UNIVERSIDAD POLITÉCNICA DE MADRID FACULTAD DE INFORMÁTICA Transcript of Records ECTS – EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM Name of student: I.D. number: Registration number: Has obtained the following grades and credits: CODE TITLE OF THE COURSE UNIT DURATION DATE LOCAL ECTS ECTS Year/Sem Month/Year grade grade credits 1 Madrid, 05 February 2016 Marinela GARCIA Associate Dean for International Affairs 2 ECTS - EUROPEAN CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM (1) (1) Course unit code: Refer to the ECTS Information Package (2) (2) Duration of course unit: Y = 1 full academic year 1S = 1 semester 2S = 2 semesters 1T = 1 term/trimester 2T = 2 terms/trimester (3) Description of the institutional grading system: From (>0) To (<) Label 0 5 Suspenso/Not passed 5 7 Aprobado/Passed 7 9 Notable/Good 9 10 Sobresaliente/Very good 10 10 Matrícula de honor/With Honours (4) ECTS GRADING SCALE: Grade % of successful students normally achieving the grade 10 25 30 24 10 - A B C D E FX F (5) (5) Definition EXCELLENT - outstanding performance with only minor errors VERY GOOD - above the average standard but with some errors GOOD - generally sound work with a number of notable errors SATISFACTORY - fair but with significant shortcomings SUFFICIENT - sufficient FAIL - some more work required before the credit can be awarded FAIL - ECTS credits: 1 full academic year = 60 credits 1 semester = 30 credits 1 term/trimester = 20 credits 3