2008 Accomplishments Woody started the Creation Care Committee (aka Green Team)-March Eliminated the use of plastic utensils and began using regular flatware during church events-March Purchased dishes to replace paper and plastic for fellowship hour and other church events. When paper products are needed, Green Team supplies compostable, recycled, post consumer waste paper plates, paper cups, paper towels, napkins and tissue -March Purchase Fair Trade, shade grown, organic LWR coffee for all future church events-March Set up recycle and compost bins-March Began using only earth-friendly cleaning products for church-March Encourage the use of only organic lawn and plant products on church grounds (no toxic pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers)-March Woody began using Eco Palms for Easter Sundays-April Woody led first Earth Day Celebration at WC, planted Western Red Cedar-April 20 Woody conducts first once-a-month-paperless Sunday using the large sanctuary video screen-May Woody made Habitat for Humanity meals green, using 100% compostable or recyclable plates, utensils, cups, etc.-July Placed used cell phone recycle bin and used battery recycle bin in fellowship hall-July Created monthly Green Team Challenge newsletter article and weekly bulletin Green Tip -September Marc and Mike replaced incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs throughout the original church structure-September Woody’s first Pet Blessing Celebration-October 2009 Accomplishments Kari Carlson teaches “Voluntary Simplicity” course, 25 church members in attendance-January Beth conducted energy audit on original church building using Interfaith Power and Light carbon footprint analysis tools. Results indicate WC doing poorly…using 4 times the amount of gas and electricity it should be usingFebruary WC celebrated 2nd Earth Day Celebration with eco-learning stations for youth, the planting of 20 evergreen trees and several native shrubs, green BBQ, and carpool challenge-April WC janitorial begins using earth-friendly cleaning products-April Woody’s first outdoor church service and 100mile organic potluck-July 26 (Pastor Woody continued to hold outdoor church services each summer during the months of July, August and September to better appreciate our naturally beautiful church property) One percent of the new education wing budget was used to provide efficient toilets and state of the art indoor lighting…thanks to Marc-September Woody’s second Pet Blessing Celebration-October Beth purchased green garbage cans and blue recycle bins made from 100% recycled material for the new education wing-October To help our youth foster a better appreciation for all of God’s creation, Kait added an eco project to the Sunday School curriculum. WC kids planted native shrubs, placed wildlife feeders and nesting boxes on church property-November Posted “Certified Wildlife Habitat” signs, showing Wooden Cross is certified as a Wildlife Habitat through National Wildlife Federation-December Kathy using all green office supplies for church-December 2010 Accomplishments WC monthly newsletter goes online, Kathy printing only about 20 copies for those without computers-March Achieved “Greening Congregation Status” through Earth Ministry, celebrated with the hanging of a banner in our sanctuary-April 18 Third Earth Day at WC was marked by the clearing of non-native blackberries on the upper lot, followed by the planting of over 100 small trees and shrubs-April Kait and Tabor salvaged native shrubs and replanted them along the WC swaleApril Mossy Corkboard hung in Fellowship hall for posting “Green Living” articles and tips-April Cap Recycle bin and Cork Recycle bin placed in Fellowship hall-June Mike and Marc installed energy efficient parking lot lights, landscape lights (lighting the signs) and security lighting above the front entrance using existing circuits-September Outdoor church service and 100mile organic potluck-September Ott Walk (basalt rock pathway to upper lot) installed and dedicated-September Woody’s third Pet Blessing Celebration-October Electric Car Charging Station acquired and installed by Jim Billmaier at no cost to WC… Wooden Cross became the first church in the nation to deploy an electric vehicle charging station to accommodate the much-anticipated electric vehicles -October Plug-In Woodinville event-attended by Congressman Jay Inslee and other dignitaries-October 23 Jim Billmaier conducted an information session “Why the Electric Car Matters” for our congregation and neighboring churches-November 14 WC sign beautification with arbor by Johan and Robin-December 2011 Accomplishments Eagle Scout Mark Johnson and Tabor Teachout create meditation area-February 20 Used Ink Cartridge recycle bin and plastic bag recycle bin placed in Fellowship hall-March Green Team cooperated with the Sunday School to produce an Electric Vehicle video for Good Morning America-March Fourth Earth Day Celebration at WC-eco learning models, members to bring favorite environmental poster, “Be an Earthkeeper”, energy-efficient shower heads and aerators available-April An alternative path to the upper lot was installed by Tabor and others, using crushed rock, providing gentler access to that area- April Woody’s National Park Series-May Outdoor Church service and 100mile organic potluck-May Perimeter Sprinkler system installed by Robin-September Cyclone Fence hedgerow planted and native plantings weeded-Oct 22 Repurpose mossy corkboard to Luther’s List (a Lutheran Craig’s List) for buying, selling, sharing among WC members-December