Educational Benefit Review Process DRAFT 4-08 IEP Annual Review Date: Page #:__1__ of ___1___ Present Level of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance, Including Strengths & Interests pp. 4 & 5 Concerns/ Needs Requiring Specially Designed Instruction pp. 4 & 5 Impact on Involvement & Progress in the General Education Curriculum pp. 4 & 5 Language Arts: 70 Reading: 72 Strengths: Uses apostrophes approp. In contractions Uses commas after the close of a letter Knows personal pronouns Is able to make connections with text and outside experience/knowledge LA Concerns: Has a tendency to rush through assign Writing is not legible at times Difficulties w/phonemic awareness affects rdg & leads to difficulties w/ rdg comprehension Incorrect use of singular and plural subject verb agreement incorrect use of quotation marks, In reading inability to evaluate explicit & implicit information Select synthesize and/or use information to extend work indentify outcomes, values and beliefs w/in work. LA: Difficulties in receptive language and phonemic awareness affects his progress in the content areas of the general curriculum Math: 75 Strengths: Identifies and classifies geometric shapes and figures; draws/describes classifies geometric shape figures Missing tanagrams pattern involving numbers/attributes) Other Academic/non-academic: Geography: 80.5 Science 79.3 Strengths: is able to demonstrate his understandings of the concepts in geography and science through classroom assignment and participation Communications: A very personable young man He receives speech and language support in his reading and language arts classes to address weakeness in receptive language and phoenemic awareness. Strengths: very approp. In use of social language. Over past year he has shown improvement in areas of vocabulary, development, syntax and reading comprehension. Math concerns: Integrate understanding of mathematical applications (solving extended spatial and numerical problems) Inability to identify solutions w/notions of probability Other academic/non- Adapted from California State Department of Education Math: Difficulties in receptive language and phonemic awareness affects his progress in the content areas of the general curriculum and require small group and individual instruction OA/NA: Difficulties in receptive language and phonemic awareness affects his progress in the content areas of the general curriculum and require small group and individual instruction Communication: Difficulties in receptive language and phonemic awareness affects his progress in the content areas of the general curriculum and require small group and individual instruction School:LRMS Region 16 Goals & Objectives/ Accommodations & Modifications pp. 7 & 8 Services & Placement/ Sites p. 11 Goal 1: Improve his lang. arts skills as measured by the objective listed below Obj. 1: will write legibly with careful information of his letters Obj 2: will edit and revise his written work for correct spelling, punctuation , and grammar errors Obj 3: will identify the parts of spch (nouns, verbs, adverbs, ads &conj), etc. Obj 4: will learn weekly spelling words and pass weekly tests Obj 5: will be able to write a prompt including beginning, middle and end with details to support the topic SC reading LA, math 11.5/hours Goal 2: will improve his math skills as measured by the obj listed below Obj 1: will solve 1 7 2 step story problems involving whole #s decimals and money amounts with too much and/or too little information Obj2: will find the perimeter area and volume of a variety of geometric shapes Obj 3: identify the appropriate operation (add , sub, mult, div) of # sentence to solve a story problem Obj 4: will apply integrated understandings to mathematical applications by solving extended numerical statistic and spatial problems Obj 5: will read, interpret, construct, analyze, generate questions and draw inferences from displays of data (bar graph table) Counseling 5hr/wk group/inv site 2 Goal 3:will improve reading skills has measured by the objectives listed below: Obj 1: Read a variety of genres (fiction, realistic, fiction, nonfiction, etc). and demonstrate comprehension by recognizing authors’s pt of view, inferential and evaluative comprehension, questions & distinguishing cause & effect, main etc Obj 2: Will use context clues and various strategies to pronounce unknown words Obj 3: will read orally at an appropriate rate demonstrating fluency and expression Goal 4: will success in mainsteam classes w/modifications Obj. 1: will independently seek clarifications & /or repetition related to clsrm activities Obj 2: will independently read the entire sequence of direction before beginning clswk Obj 3: will incorporate a variety of study strategies to prepare for tests & quizzes Obj 4: will accurately write down homework in his student planner. Obj 5: will utilize strategies to organize and maintain materials in an orderly, sequential, manner Site: 2,3 Resource Room: 2.7 hours/wk site 2 Esy 9hrs/wk site:3 Speech .5 hr/wk site 2 Grade: 7 Progress on Goals & Objectives p. 7 Goal1: S, SObj.1: S, SObj. 2: S, SObj. 3: S, SObj. 4: S, U Obj. 5: S, S Goal 2: S,S Obj.1: S, S Obj. 2: S, NI Obj. 3: S, S Obj. 4: S, S Obj. 5: S, S Goal 3: S,S Obj.1: S, S Obj. 2: S, S Obj. 3: S, S Goal 4: S,S Obj.1: S, S Obj. 2: S, S Obj. 3: S, U Obj. 4: S, U Obj. 5: S, U Obj. 6: S, S Educational Benefit Review Process DRAFT 4-08 acad needs: Rushes through hmwk & many times his answers are inaccurate. Consequently he has received low hmwk grades as a result. Obj 6: given teacher assistance will follow a long-term schedule to complete projects and reports Accommodations: spell check, calculation, multiplication chart/strategies, manipulative alt. text of needed, access to computer, prior notice of tests, test study guide, modified tests, reduced rdg, reciew directions, extra time tests, project written work, base grade on IEP, no spelling penalty, folders to hold work-color coded, provide study outlines well in advance, assignement pal, double check to see if assign. Is written correctly, preferential seating-near front in close proximity to teacher, keep student away from distractions such as other talkative peers, cue expected behavior, set post rules, check work in progress, highlight key words, oral visual reminders, provide students w/bank, assign a study partner, concrete examples, check n notes/outlines in progress Communication Concerns/needs: Continues to have difficulties w.phonemic awareness that affects spelling and reading. This leads to adifficulties w/reading comprehension. He is inconsistent with his performance. Present Level of Academic Achievement & Functional Performance, Including Strengths & Interests pp. 4 & 5 Concerns/ Needs Requiring Specially Designed Instruction pp. 4 & 5 Adapted from California State Department of Education Impact on Involvement & Progress in the General Education Curriculum pp. 4 & 5 Goals & Objectives/ Accommodations & Modifications pp. 7 & 8 Services & Placement/ Sites p. 11 Progress on Goals & Objectives p. 7 Educational Benefit Review Process Adapted from California State Department of Education DRAFT 4-08