Cover Sheet Christina Pacifico Quad—Pardee #2004 1999 Burdett Avenue 12180, Troy, NY Program Announcement: Sustainable Energy Pathways (SEP) Solicitation: 11-590 NSF unit of consideration: NSF Environmental Research and Education—ERE Nuclear waste as a heat source to accelerate the growth of algae Budget: $600,000 Duration info: 3 years Desired starting date: September 1st, 2012 Principal Investigator: Christina Pacifico co-PIs: - John Baticelli—Yankee Atomic Electric Co. representative - Lisa Long—Laboratory assistant - Dakota Miller—Engineer Awardee Organization Info: Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 110 Eighth Street Troy, NY, 12180 Project Performance primary location: First year: same place as awardee organization Second year: Yankee Atomic Electric Co. Third year: both places together Project Summary Christina Pacifico wishes to find sustainable ways in which to utilize nuclear waste and its heat radiation. If she were to successfully receive funding for her proposal, Christina would research the best ways in which nuclear waste could be used in order to speed up the growth of algae for the production of biodiesel. Once sufficient research has been led, Christina wishes to build a device in order to grow this algae. Image 1: Portrayal of experimental device to be built This device would be built with the help of an engineer and finally monitored in order to make sure whether nuclear waste does indeed speed up the growth of algae. This proposal possesses a great deal of intellectual merit as it could help find a better use for nuclear waste. Moreover, this project would help grow vast amounts of algae which would help the production of biodiesel, and finally, the dependence of society on other types of fuels, including fossil fuels. Table of Contents Cover Page—Page 1.1 Project Summary—Page 2.1 Project Description—Pages 3.1-3.3 References Cited—Page 4.1 Biographical Sketch—Page 5.1 Budget—Page 6.1 Project Description Over the years, electricity in the U.S. has been more frequently provided by nuclear power plants. Today, 31 percent of U.S. electricity is powered by nuclear power. Nuclear power has become more and more popular over time as 77 percent of electricity in France is now powered by nuclear energy, and 14 percent of the world’s electricity is now powered by nuclear energy. Nuclear power can actually be considered as one of the cleaner types of alternative energy sources. Nuclear power plants do not produce greenhouse gases, there is not much land use involved when it comes to building nuclear power plants. Moreover, research shows that there is a great deal of reserves of nuclear power: it is said to be able to provide for 250 years of consumption. Finally, nuclear power can be seen as environmental as well as safe as there is not much pollution involved, and the practices in nuclear power plants do not cause any harm to workers. However, nuclear power does still produce vast amounts of nuclear waste, which is stored in lead-lined concrete pools of water today. The issue of storage has become more and more of a problem. Three thousand tons of high-level waste is generated each year in the U.S. alone. Moreover, the issue of where to store this nuclear waste creates a great deal of environmental injustice as many people do not want to live near stored nuclear waste, especially because of the fact that nuclear waste can be very radioactive. Thus, I propose, to use radiation as a heat source in order to accelerate the growth of algae. Algae can be used to make biofuels. It is very easy to grow, and there has been a great deal of speculation on whether or not algae growth could be sped up through the application of an extra heat source apart from the sun (needed in order to fulfill the photosynthesis). Not only will I be putting the waste to use, but I will also be promoting the switch to alternative fuels through the growth of algae. I am aware that I could have been able to choose from many other wastes including coal waste, however, I do not wish to support the production of electricity through the burning of coal. As has been previously mentioned, nuclear power can be considered much more environmentally friendly than certain energy sources found today. Shown below is an illustration of the chronological order in which the activities will be done as well as their length. 1 year: Beginning 1 year 1 year Total: 3 years Research: Build device on Record results Grant supports -Best way to contain Yankee Atomic and monitor between 3-5 years waste Electric Co. gadget to -extents of benefits grounds with the observe progress for algae growth use of their -design of device waste September 1st 2012 Expected Time Table for the Project As shown in the project summary, as well as the above time table, I would construct a device in order to prove that the growth of algae can indeed be accelerated with the help of nuclear waste radiation. Before beginning the construction, I would start with one year of research in which I would research the best ways to contain the nuclear waste; it would probably be safe enough to contain the nuclear waste in a lead-lined container. Moreover, not much heat is needed in order to heat up water; therefore, a lead lining should be strong enough to contain the radiation and weak enough to let some heat escape from the container. During my year of research, I would research the benefits this extra source of heat would have on the algae. It should indeed make a difference on the behavior of the algae and its growth in order to expose it to an