 HISTORY AND VARIETIES OF ENGLISH, 4 ECTS 7. 0100-ERAS103 British Literature 1, 6 ECTS 8. 0100-ERAS437 British Literature 3, 6 ECTS 9. 0100-ERAS101 British History and Culture 1, 4 ECTS 10. 0100-ERAS107 American History and Culture 1, 4 ECTS 11. 0100-ERAS115 Writing and text Analysis I, 2 ECTS 12. 0100-ERAS436 Introduction to literary studies, 2 ECTS 13. 0100-ERAS493 History of Theatre, 4 ECTS 14. 0100-ERAS67 History of Film, 6 ECTS 15. 0100-ERAS45 History of Art, 4 ECTS 16. 0100-ERAS654 Writing and Understanding Academic Texts, 2 ECTS 17. 0100-ERAS390 Language in the media, 5 ECTS 18. 0100-ERAS162 Intercultural Communication, 5 ECTS 19. 0100-ERAS858 Basic Issues in English Linguistics: Morphology and Syntax, 5 ECTS 20. 0100-ERAS682 Language and cognition, 5 ECTS 21. 0100-ERAS681 PSYCHOLINGUISTIC ASPECTS OF MULTILINGUALISM, 5 ECTS 22. 0100-ERAS595 Introduction to Corpus Linguistics, 5 ECTS 23. 0100-ERAS709 Language and the Mind, 5 ECTS 24. 0100-ERAS679 The Art of Argumentation, 5 ECTS 25. 0100-ERAS696 Semantics, Stylistics, Semiotics, 5 ECTS 26. 0100-ERAS685 British Representatives of the Theatre of the Absurd and Their Antitotalitarian Plays, 5 ECTS 27. 0100-ERAS638 Otherness in Literature, 5 ECTS 28. 0100-ERAS859 Cool Britannia: New British Film, Music, Culture and Literature, 5 ECTS 29. 0100-ERAS558 Television Comedy and Popculture, 5 ECTS 30. 0100-ERAS496 Beyond Realism: The Last 30 Years of British Prose, 5 ECTS 31. 0100-ERAS865 Myth, Fairy Tale or Fable? The Allegorical Mode in Contemporary Fiction, 5 ECTS 32. 0100-ERAS622 From History through Introspection to Periphery. The British TwentyFirst Century in the Novel, 5 ECTS 33. 0100-ERAS860 Contemporary British Literature: painful awakenings, 5 ECTS 34. 0100-ERAS861 The Literary in Theory, 5 ECTS 35. 0100-ERAS862 Representations of femininity, race and religion in contemporary British literature and culture, 5 ECTS 36. 0100-ERAS863 Self-reflexivity in contemporary British fiction and film, 5 ECTS 37. 0100-ERAS864 Drama and Controversy, 5 ECTS 38. 0100-ERAS866 The American Southwest in Literature and the Visual Arts, 5 ECTS 39. 0100-ERAS867 The Minimalist Aesthetics in 20th Century American Literature and Visual Arts, 5 ECTS 40. 0100-ERAS868 American Literature before 1945, 5 ECTS 41. 0100-ERAS503 The Disney Version, or How Do Disney Films Change Their Input Material, 5 ECTS 42. 0100-ERAS608 An Early English (Medieval and Early Modern) Literature Seminar, 5 ECTS 43. 0100-ERAS636 Myth, Fairy Tale and Fable: The Allegorical Mode in Contemporary Fiction, 5 ECTS 44. 0100-ERAS647 The Motif of the Desert and Wilderness in American literature, from Romanticism to Postmodernism, 5 ECTS 45. 0100-ERAS869 Nothing like the guy painters? Women in the American Visual Arts, 5 ECTS 46. 0100-ERAS870 Music and Literature: Intermedial Connections in the North American Context” , 5 ECTS 47. 0100-ERAS871 Adaptation: cross-cultural and cross-media encounters, 5 ECTS 48. 0100-ERAS152 Fairies in Tradition and Literature, 5 ECTS 49. 0100-ERAS872 Creative Writing: The Art of Storytelling, 6 ECTS 50. 0100-ERAS873 Visual Culture and Social Communication, 5 ECTS 51. 0100-ERAS875 A critical discourse analysis perspective on Media and Communication, 5 ECTS 52. 0100-ERAS874 Classroom-oriented research, 5 ECTS 53. 0100-ERAS624 Integrated Skills (A+B) , 4 ECTS 54. 0100-ERAS117 Academic Writing, 4 ECTS 55. 0100-ERAS643 Research Theory and Methodology, 4 ECTS 56. 0100-ERAS630 Language and Society, 6 ECTS 57. 0100-ERAS631 Language, Mind, and Culture, 6 ECTS 58. 0100-ERAS876 Sociolinguistic Approaches to Identity, 6 ECTS 59. 0100-ERAS877 The Body – Cultural Theory and Practice, 6 ECTS 60. 0100-ERAS878 Britain in Film: Society and Culture, 6 ECTS 61. 0100-ERAS879 Femme fatale, then and now, 6 ECTS 62. 0100-ERAS606 Accents in teaching and researching the pronunciation of English, 6 ECTS 63. 0100-ERAS880 Word and Image, 6 ECTS 64. 0100-ERAS881 Drama and film adaptations of literature, 6 ECTS 65. 0100-ERAS882 Cultural Theory and Practice, 6 ECTS 66. 0100-ERAS883 Anglo-phone Fantastic Literature, 6 ECTS 67. 0100-ERAS680 Psycholinguistics and English Language Teaching, 6 ECTS 68. 0100-ERAS697 Meanings and styles, 6 ECTS 69. 0100-ERAS884 A Tree of Night: North American Gothic, 6 ECTS Institute of Russian Studies: Winter semester List of courses: 1. Вступление в теорию и методологию перевода, 3 ECTS 2. Грамматика русского языка (морфология) – функциональный аспект 3. История русской литературы первой половины XIX – начала XX вв. 4. История русской литературы первой половины XIX – начала XX вв., 4 ECTS 5. История русской литературы после 1917 года, 4 ECTS 6. Перевод литературных текстов 7. Перевод нелитературных текстов 8. Практика русской речи (письмо), 2 ECTS 9. Практика русской речи (практическая фонетика, практическая грамматика с орфографией), 3 ECTS 10. Практика русской речи, 2 ECTS 11. Русский язык в сфере бизнеса, 2 ECTS 12. Русский язык в сфере туризма, 2 ECTS 13. Современная русская лексикография, 4 ECTS 14. Украинский язык с элементами функциональной грамматики, 4 ECTS 15. Филологический анализ текста, 2 ECTS Summer semester List of courses: 1. Грамматика русского языка (синтаксис) – функциональный аспект, 3 ECTS 2. История русской литературы второй половины XIX – начала XX вв. (1855-1917), 4 ECTS 3. Практика русской речи (говорение и аудирование, письмо), 1 + 1 + 3 ECTS 4. Практика русской речи (говорение и понимание, письмо), 4 + 4 ECTS 5. Практика русской речи (практическая грамматика + орфография), 2 ECTS 6. Русский язык в сфере бизнеса, 4 ECTS, 7. Русский язык в сфере туризма, 4 ECTS FACULTY OF PHILOSOPHY AND HISTORY - 02 Winter semester List of courses: 1. 0200-ERAS014 Aesthetic of jazz, 6 ECTS 2. 