2014 EBOLA FACTS This is the largest Ebola outbreak in history and the presence of Ebola in West Africa is unprecedented. Over half of the deaths from Ebola are occurring in Liberia. Currently there is a 70% death rate among those infected by the virus and it continues to spread throughout Liberia. RESPOND TO THE EBOLA CRISES PRAY: IGRC friends in Liberia are in weekly contact. Our Liberian friends and associates ask we continue to pray for the protection and safety of their families and communities as Ebola continues to spread. BE INFORMED: Follow the news of IGRC website by clicking on the Ebola Crisis link at the top of the IGRC webpage. CDC updates are available at www.cdc.gov/vhf/ebola/ . DONATE: Please donate though United Methodist Committee on Relief and IGRC Ebola Response efforts. (a) UMCOR - Give to UMCOR’S International Disaster Response Advance #982450. Please place the following on the designation line: EBOLA RESPONSE or you may designate LIBERIA EBOLA RESPONSE. (b) IGRC - A designated fund is established to directly send food assistance to those appealing to IGRC for help due to offices and schools being closed, no income being received and the increased cost of food. This fund is NOT a IGRC Advance Special and NO FIVE STAR GIVING CREDIT will be given for these donations, yet the need is very real. Checks must be payable to IGRC with IGRC EBOLA RESPONSE-FRIENDS OF IGRC on the designation . Please mail these donations to the attention of Bunny Wolfe, IGRC Mission Coordinator, PO Box 19207, Springfield, IL 62794. Fruit bats are considered the most likely host of the Ebola virus although other wild animals may also carry the disease. Ebola is first contracted by infected wild meat and is then spread through human contact. In the 2014 West African outbreak, human transmission has caused the widespread infection. Ebola is spread through contact with body fluids of an infected person. It is NOT airborne. One must be in close bodily contact with someone who has an active case of Ebola to be infected. There is no licensed medicine or vaccine for Ebola virus disease, but several products are being tested and researched with hopes of soon having an effective treatment. When the medical professionals determine it is okay for the patient to return home, that individual is no longer infectious and cannot infect others. It is believed that person is now immune to the type of Ebola they have survived, but testing continues to verify immunity. Inadequate health infrastructure, poor sanitation, traditional customs, misunderstanding for the need of isolation, lack of adequate beds in isolation wards and lack of knowledge on how the virus spreads and denial to the reality of Ebola all contribute to the current rapid and continual spread of the virus. Although the risk of infection for those traveling to Liberia remains low, all IGRC mission trips are postponed. The first possible date for an IGRC team to return to Liberia is July, 2015. Information is available at bwolfe@igrc.org .