extra heat source; however, more research could be of use in order to fully understand the extents of the benefits. Finally, a detailed design of the device to be built will be made. This design will be designed with certain things kept in mind: efficiency, few environmental impacts, useful, and functional. After one year of research, I wish to begin building the device on a nuclear power plant in which I have gained access to work on: Yankee Atomic Electric Co. There, I would utilize their nuclear waste in order to generate the extra heat source for the algae growth. I would get help from an engineer who would help me build a reasonable sized tank as in order to put the algae and a tube of water circling both the nuclear waste container as well as the algae tank. Once the device has been built, algae will begin to grow, and research will be made in order to determine whether or not this set-up would truly work out. This project should be very straight forward and very easy to manage. There should not be any complications involved in this project. Once this project is completed, I plan on sharing my information to many other organizations in order to make it known that algae can be quickly grown, making it very easy to feed society’s need for a reliable fuel source, namely, biofuels. The issue of environmental injustice could also be resolved as small containers of nuclear waste would be made of use, making it highly likely for the need for big storage areas in order to store nuclear waste. Thus, a great deal of benefits can be obtained through the funding of my project. References Cited "Nuclear Power Is Sustainable and Supports Sustainable Development." Ed. Nuclear Society American. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <>. None. "Nuclear Waste." Oracle Think Quest. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <>. Organization, World Nuclear. The U.S. Ranks First in Nuclear Power. Digital image.Ranking America. 5 Jan. 2009. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <>. Smith, G. A. "A Nuclear Perspective." Natural Order — Science, Reason, and Rational Thought. 7 Apr. 2011. Web. 12 Dec. 2011. <>. None. "Nuclear Waste Disposal." Nuclear Waste. 24 Jan. 2008. Web. 20 Nov. 2011. <>. Institute, Nuclear Energy. "Nuclear Energy Institute - Nuclear Waste: Amounts and On-Site Storage." Nuclear Energy Institute - Clean-Air Energy. Web. 12 Dec. 2011. <>. "POWER YOUR CAR WITH ALGAE: Algae Biocrude by LiveFuels | Inhabitat - Green Design Will Save the World." Inhabitat | Design For a Better World! Web. 12 Dec. 2011. <>. Chris. "Core Media Blog :: Oil from Algae?" Core Media Group: Welcome. 13 June 2008. Web. 12 Dec. 2011. <>. Biographical Sketch Education: B.S. Mechanical Engineering at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute minoring in Sustainability studies. Publications: None Synergistic Activities: I work as an Engineering Processes Teaching Assistant at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. This has helped me become very good at problem solving when it comes to building certain things. It has also made me very familiar with the various tools and machines involved in manufacturing and machining. I am also taking a great deal of mechanical engineering classes including materials classes teaching me the many things I need to know when it comes to materials as well as strengths of materials. My sustainability minor has given me a great deal of knowledge when dealing with the environment. I have also been very interested in learning as much as possible on the topics of the environment. Collaborators and other affiliations: I have the support of Yankee Atomic Electric Co., a place where I can use nuclear waste as well as place the device I would like to build. This nuclear plant has agreed to help me set up this experiment as well as implement this experiment if this does indeed work. I will be getting a certain amount of help from an engineer who will help me build the device on the Yankee Atomic Electric Co. premises. Moreover, I will be getting help when dealing with all the initial laboratory experiments as well as the initial research needed in order to ensure a successful project. Thus, I have a great deal of support and collaborators on the project. Budget Here is a Table describing the details for the budget of the project: Cost Reasons Amount of money given/spent over 3 year period Engineer Works 1 year: 80,000$ Yankee Atomic Electric Co. In their own interest Lab assistant/research assistant Works 3 years: 100,000$ Myself 3 years: 120,000$ Lab materials 50,000$ Device-building materials 250,000$ TOTAL 600,000$ -The Engineer that will be helping me will be working only during the second third of the project: the building of the device. He would be given a salary of 80,000 dollars for the entire year. - Yankee Atomic Electric Co. will not be given any money, as it would be in their own interest, as they would be the first nuclear power plant implementing this system. - I would have a lab assistant that would help me in the research as well as the laboratory experiments needed to be done prior to the building of the device. This lab assistant would be given a salary of 100,000 dollars for the 3 years of work. - I would give myself a salary as well, of 120,000 dollars. - There would be certain things needed in order to successfully perform laboratory experiments. These costs should not exceed 50,000$. - Finally, 250,000 dollars would be needed in order to build the device. This would bring the total budget to around 600,000 dollars.