0200-ERAS082 A Comparative Analysis of Leibniz’s Monadology and Ontology of Wittgenstein’s Tractatus logico-philosophicus (Prof. Marek Rosiak), 6 ECTS 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 0200-ERAS059 Art, Philosophy, Criticism. Aesthetic Dilemmas of Modernity, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS083 Basic Notions of Contemporary Ontology (Prof. Marek Rosiak) , 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS040 Cognitive Science. Selected Top, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS056 Computational Theories of Mind, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS058 Contemporary Theories of Proper Names and Natural Kind Terms, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS084 Hauptströmungen der europäischen Ethik (Prof. Andrzej Maciej Kaniowski) , 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS053 Introduction to Classical Philosophy, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS085 Introduction to Aesthetics (Justyna Czupiłka, MA) , 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS057 Introduction to Contemporary Epistemology, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS052 Introduction to Political Philosophy, 6 ECTS, 0200-ERAS066 Introduction to Phenomenological Ontology (Prof. Marek Rosiak) , 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS067 Introduction to Process Philosophy (Prof. Marek Rosiak) , 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS043 Issues in Philosophy of Religion, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS055 Metaphysics and Ontology, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS055 Methodology of social research, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS086 Mythology and Philosophy in Richard Wagner’s Musical Works (Prof. Marek Rosiak) , 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS054 Philosophical Anthropology, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS087 Philosophical Theories of Part and Whole (Prof. Marek Rosiak) , 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS041 Philosophy of Language, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS030 Polish Analytical Philosophy, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS069 Rhetoric and Argumentation, 6 ECTS, 0200-ERAS051 Speech Act Theory, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS042 Theories of Metaphor, 6 ECTS, 6 ECTS 0200-ERAS033 Vegetarianism. Social and Cultural Aspect, 6 ECTS. FACULTY OF BIOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION - 04 Winter semester List of courses: 1. 0400-BAM21D Ecohydrology, 6 ECTS 2. 0400-S143UD Ecotoxicology, 6 ECTS 3. 0400-S144UD Environmental / Landscape Planning, 5 ECTS 4. 0400-S145UD Environmental Protection Politics, 3 ECTS 5. 0400-S142UD Environmental Modelling and Statistics, 3 ECTS 6. 0400-BAM02D Molecular genetics, 6 ECTS 7. 0400-BAM35D The human genome, 3 ECTS 8. 0400-BAM36D Human genetics, 3 ECTS 8 MOBILITY DIRECT 9. 0400-BAM45D Stem cells, 3 ECTS 10. 0400-BAM46D Microbes and their hosts, 3 ECTS 11. 0400-BAM06D Physiology of animals/Principles of neural sciences, 3 ECTS 12. 0400-BAM33D Plant in vitro culture: theory and practice, 3 ECTS 13. 0400-BAM27D Sustainable development- the challenge of XXI century, 3 ECTS 14. 0400-BAM29D Paradise not yet lost- enormous biodiversity in waters, 6 ECTS 15. 0400-BAM30D Freshwater ecology, 3 ECTS 16. 0400-BAM44D Ecology of Parasitism, 3 ECTS 17. 0400-BAM42D Insect diversity and adaptations, 3 ECTS 18. 0400-BAM32D Aging of cells and organisms. Why do we age; can the process of aging be prevented or modiefied? , 6 ECTS Summer semester List of courses: 1. 0400-S243UD Applied Aquatic Ecology, 4 ECTS 2. 0400-BAM49D Cancer Epigenetics, 3 ECTS 3. 0400-BAM48D Cell cycle, apoptosis and cancer, 3 ECTS 4. 0400-BAM17D Dental Anthropology, 3 ECTS 5. 0400-BAM28D DNA damage and repair, 6 ECTS 6. 0400-WO0003 Ecohydrology and Ecological Biotechnologies as a Key for Bioeconomy and Adaptation to Global Changes, 6 ECTS 7. 0400-BAM50D Epigenetics and Lifestyle, 3 ECTS 8. 0400-BAM31D Fluorescence and fluorescence probes in biological research, 3 ECTS 9. 0400-BAM51D Genetics and Genomics in Medicine, 3 ECTS 10. 0400-BAM13D Genetic engineering, 3 ECTS 11. 0400-BAM09D Molecular genetics II, 3 ECTS 12. 0400-S241UD Phytotechnologies & Phytoremediation, 5 ECTS 13. 0400-S246UD Urban Ecohydrology, 4 ECTS 14. 0400-S242UD Wetlands & Land-Water Ecotones, 3 ECTS FACULTY OF LAW AND ADMINISTRATION - 05 Winter semester List of courses: 1. European Economic Law, 4 ECTS 2. International Criminal Law, 4 ECTS 3. Introduction to Criminal Law (part 1; part 2), 4 ECTS 4. Introduction to European Institutional Law, 6 ECTS 5. Introduction to Public Law, 6 ECTS 6. Oldest Legal Systems in the World. A History of Ancient Near Eastern Law , 4 ECTS 9 MOBILITY DIRECT 7. Polish Labour Law and Industrial Relations, 4 ECTS 8. Protection of fundamental rights in the EU, 4 ECTS Summer semester List of courses: 1. American civil procedure, 4 ECTS 2. Anti- discrimination Law, 4 ECTS 3. Classical Republican and Liberal Traditions in the System of Polish Public Law, 4 ECTS 4. Competition Law and State Aid, 4 ECTS 5. Eastern Partnership – Enhancement of the EU’s political and economic relations with its neighbours, 4 ECTS 6. Europäisches Wirtschaftsrecht, 4 ECTS 7. European Constitutional Law , 4 ECTS 8. European Labour Law, 4 ECTS 9. International Labour and Employment Law, 4 ECTS 10. International Tax Law, 4 ECTS 11. Introduction to Private Law, 4 ECTS 12. Polish Civil Procedure in European Law Perspective, 4 ECTS 13. Polish Constitutional Law, 4 ECTS 14. Private International Law of the European Union (advanced course), 4 ECTS 15. The EU System of Judical Protection, 4 ECTS 16. The Protection of Human Rights, 2 ECTS 17. The United States Income Tax System, 4 ECTS 18. Актуальные проблемы конституционного права, 4 ECTS 19. Entertainment Law, 4 ECTS 20. Le droit anti- discrimination de l’UE 4ECTS FACULTY OF ECONOMICS AND SOCIOLOGY - 06 Winter semester List of course 1. 2. 3. 4. 0600-ERASM419 Statistical Methods of Polling and Representative Studies, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM420 Socio-economic statistics, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM422 European Cohesion Policy and Convergence, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM426 Econometric methods for panel data models and multidimensional analysis, 3 ECTS. 10 MOBILITY DIRECT 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32. 33. 34. 35. 36. 37. 