UPTON COUNTY COURTHOUSE AND ANNEX EMERGENCY PROCEDURES REPORT ALL EMERGENCIES TO THE UPTON COUNTY SHERIFF’S OFFICE 432-693-2422 DIAL 911 IMPORTANT INFORMATION FOR ALL EMERGENCIES Report all emergencies to Upton County Sheriff’s Office (UCSO) at 432-693-2422. Call 911 to request Fire Department or Emergency Medical Services if needed. Suspend activities and events in the affected area for the duration of the emergency. Follow instructions from emergency personnel or from emergency communications systems. Whenever possible, assist persons with special needs and render aid to those that require it. BUILDING EVACUATION SHELTER-IN-PLACE Evacuation may be required due to fire, gas leak, bomb threat, or other emergency Shelter-in-place may be required due to severe weather, acts of violence, chemical spill/release, or other emergency Gather personal belongings IF it is safe to do so. DO NOT delay evacuation. DO NOT operate electrical switches or close doors or drawers if explosion is possible. Immediately evacuate facility using nearest safely accessible exit. DO NOT use elevators. Whenever possible, assist persons with special needs and render aid to those that require it. Meet outside at specified assembly area, account for everyone, and await further instructions. TORNADO WARNING Immediately evacuate the facility when alarm is activated or when there is evidence of fire. Close doors as exiting and activate the nearest fire alarm pull station. Call 911 to report the location of fire or smoke. THREATENING/SUSPICIOUS PERSON Monitor the person from a safe distance. DO NOT confront the person or block their access to an exit. Call UCSO/911 and provide information about the person, location, and/or direction of travel. SUSPICIOUS ITEM/MAIL DO NOT open or handle the item. Isolate the area. Call UCSO/911 and provide information about the item, location, and description. If you suspect biological or chemical contamination, immediately wash your hands with soap and water. Immediately move to shelter area or an interior area of lower level of facility, away from windows. Remain in shelter area until warning expires. ACTIVE SHOOTER If you hear gunfire or see a person with a gun, take immediate steps to protect yourself FIRE Instructions will be issued via telephone, social media, and other available notification systems. Stay calm and assist others. Avoid windows, doors, and outside walls. Try to escape the area or building if possible If unable to escape, find a room in which to hide. Immediately close and lock and/or barricade the door and take cover behind heavy furnishings. Stay away from windows and out of view. Turn off or completely silence devices that emit light or make sound. Notify UCSO/911 of the shooter’s location and description. If they approach you, your actions will depend solely on your judgement and capabilities. Physical confrontation or attack is a last resort. CHEMICAL SPILL/RELEASE Immediately go inside and close all doors and windows. Go the highest available area. Turn off all heating, ventilation, and air conditioner systems and fans. If possible, seal around doors, windows, or other openings using tape or other available materials. For more emergency management procedures or information please contact the Upton County Office of Emergency Management: 432-693-2042/2043 or emc@co.upton.tx.us