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 0600-ERASM331 Multinational Corporations, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM147 Internal control and internal auditing, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM148 Financing SMEs innovation, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM159 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM184 Fiscal Policy in Theory and Practice, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM296 Policy mix and financial system stability, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM183 Management of Corporate Finance, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM243 Stock Exchange Market, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM270 Cost Accounting, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM281 Financial Control in Accounting, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM165 Derivative Market, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM164 Corporate Finance, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM163 Capital Market, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM428 International Finance, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM429 Creativity in personnel activitie, 6 ECTS.s 0600-ERASM162 Human Resource Management, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM430 Modern monetary policy, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM431 Making use of Eurostat inout-output tables and WIOD, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM432 Advanced Methods in Spreadsheets, 6 ECTS. 0600-EK521B Globalisation and economic development, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM217 Microeconomics, Advanced Course, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM438 Investment Decisions and Company’s Financial Strategies, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM141 Macroeconomics, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM304 Microeconomía Intermedia, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM439 Project Management, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM440 Strategic Management, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM289 History of economic thought, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM148 Statistical Methods for Management, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM441 Statistical Market Analysis, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM146 Financial Mathematics, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM443 Statistical Analysis of Investment Risk, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM444 Application of probability in economics, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM187 Business Systems, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM136 International Economic Policy, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM446 European Union Trade Policy, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM447 Sustainable Development, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM188 Economic Policy in the European Union, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM333 European Banking, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAHG1B Economic History, 6 ECTS. 11 MOBILITY DIRECT 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 0600-EAMA1B Mathematics I, 10 ECTS. 0600-EAMM1B Marketing, 3 ECTS. 0600-EAMN1B Microeconomics I, 10 ECTS. 0600-EAOO1B Introduction to Sociology, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAOW1B Protection of Intellectual Property, 3 ECTS. 0600-EAVE1B Ethics, 3 ECTS. 0600-EAYQ1B Introduction to Law, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAZZ1B Management, 3 ECTS. 0600-EAEA3B Labou market economics, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAFP3B Public Finance, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAGB3B Knowledge-based Economy, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAGI3B Instiutions of Market Economy, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAGO3B Economy and Environment, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAPL3B Economic Policy, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAZE5B Establishing and Running a Small Firm, 6 ECTS. 0600-EAHG1B Economic History, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM336 Sociology of Art, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM337 Culture and Modern Film, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM338 Theater – History and Sociology, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM339 Social Aspects of Contemporary Art, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM340 National Culture and International Communication, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM341 Visual Sociology and Anthropology, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM342 Documentary and Artistic Photography, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM343 Film – Art and Document in Social Analysis, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM344 Art, Communication and Society, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM345 Introduction to the Methods of Quantitative Research, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM346 Data Collection in Survey Research (PAPI/CAPI/CATI/CASI/CAWI) , 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM347 Questionnaire Design for Social Surveys, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM348 Methods and Analysis of Secondary Data, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM349 Coping with Problems in Sociological Research. Complicated Research Fields, Complicated Topics, “Difficult” Respondents, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM350 CADAS Laboratory: How to Design and Implement Computer Assisted Surveys, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM351 Computer Assisted Telephone Interview (CATI): When? Why? How? , 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM352 Methods for Multivariate Analysis: Use of Statistical Packages for Advanced Data Processing, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM353 Evaluation Research, 6 ECTS. 12 MOBILITY DIRECT 78. 79. 80. 81. 82. 83. 84. 85. 86. 87. 88. 89. 90. 91. 92. 93. 94. 95. 96. 97. 98. 99. 100. 101. 102. 103. 104. 105. 106. 107. 108. 109. 110. 111. 0600-ERASM354 Media Research, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM355 Education and labour market - a sociological perspective, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM356 The contemporary ideas of university, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM357 From educational to intellectual capital – education in micro and macro perspective, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM358 Social and cultural determination of education patterns, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM359 Multiculturality and Cross-national Communication, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM360 Late Capitalism And Its Corporate Order in European Societies (Kamila. Biały, Ph.D.) / 30 hours, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM123 Cultural Aspects of European Integration, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM361 Memory, Biography and Collective Identities, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM362 Work and Identity, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM363Migration and Mobility, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM364 Biographical Experience(s) of Transformation, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM365 Sociology, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM366 Social inequalities, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM367 Social and economic indicators in comparative research, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM368 Human ecology and sustainable development, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM369 Environmental planning and management, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM370 Quality of life and sustainable development, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM246 Gender and Society, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM371 Sociological Perspective on Body and Sexuality, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM372 Gender Diversity and Gender Inequality, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM373 Women and Men in Family and Intimate Relationships, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM404 Biographical Research, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM405 CADAS Laboratory - Computer Assisted Data Collection in Social and Market Research, 12 ECTS. 0600-ERASM406 Computer-assisted Qualitative Data Analysis, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM407 Discourse Analysis, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM408 Group Process, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM409 Organizational Ethnography, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM410 Pathology of Media. Research Workshop, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM411 Qualitative Methods in Social Research, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM412 Quantitative Data Analysis - SPSS Computer Workshops, 12 ECTS. 0600-ERASM413 Queer Cinema: a Sociological Workshop on LGBT- related Movies, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM414 Social, Psychological and Emotional Competencies for Modern Day, 6 ECTS. 0600-ERASM415 Society in the Movies. Social Aspects of Motion Pictures, 6 ECTS. 13 MOBILITY DIRECT 112. 0600-ERASM416 Sociological Use of Photography, 6 ECTS. 113. 0600-ERASM418 Mouvements sociaux, 6 ECTS. Summer semester List of courses: 1. 0600-ERASM419 Statistical Methods of Polling and Representative Studies, 6 ECTS. 2. 0600-ERASM421 Geographical information system in economic research, 6 ECTS. 3. 0600-ERASM423 Analysis and forecasting of economic phenomena, 6 ECTS. 4. 0600-ERASM424 Spatial Analysis, 6 ECTS. 5. 0600-ERASM425 Forecasting in practice, 6 ECTS. 6. 0600-ERASM426 Econometric methods for panel data models and multidimensional analysis, 6 ECTS. 7. 0600-ERASM375 Negotiations, 6 ECTS. 8. 0600-ERASM258 Social responsibility of business, 6 ECTS. 9. 0600-ERASM278 Public relations, 6 ECTS. 10. 0600-ERASM376 Sociology of work and organization, 6 ECTS. 11. 0600-ERASM377 Communication in organizations, 6 ECTS. 12. 0600-ERASM301 Creative Advertising, 6 ECTS. 13. 0600-ERASM378 Meditation for managers. Emotions management, 6 ECTS. 14. 0600-ERASM302 Persuasive Communication in Leadership, 6 ECTS. 15. 0600-ERASM250 Intercultural communication, 6 ECTS. 16. 0600-ERASM379 Sociology of politics, 6 ECTS. 17. 0600-ERASM63 Political communication, 6 ECTS. 18. 0600-ERASM381 The classical and contemporary concepts of power, 6 ECTS. 19. 0600-ERASM382 Gender sexuality in politics, 6 ECTS. 20. 0600-ERASM383(Not so) Free elections. Persuasion and manipulation in the language of politics, 6 ECTS. 21. 0600-ERASM384 Are we united? Sociopolitical cleavages in sociological analysis, 6 ECTS. 22. 0600-ERASM385 Qualitative and quantitative methods of sociological researches in politics, 6 ECTS. 23. 0600-ERASM387 Religion and spirituality in (post)modern society, 6 ECTS. 24. 0600-ERASM388 European context of family policy in the UE, 6 ECTS. 25. 0600-ERASM389 Investing in children, 6 ECTS. 26. 0600-ERASM390 Active ageing, 6 ECTS. 27. 0600-ERASM391 Young people on the labour market, 6 ECTS. 28. 0600-ERASM392 Social exclusion and poverty, 6 ECTS. 29. 0600-ERASM393 The mechanisms of shaping the public opinion, 6 ECTS. 30. 0600-ERASM394 Media Communication in 21st century, 6 ECTS. 14 MOBILITY DIRECT 31. 0600-ERASM395 Debates and Debating, 6 ECTS. 32. 0600-ERASM396 New technology in communication, 6 ECTS. 33. 0600-ERASM397 Capitalism and its Criticism, 6 ECTS. 34. 0600-ERASM399 Science & Technology in Late-Capitalist Societies, 6 ECTS. 35. 0600-ERASM400 Capitalism in Modern Art, 6 ECTS. 36. 0600-ERASM169 Local Community Studies, 6 ECTS. 37. 0600-ERASM195 Urban Sociology, 6 ECTS. 38. 0600-ERASM402 Looking into the city - workshop on contemporary phenomena taking place in the city, 6 ECTS. 39. 0600-ERASM403 Social Capital, 6 ECTS. 40. 0600-ERASM410 Pathology of Media. Research Workshop, 6 ECTS. 41. 0600-ERASM411 Qualitative Methods in Social Research, 6 ECTS. 42. 0600-ERASM412 Quantitative Data Analysis - SPSS Computer Workshops, 6 ECTS. 43. 0600-ERASM413 Queer Cinema: a Sociological Workshop on LGBT- related Movies, 6 ECTS. 44. 0600-ERASM415 Society in the Movies. Social Aspects of Motion Pictures, 6 ECTS. 45. 0600-ERASM331 Multinational Corporations, 6 ECTS. 46. 0600-ERASM483 Intergovernmental Fiscal Relations, 6 ECTS. 47. 0600-ERASM184 Fiscal Policy in Theory and Practice, 6 ECTS. 48. 0600-ERASM296 Policy mix and financial system stability, 6 ECTS. 49. 0600-ERASM183 Management of Corporate Finance, 6 ECTS. 50. 0600-ERASM243 Stock Exchange Market, 6 ECTS. 51. 0600-ERASM270 Cost Accounting, 6 ECTS. 52. 0600-ERASM281 Financial Control in Accounting, 6 ECTS. 53. 0600-ERASM427 International Business Finance, 6 ECTS. 54. 0600-ERASM163 Capital Market, 6 ECTS. 55. 0600-ERASM165 Derivative Market, 6 ECTS. 56. 0600-ERASM429 Creativity in personnel activities, 6 ECTS. 57. 0600-ERASM162 Human Resource Management, 6 ECTS. 58. 0600-ERASM431 Making use of Eurostat inout-output tables and WIOD, 6 ECTS. 59. 0600-ERASM432 Advanced Methods in Spreadsheets, 6 ECTS. 60. 0600-EK521B Globalisation and economic development, 6 ECTS. 61. 0600-ERASM138 Labour market and public policy, 6 ECTS. 62. 0600-EA001B Sustainable Development, 6 ECTS. 63. 0600-ERASM433 Ecobusiness sector- new trends in the global economy, 6 ECTS. 64. 0600-ERASM434 Die Grundsatze der Mikro- und Makrookonomie, 6 ECTS. 65. 0600-ERASM435 Foreign direct investment in the global economy. Comparative aspects, 6 ECTS. 66. 0600-ERASM436 Towards a green economy, 6 ECTS. 15 MOBILITY DIRECT 67. 0600-ERASM217 Microeconomics, Advanced Course, 6 ECTS. 68. 0600-ERASM437 Small business management, 6 ECTS. 69. 0600-ERASM269 Economic History, 6 ECTS. 70. 0600-ERASM289 History of economic thought, 6 ECTS. 71. 0600-ERASM147 Risk in Strategic Management, 6 ECTS. 72. 0600-ERASM159 Statistical Methods of Decision Making, 6 ECTS. 73. 0600-ERASM199 Foundation of Mathematical Statistics, 6 ECTS. 74. 0600-ERASM445 Statistics in Socio-Economic Research, 6 ECTS. 75. 0600-ERASM144 Contemporary Problems of the World Economy, 6 ECTS. 76. 0600-ERASM137 International Trade Transactions, 6 ECTS. 77. 0600-ERASM446 European Union Trade Policy, 6 ECTS. 78. 0600-ERASM447 Sustainable Development, 6 ECTS. 79. 0600-ERASM188 Economic Policy in the European Union, 6 ECTS. 80. 0600-ERASM333 European Banking, 6 ECTS. 81. 0600-ERASM334 Portfolio Theory and Investment Analysis, 6 ECTS. 82. 0600-EAAM2B Macroeconomics I, 10 ECTS. 83. 0600-EAEI2B European Integration Economics, 6 ECTS. 84. 0600-EAEI2B European Integration Economics, 6 ECTS. 85. 0600-EAMA2B Mathematics II, 6 ECTS. 86. 0600-EAST2B Statistics, 6 ECTS. 87. 0600-EAVI2B Information Technology, 6 ECTS. 88. 0600-EAVR2B Introduction to Accounting, 8 ECTS. 89. 0600-EAEK4B Econometrics, 6 ECTS. 90. 0600-EAFN4B Corporate Finance, 6 ECTS. 91. 0600-EACT6B Controlling, 6 ECTS. 92. 0600-EAYI6B Financial Markets, 6 ECTS. FACULTY OF EDUCATIONAL SCIENCES - 07 Winter semester List of courses: 1. Developmental Social Psychology, 4 ECTS 2. People Cross Cultures (psychological view), 4 ECTS 3. Selected methods of work with family, 5 ECTS 4. Selected Social Research Methods, 5 ECTS 5. Social Problems in Public Discourse, 4 ECTS 6. Youth Community Work in Impoverished Areas, 5 ECTS 7. The techniques of creative thinking, 3 ECTS. 16 MOBILITY DIRECT Summer semester List of courses: 8. Family Child Abuse - 5 ECTS 9. Organizational and work psychology - 4 ECTS 10. Professionalization and Supervision in Social Work - 5 ECTS 11. Psychology of Creativity - 4 ECTS 12. Reproductive Psychology - 4 ECTS 13. Selected Menaces to Child Development - 3 ECTS 14. Teaching and Learning in Multicultural environment – 5 ECTS FACULTY OF MANAGEMENT - 08 Winter semester List of courses: 1. Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Business, 7 ECTS 2. Business Environment, 3 ECTS 3. Excellence Management Tools, 3 ECTS 4. IT Tools for Business, 3 ECTS 5. Management Information Systems, 3 ECTS 6. Managerial Accounting, 5 ECTS 7. Market and Marketing, 4 ECTS 8. Organization Competencies and Capabilities, 6 ECTS 9. Performance Measurement, 6 ECTS 10. Professional Skills Development, 5 ECTS 11. Understanding Business I, 6 ECTS 12. Introduction to Management, 6 ECTS 13. Economics, 6 ECTS 14. Organization Theory, 6 ECTS 15. Cost Accounting, 5 ECTS 16. Change and Innovation Management, 4 ECTS 17. HRM and Organization Development, 3 ECTS 18. Artificial Intelligence in Management, 3 ECTS 19. Corporate Finance, 3 ECTS 20. Management Information Systems, 3 ECTS 21. Organisational Culture, 9 ECTS 22. Sustainability Standards, 9 ECTS 23. Business Ethics, 6 ECTS 24. Corporate Social Responsibility, 6 ECTS 25. Management of Non-Governmental Organizations, 6 ECTS 26. European Regional Policy, 6 ECTS 27. Marketing Communication, 6 ECTS 17 MOBILITY DIRECT 28. Public Finance, 6 ECTS 29. Decision Making, 6 ECTS 30. Organization Design/Strategic Management, 6 ECTS 31. International Finance, 6 ECTS 32. Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice, 6 ECTS 33. Entrepreneurship Development, 6 ECTS Summer semester List of courses: 1. Introduction to Law, 6 ECTS 2. Economics, 6 ECTS 3. Understanding Business II, 4 ECTS 4. Organizational Behavior, 5 ECTS 5. Fundamental of Accounting/Financial, Accounting, 7 ECTS 6. Fundamentals of Finance, 3 ECTS 7. Applied Mathematics and Statistics for Business, 9 ECTS 8. Databases for Management, 9 ECTS 9. Applied Corporate Finance, 4 ECTS 10. Management Accounting, 6 ECTS 11. Performance Measurement, 4 ECTS 12. International Financial Reporting, 4 ECTS 13. Organisational Culture, 9 ECTS 14. Sustainability Standar, 9 ECTS 15. Public Sector Economics, 9 ECTS 16. Business Ethics, 6 ECTS 17. Management of Non-Governmental Organizations, 6 ECTS 18. Global Business Challenges, 6 ECTS 19. Europen Regional Policy, 6 ECTS 20. Marketing Communication, 6 ECTS 21. Public Finance, 6 ECTS 22. Decision Making, 6 ECTS 23. Corporate governance, 6 ECTS 24. Introduction to Database Management Systems, 6 ECTS 25. Project Development, 6 ECTS 26. International Finance, 6 ECTS 27. Entrepreneurship in Theory and Practice, 6 ECTS 28. Entrepreneurship Development, 6 ECTS 18 MOBILITY DIRECT FACULTY OF MATHEMATICS AND COMPUTER SCIENCE – 11 Winter semester List of courses: 1. 1100-TP0UEN Advanced Programming Techniques, 6 ECTS 2. 1100-AX0UMM Analysis of Mathematical Texts, 5 ECTS 3. 1100-EA0ENG Algebra and Number Theory, 6 ECTS 4. 1100-AT0UEN Algorithmic Techniques, 5 ECTS 5. 1100-AC0ENG Algorithms and Complexity (IGL), 5 ECTS 6. 1100-AI0UEN Artificial Intelligence, 6 ECTS 7. 1100-CC0UII Computer Aided Calculations, 5 ECTS 8. 1100-CG0LEU Computer Graphics, 6 ECTS 9. 1100-DM0ENG Discrete Mathematics, 5 ECTS 10. 1100-IC0ENG Introduction to Computer Science, 6 ECTS 11. 1100-ID0ENG Introduction to Databases, 6 ECTS 12. 1100-PI0ENG Introduction to Programming, 6 ECTS 13. 1100-IT0ENG IT Work Environment, 4 ECTS 14. 1100-LS0ENG Logic with Elements of Set Theory, 4 ECTS 15. 1100-MA0UEN Modelling and Analysis of Computer Systems, 5 ECTS 16. 1100-OP0ENG Object-Oriented Programming, 5 ECTS 17. 1100-PU0UEN Programming Web Services, 5 ECTS 18. 1100-ZP0UEN IT Projects Management, 6 ECTS. 19. 1100-JW0UEN Machine-Language Programming, 6 ECTS. Summer semester List of courses: 1. 1100-AV0ENG Advanced Algorithms (IGL), 6 ECTS 2. 1100-SA0UEN Application Servers, 5 ECTS. 3. 1100-CA0ENG Architecture of Computer Systems, 3 ECTS 4. 1100-CP0ENG Basic Programming, 3 ECTS 5. 1100-CN0ENG Computer Networks, 5 ECTS 6. 1100-SB0UEN Database Systems, 3 ECTS 7. 1100-GF0UEN Graph and Network Theory, 5 ECTS 8. 1100-IO0ENG Introduction to Operating Systems, 6 ECTS 9. 1100-MA1ENG Mathematical Analysis 1, 6 ECTS 10. 1100-PS0ENGMethods of Probability and Statistics, 5 ECTS 11. 1100-BO0UEN Operations Research, 5 ECTS 12. 1100-PD0ENG Programming and Data Structures, 6 ECTS 13. 1100-PD0UEN Programming Paradigms and Languages, 5 ECTS 14. 1100-SI0ENG Software Engineering (IGL), 5 ECTS, 15. 1100-HC0LEUHistory of Computer Science (IGL) 2 ECTS 19 MOBILITY DIRECT FACULTY OF INTERNATIONAL AND POLITICAL STUDIES - 13 Winter semester List of courses: 1 . 1300-D1W0038 A better Britain: modern images of utopia, 3+2 ECTS, 2 . 1300-D1P0071 Academic Writing in English, 3+2 ECTS, 3 . 1300-D2S0067 American Welfare State, 3+2 ECTS, 4 . 1300-D1S0044 Basics of Effective Communication and Presentation, 5+2 ECTS, 5 . 1300-D2S0011 Consumer Behaviour, 3+2 ECTS, 6 . 1300-D2S0068 Contemporary Political and Media Satire, 3+2 ECTS, 7 . 1300-D1P0062 Cultural aspects of marketing, 3+2 ECTS, 8 . 1300-D2W0033 Deutschland nach 1945 - der Werdegang einer geteilten Nation 1945, 4+2 ECTS, 9. 1300-D1P0089 Economic Policy, 4+2 ECTS, 10. 1300-D1PX102 Economics, 4+2 ECTS, 11. 1300-FJ51DS Effective Communication and Presentation, 4+2 ECTS, 12. 1300-D1S0079 Entrepreneurship and Business Planning, 7+2 ECTS, 13. 1300-D2S0076 España dividida: diferencias religiosas, sociales y politicas, 3+2 ECTS, 14. 1300-D2S0152 European political systems and elections, 3+2 ECTS, 15. 1300-A227VGm Feminist Literature and Philosophy, 5+2 ECTS, 16. 1300-A222VGm Feminist Methodology: Interdisciplinary Methods in Women’s Studies, 10+2 ECTS, 17. 1300-A224VGm Feminist Theory: Between Difference and Diversity, 10+2 ECTS, 18. 1300-D1S0088 Film adaptations of world literature , 3+2 ECTS, 19. 1300-D1S0002 Fundamentals of Management, 5+2 ECTS, 20. 1300-275VG Gender & Academic and Creative Writing, 5+2 ECTS, 21. 1300-A396VG Gender Representations in Advertising, 5+2 ECTS, 22. 1300-D1WLN12 German, 3+2 ECTS, 23. 1300-D1S0089 Global and regional identities, 3+2 ECTS, 24. 1300-D2P0015 Globalisation and Regionalisation, 3+2 ECTS, 25. 1300-D2W0021 Global Markets, 4+2 ECTS, 26. 1300-D1P0019 History of International Relations, 3+2 ECTS, 27. 1300-D2P0064 History of political institutions, 3+2 ECTS, 28. 1300-D1P0088 International Economic Relations, 5+2 ECTS, 29. 1300-D1WTX12 Internationale Marketing (German), 4+2 ECTS, 30. 1300-D2P0016 International Financial Markets, 2+2 ECTS, 31. 1300-A461VX International Forecasting and Simulations, 5+2 ECTS 32. 1300-D2S0060 International Marketing, 3+2 ECTS, 33. 1300-D2S0062 International Marketing Communication, 3+2 ECTS, 34. 1300-D1P0094 International Political Relations, 2+2 ECTS, 35. 1300-D2P0017 International Protection of Human Rights, 3+2 ECTS, 36. 1300-D1P0091 International Public Law, 2+2 ECTS, 37. 1300-D2P0013 International Security, 5+2 ECTS, 38. 1300-D2P0040 International Social Policy, 3+2 ECTS, 20 MOBILITY DIRECT 39. 1300-A530VGm Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 2, 5+2 ECTS, 40. 1300-D1S0082 Introduction to Asian Studies, 5+2 ECTS, 41. 1300-D1S0032 Introduction to International Marketing Communications, 5+2 ECTS, 42. 1300-D1P0068 Introduction to Multimedia Technology, 3+2 ECTS, 43. 1300-D1WLJ11 Japanese Language, 3+2 ECTS, 44. 1300-D1P0063 Literary studies: introduction, 6+2 ECTS, 45. 1300-D2S0075 Los movimientos sociales y políticos en América Latina en el siglo XX y XXI, 3+2 ECTS 46. 1300-D1WTX13 Marketing Internacional (spanish), 4+2 ECTS, 47. 1300-D1WTX11 Marketing International , (French), 4+2 ECTS, 48. 1300-D2S0009 Marketing Management, 3+2 ECTS, 49. 1300-D2P0012 Methodology of Social Sciences and Humanities, 2+2 ECTS, 50. 1300-D2W0035 Middle East between War and Peace, 4+2 ECTS, 51. 1300-D2S0066 Minorities in the USA, 3+2 ECTS, 52. 1300-D1P0064 Multiculturalism: world-wide approaches, 4+2 ECTS, 53. 1300-D1P0093 Musical Culture, 2+2 ECTS, 54. 1300-D2W0034 National Minorities in Contemporary World, 4+2 ECTS, 55. 1300-D1W0047 Perception of actors in politics and business, 4+2 ECTS, 56. 1300-D1S0084 Philosophies, Religions and Cultures in East Asia, 5+2 ECTS 57. 1300-D1P0058 Philosophy, 6+2 ECTS, 58. 1300-D2P0063 Philosophy and ethics of politics, 3+2 ECTS, 59. 1300-D1P0070 Photography – aesthetics and technical issues, 3+2 ECTS, 60. 1300-D1P0039 Political and Economic Geography, 2+2 ECTS, 61. 1300-D2P0065 Political communication, 3+2 ECTS, 62. 1300-D2S0061 Political Marketing, 3+2 ECTS, 63. 1300-D2P0066 Political psychology, 3+2 ECTS, 64. 1300-D2P0062 Political sociology, 3+2 ECTS, 65. 1300-D1P0038 Political Systems, 2+2 ECTS 66. 1300-D2P0067 Political theory, 4+2 ECTS, 67. 1300-D2S0151 Political transition and transformation, 3+2 ECTS, 68. 1300-D1S0001 Principles of Marketing, 7+2 ECTS, 69. 1300-D1S0034 Public and non-profit marketing, 4+2 ECTS, 70. 1300-ERAS06 Religion and the State, 3+2 ECTS, 71. 1300-D1P0020 Science of State, 3+2 ECTS, 72. 1300-D1P0096 Sociology, 4+2 ECTS, 73. 1300-D1WLH12, Spanish 3+2 ECTS 74. 1300-D1P0040 Statistics, 5+2 ECTS, 75. 1300-D2S0010 Strategic Management, 3+2 ECTS, 76. 1300-D2S0010 Theatre in the World: Survey, 6+2 ECTS, 77. 1300-D2S0010 The Body in the Feminist Theory and Practice, 5+2 ECTS, 78. 1300-D2P0014 Theory of International Relations, 3+2 ECTS, 79. 1300-A397VG War and Imperialism: Feminist and Postcolonial Perspectives on Nationalism, 5+2 ECTS, 80. 1300-A223VG Women’s Movements Worldwide, 5+2 ECTS, 81. 1300-D1P0095 World’s Religions and Philosophical Systems, 4+2 ECTS 21 MOBILITY DIRECT 82. 1300-ERAS09 Инновационные направления современной политологии: концепции, модели, подходы, 3+2 ECTS, 83. 1300-ERAS07 Политические системы государств Центральной и Восточной Европы, 3+2 ECTS, Summer semester List of courses: 1. 1300-D2W0014 Advertising, 2+2 ECTS 2. 1300-D1P0067 Aesthetics and Beauty Canon, 3+2 ECTS 3. 1300-D2S0070 American Ideology in Popular Culture, 3+2 ECTS 4. 1300-D2S0072 American Memory: Discourses, Narratives, Aesthetics, 3+2 ECTS 5. 1300-D1W0058 American Popular Culture, 3+2 ECTS 6. 1300-D2S0071 American Television Series, 3+2 ECTS 7. 1300-D2S0046Brand Management, 3+2 ECTS 8. 1300-D1WLC21 Chinese Language, 3+2 ECTS 9. 1300-D1S0078 Colonial and Postcolonial Encounters, 3+2 ECTS 10. 1300-D2W0046 Contemporary Conflicts and Global Responses, 3+2 ECTS 11. 1300-D1S0085 Contemporary History of East Asia, 4+2 ECTS 12. 1300-D1W0040 Crimes of the British Empire, 4+2 ECTS 13. 1300-A560VG Cultural Representation of the Madness and Gender, 5+2 ECTS 14. 1300-D1P0036 Demography, 2+2 ECTS 15. 1300-D2P0032 Development Economics, 3+2 ECTS 16. 1300-D2P0029 Economic Law of EU, 3+2 ECTS 17. 1300-D1PX202Economics, 5+2 ECTS 18. 1300-D1S0036 E-marketing and Social Media, 5+2 ECTS 19. 1300-D2S0065 E-Marketing, 3+2 ECTS 20. 1300-D1W0039 Environmental governance and political, social and economic sustainability, 4+2 ECTS 21. 1300-D2S0154 Ethnomanagement, 3+2 ECTS 22. 1300-D1P0072 European Integration, 3+2 ECTS 23. 1300-D2P0070 European law and European Institutions, 6+2 ECTS 24. 1300-D1WLF22 French, 3+2 ECTS 25. 1300-D2S0039 Finance Management, 3+2 ECTS 26. 1300-D1S0037 Fundamentals of Human Resources Management, 5+2 ECTS 27. 1300-D1P0043 Fundamentals of Law, 2+2 ECTS 28. 1300-A420VG Gender and Welfare State: International Perspective, 5+2 ECTS 29. 1300-D1WLN22 German, 3+2 ECTS 30. 1300-D1P0066 Humanities, Anthropology and Social Sciences: Methodology, 5+2 ECTS 31. 1300-D1S0037 Human Resource Management, 2+2 ECTS 32. 1300-A285VGm Human Rights and Gender, 5+2 ECTS 33. 1300-D2S0078 Identidades de América Latina y Península Ibérica, 3+2 ECTS 34. 1300-D1P0021 Intellectual Property Rights, 2+2 ECTS 35. 1300-D1P0098 International Cultural Relations, 3+2 ECTS 36. 1300-D2P0030 International Economic Transactions, 2+2 ECTS 37. 1300-D2P0031 International Environmental Protection 22 MOBILITY DIRECT 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. 49. 50. 51. 52. 53. 54. 55. 56. 57. 58. 59. 60. 61. 62. 63. 64. 65. 66. 67. 68. 69. 70. 71. 72. 73. 74. 75. 76. 77. 78. 79. 80. 1300-D1P0060 International Media, 5+2 ECTS 1300-D2W0048 International negotiations and conflict solutions 1300-D1P0042 International Organizations, 2+2 ECTS 1300-D1S0086 International Relations and Security Issues of East Asia, 4+2 ECTS 1300-D1WTX22 Internationale marketing (in German), 4+2 ECTS 1300-A554VGm Intersectionality and Audience Analysis in the Feminist Classroom, Part 1, 5+2 ECTS 1300-A421VG Introduction to Gender in Postmodern Visual Culture, 5+2 ECTS 1300-A421VG Introduction to Project Management, 7+2 ECTS 1300-D1W0053 Israel – politics, society, culture, 4+2 ECTS 1300-D1WLJ21 Japanese language, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1P0059 Legacy of Antiquity in Modern Times, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0077 Los acontecimientos actuales en América Latina y Península Íberica, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1WTX23 Marketing Internacional (Spanish) , 4+2 ECTS 1300-D1WTX21 Marketing International (french) , 4+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0040 Marketing Research, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1P0097 Masterpieces of World Literature, 4+2 ECTS 1300-D1W0067 Media and War in the World, 3+2 ECTS 1300-A263VG Men and Masculinities, 5+2 ECTS 1300-D2P0068 Methodology of Political Science, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1P0069 Modern culture: Theories, 5+2 ECTS 1300-D1S0091 Performance studies: international approaches, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1S0091 Photography - aesthetics and technical issues, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0064 Place Branding, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1P0041 Polish Foreign Policy, 2+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0069 Political Campaigns in the Media, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1S0058 Principles of International Marketing, 7+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0106 Project Management, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0063 Public Sector Management, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1P0099 Regions of the World: Regionalism, 5+2 ECTS 1300-D1S0080 Sales, Export and Business Negotiations, 6+2 ECTS 1300-D2P0069 Social and political movements, 5+2 ECTS 1300-D1P0061 Social communication, 4+2 ECTS 1300-D2W0013 Social Media, 2+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0168 Social Media, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D1S0004 Social Psychology, 5+2 ECTS 1300-D2S0101 Sprach-Workshop: Wirtschaftsdeutsch 1300-D2S0153 State environmental management, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D2W0047 Terrorism in the global world, 3+2 ECTS 1300-D2W0042 The Role of Social Media in Contemporary People's Movements 1300-D1S0090 Visual culture, 3+2 ECTS 1300-ERAS10 Культура-история-политика, 5+2 ECTS 1300-ERAS19 Управление государственными органами, 5+2 ECTS 1300-ERAS18 Управление изменениямив политике и экономике, 5+2 ECTS 23 MOBILITY DIRECT 81. 1300-ERAS17 Управление регионами, крупными городами и органами местного самоуправления -политический аспект, 5+2 ECTS FACULTY OF GEOGRAPHY - 14 Winter semester List of courses: 1. 1400-MD01 Water in the landscape of Łódź city, 3 ECTS 2. 1400-EM19 Springs of Łódź city and its surrounding, 3 ECTS 3. 1400-EM01 Tourist region, 3 ECTS 4. 1400-EM15 Tourism and socialist legacy, 3 ECTS 5. 1400-MD01 туристический продукт (Turisticzeskij produkt – Tour produkt) , 3 ECTS 6. 1400-EM14 The use of Topographic Database in spatial analyzes (variety of applications) , 3 ECTS 7. 1400-EM06 Conservation of culture heritage, 3 ECTS 8. 1400-ERASM5 Principles of landscape ecology, 3 ECTS 9. 1400-EM05 Landscapes of Poland, 3 ECTS 10. 1400-EM17 The European Landscape Convention, 3 ECTS 11. 1400-EM16 National minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, 3 ECTS 12. 1400-EM08 Prices in hotel industry, 3 ECTS 13. 1400-EM07 Mental Maps and images in geography, 3 ECTS 14. 1400-EM20 Urban social geography, 3 ECTS 15. 1400-EM21 Methods in human geography, 3 ECTS 16. 1400-MD02 Агротуризм как элемент развития сельскохозяйственных территорий (Agroturism kak element razwitia selskohozjajstwiennych territoij) , 3 ECTS 17. 1400-EM22 Туристические ресурсы Польши (Turisticzeskije riesursy Pol'szy) , 3 ECTS 18. 1400-EM23 Туристические ресурсы Лодзинского воеводствa (Turisticzeskije riesursy Lodzinskowo wojewodstwa) , 3 ECTS 19. 1400-EM24 Туристички ресурси Пољскe (Turistički resursi Poljske) , 3 ECTS 20. 1400-EM25 Туристички ресурси Војводствa Лођ (Turistički resursi Vojvodstva Lođ) , 3 ECTS 21. 1400-EM26 Turistički resursi Poljske, 3 ECTS 22. 1400-EM27 Turistički resursi Lodzkog vojvodstva, 3 ECTS 23. 1400-EM10 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , 3 ECTS 24. 1400-EM09 Urban regeneration, 3 ECTS 25. 1400-EM28 Cultural heritage of Poland, 3 ECTS 26. 1400-EM29 Cultural heritage of Lodz, 3 ECTS 24 MOBILITY DIRECT Summer semester List of courses: 1. 1400-EM14 The use of Topographic Database in spatial analyzes (variety of applications) , 3 ECTS 2. 1400-EM06 Conservation of culture heritage, 3 ECTS 3. 1400-ERASM5 Principles of landscape ecology, 3 ECTS 4. 1400-EM05 Landscapes of Poland, 3 ECTS 5. 1400-EM17 The European Landscape Convention, 3 ECTS 6. 1400-EM16 National minorities in Central and Eastern Europe, 3 ECTS 7. 1400-EM08 Prices in hotel industry, 3 ECTS 8. 1400-EM07 Mental Maps and images in geography, 3 ECTS 9. 1400-EM20 Urban social geography, 3 ECTS 10. 1400-EM21 Methods in human geography, 3 ECTS 11. 1400-MD02 Агротуризм как элемент развития сельскохозяйственных территорий (Agroturism kak element razwitia selskohozjajstwiennych territoij) , 3 ECTS 12. 1400-EM22 Туристические ресурсы Польши (Turisticzeskije riesursy Pol'szy) , 3 ECTS 13. 1400-EM23 Туристические ресурсы Лодзинского воеводствa (Turisticzeskije riesursy Lodzinskowo wojewodstwa) , 3 ECTS 14. 1400-EM24 Туристички ресурси Пољскe (Turistički resursi Poljske) , 3 ECTS 15. 1400-EM25 Туристички ресурси Војводствa Лођ (Turistički resursi Vojvodstva Lođ) , 3 ECTS 16. 1400-EM26 Turistički resursi Poljske, 3 ECTS 17. 1400-EM27 Turistički resursi Lodzkog vojvodstva, 3 ECTS 18. 1400-EM10 Introduction to Geographic Information Systems (GIS) , 3 ECTS 19. 1400-EM09 Urban regeneration, 3 ECTS 20. 1400-EM28 Cultural heritage of Poland, 3 ECTS 21. 1400-EM29 Cultural heritage of Lodz, 3 ECTS 22. 1400-EM30 Applied hydrology, 3 ECTS 23. 1400-EM31 Understanding weather and climate, 3 ECTS 24. 1400-EM13 Sustainable Tourism and Ecotourism, 3 ECTS FACULTY OF PHYSICS AND APPLIED INFORMATICS – 15 Winter semester List of courses: 1. 1500-LFN1WF 2. 1500-LFN1WM Introduction to Physics Introduction to Mathematics 9 ECTS 9 ECTS 25 MOBILITY DIRECT 3. 1500-FKL1PP 4. 1500-FML1OA 5. 1500-LFZ1MO 6. 1500-LFM1FM 7. 1500-LFZ1FW 8. 1500-IMO6WN 9. 1500-ISI1PI 10. 1500-FKL2PF 11. 1500-FKL2AM 12. 1500-FL3LFZ 13. 1500-FZL3RP 14. 1500-FZN3BS 15. 1500-LFM3ZF 16. 1500-ISL3PE 17. 1500-FL2ALG 18. 1500-FKL5KW 19. 1500-FL5ELD 20. 1500-FL5MMF 21. 1500-FL5JAC 22. 1500-FNT6SM 23. 1500-FN5NS2 24. 1500-LFM5FP 25. 1500-FML5OM 26. 1500-FML5PJ 27. 1500-ZSO3ZD 28. 1500-FZO4RR 29. 1500-ZSO4FR 30. 1500-IIO7NE 31. 1500-IMO6KK Introduction to Programming MS Office Applications Elaboration Methods of Measurement Data Introduction to Medical Physics Physics around us Introduction to Nanotechnology Basics of Informatics General Physics II Mathematical Analysis II Physical Lab I (part 2) Probability Theory and Statistics Technique of Nanometer Structures Investigations Selected Problems of Nuclear Physics Introduction to Electronics Algebra II Foundations of Quantum Physics Classical Electrodynamics Mathematical Methods in Physics Selected Topics in Nuclear and Particle Physics. Microprocessors Systems Nanostructures II X-Ray Physics Physical Basics of Medical Imaging Nuclear Physics Lab Principles of Acoustics Differential Equations in Physics Selected Topics of Relativistic Physics Introduction to nanoelectronics Introduction to Quantum Computers 2 ECTS 1 ECTS 3 ECTS 1 ECTS 1 ECTS 1 ECTS 2 ECTS 9 ECTS 6 ECTS 3 ECTS 6 ECTS 6 ECTS 4 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 6 ECTS 6 ECTS 4 ECTS 4 ECTS 4 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 2 ECTS 5 ECTS 2 ECTS 4 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS Summer semester List of courses: 1. 1500-FLALGB 2. 1500-FL1PFZ 3. 1500-FZO2FA 4. 1500-FL1AMA 5. 1500-FL2LFZ 6. 1500-FNT2PN 7. 1500-FL4MKR 8. 1500-IMO9SA 9. 1500-FML3PF 10. 1500-FM4OP 11. 1500-FML4ZPJ Algebra General Physics I Introduction to Atomic, Molecular and Solid State Physics Mathematical Analysis I Physical Lab I (part 1) The Physical Elements of Nanotechnology Classical and Relativistic Mechanics Computer algebra system General Physics III Interactions of Ionizing Radiation and its Detection Ionizing Radiation Sources 6 ECTS 10 ECTS 2 ECTS 8 ECTS 3 ECTS 5 ECTS 5 ECTS 3 ECTS 6 ECTS 2 ECTS 2 ECTS 26 MOBILITY DIRECT 12. 1500-FL3AMA 13. 1500-FN4NS1 14. 1500-DII4MN 15. 1500-FL4LFZ 16. 1500-FL3EW 17. 1500-FL4TFS 18. 1500-LFM6TE 19. 1500-FL4AP 20. 1500-ISM0NP 21. 1500-DLF6WB 22. 1500-FZM9ME 23. 1500-FZN6NP 24. 1500-FL6MKW 25. 1500-FL6FAC 26. 1500-FL2AK 27. 1500-ZSO5SF 28. 1500-FZIIPR2 29. 1500-FMU2FS 30. 1500-FMU2PS 31. 1500-FZ8TCE 32. 1500-FL5JAC 33. 1500-FL6AK 34. 1500-FL4MKR 35. 1500-FL4TFS 36. 1500-FL1HFZ 37. 1500-FMU4N 38. 1500-FZM8FP 39. 1500-FMU3PJ 40. 1500-FMU4SM Mathematical Analysis III Nanostructures I Numerical Methods Physical Lab I (part 3) Selected Problems of Modern Electronics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics Contemporary Electronic and Computer Techniques in Medicine Control Systems of Measures Apparatus History of Natural Science Introduction to Biophysics Modern Electronics in Physics Pragmatic of Nanotechnology Quantum Mechanics I Selected Topics of Atomic, Molecular and Condensed Matter Physics Selected Topics of Astrophysics and Cosmology Symmetries in Physics 8 ECTS 4 ECTS 2 ECTS 3 ECTS 5 ECTS 6 ECTS 2 ECTS Physical Lab II (part II) Physics of Condensed Phase Specialization Lab Theory of Elementary Particles Selected Problems of Nuclear and Elementary Particle Physics Selected Topics of Astrophysics and Cosmology Classical and Relativistic Mechanics Thermodynamics and Statistical Physics The History of Physics Nanotechnology Cosmic Ray Physics Nuclear Transmutations and Applications of Nuclear Physics Statistics in Medicine 9 ECTS 9 ECTS 6 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 7 ECTS 1 ECTS 2 ECTS 5 ECTS 3 ECTS 6 ECTS 4 ECTS 2 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 3 ECTS 1 ECTS 2 ECTS 3 ECTS 2 ECTS 3 ECTS FACULTY OF CHEMISTRY - 16 Winter semester List of courses: 1. Application of Math in Chemistry, 2 ECTS 2. Chemistry of Flavours and Fragnances, 6 ECTS 3. Chemistry of Therapeutics, 2 ECTS 4. Instrumental Analysis B, 7 ECTS 5. Spectroscopy B, 6 ECTS 27 MOBILITY DIRECT Summer semester List of courses: 1. Application of Spectroscopic Techniques for Analysis of Comp., 5 ECTS 2. Modern Methods of Total Synthesis, 6 ECTS 3. Selected Separation Techniques for Analysis of Cosmetics, 6 ECTS 4. Theoretical Chemistry, 8 ECTS. If you have any questions how to choose the subjects and fill in the Learning Agreement, please contact 28 MOBILITY DIRECT