Provider Self-Evaluation form

Modular Programme for Initial Teacher Education: PGCE Secondary
Provider Self Evaluation Form P2
Academic Year 2014 – 2015
Name of school/academy/college
Senior Professional Tutor
Link Tutor
Overall judgement agreed
(please circle)
Emerging Partnership
Developing Partnership
Leading Partnership
Subjects offered by the Partnership (please circle): Art and Design/Design and Technology/English/Geography/History/Mathematics/
Mathematics with Business/Modern Languages/Science: Chemistry/Science: Physics/Physics with Mathematics
Involvement in Wider Partnership
I should like to be involved in interviewing and recruitment in 2014 - 2015
We should like to be involved in Immersion/Complementary training in
Induction in Placements A and B
Emerging Partnership Provider
Developing Partnership Provider
Leading Partnership Provider
A brief introduction that addresses the main aspects of
the SPT agenda.
A planned induction programme is in place that addresses
most of the SPT agenda.
Professional expectations are briefly outlined.
A timetable for Induction is provided.
Professional expectations are made clear to trainees and
access to the relevant sections in the staff handbook is
Trainees are introduced to the staff and to some key
personnel. Time is spent with the head teacher or
Principal to gain some insight into the school.
A well planned induction timetable is provided.
A pupil trail is organised for some early classroom
A well constructed pupil trail is organised with
appropriate follow up.
Some early discussion takes place about the trainee
individual training needs.
Time is spent in the subject department(s). Opportunity
to meet the 5 hours of Responsibility for Planned
Teaching is offered.
Safeguarding and child protection briefly addressed.
Purposeful discussion takes place that focuses on the
emerging training needs of each trainee.
The Subject Mentor organises time in the subject
including meeting colleagues. A timetabled is planned for
the 5 hours of teaching that considers trainee needs.
Trainees well briefed on safeguarding and child
A timetable is prepared identifying Responsibility for
Planned Teaching, Directed Study and Personal Study and
also includes SPT/SM meetings.
A detailed induction programme is in place that meets the
SPT agenda in the PGCE Handbook. Trainees are made to
feel welcome and it meets the SPT agenda.
Professional expectations are made explicit and trainees
are well briefed about the ethos and context of the
Trainees are formally welcomed and introduced to the
staff and key personnel and meet with the head teacher
or principal as part of the induction process.
A detailed induction programme is planned to ensure that
trainees are integrated into the life of the school quickly.
A pupil trail that offers the opportunity to observe
outstanding teachers in a range of subjects with
appropriate reflection and follow up.
Detailed discussion based on the trainee’s emerging
training needs and linked to the timetable planning.
A detailed schedule of activities has been planned by the
Subject Mentor to develop understanding of the subject
including 5 hours of teaching.
A specific session identified in induction for safeguarding
and child protection with a detailed briefing given.
SPT and SM work together to provide a balanced and well
constructed timetable for the trainee’s return and based
on trainee emerging needs.
Trainees are introduced to key personnel including the
head teacher or principal.
A timetable is prepared for when the trainee returns.
SPT Professional Development Programme
Emerging Partnership Provider
Developing Partnership Provider
Leading Partnership Provider
A programme of meetings is planned and published
A weekly SPT session that addresses the phase of the
training usually run by the SPT.
A programme with some detail is planned and published.
A weekly well -planned SPT session that uses the SPT
agenda thoughtfully and may be delivered by specialist or
experienced staff.
SPTs monitor the trainee use of the Trainee Progress
Tracker and scrutinise the Professional Development
The content and focus is adapted by the SPT to meet
changing educational contexts both locally and nationally.
A comprehensive programme is prepared and published
A challenging weekly SPT session that is adaptable to meet
trainee needs and is innovative and reflects theory and
practice in the training.
SPTs actively encourage the trainees to engage in self
reflection and use of the Trainee Progress Tracker.
Trainees are encouraged to use their Trainee
Progress Tracker and maintain their Professional
Development Portfolio.
The SPT programme is reviewed each year.
The SPT questionnaire is completed at the end of A
and B placements.
The SPT questionnaire is completed and some additional
feedback is given.
The programme is subject to review and adaption to meet
developing training needs and to respond to changing
educational contexts both locally and nationally.
The SPT questionnaire is completed and detailed feedback
that contributes to ongoing programme development is
Quality of Subject Mentoring and Trainee Professional Development
Emerging Partnership Provider
Developing Partnership Provider
Leading Partnership Provider
An appropriate timetable is planned that allows the
trainee to progress towards meeting the Teachers’
A negotiated and well constructed timetable of teaching
is planned that allows the trainee to demonstrate
progression against the Teachers’ Standards.
Observations both informal and formal and are
undertaken on a regular basis and verbal and written
feedback is given
Joint observations are usually carried out with the UWE
Subject Tutor.
A weekly Subject Mentor meeting is held at the scheduled
time and the SM Meeting Log is completed and some
targets are set.
SMM Log is passed to the SPT.
Observations both informal and formal are undertaken
with a focus on learning, subject knowledge and
pedagogy. Targets are set and reviewed following each
Support is provided to the trainee for the development of
effective lesson planning and monitoring of Teaching
There is regular scrutiny of planning and feedback is
provided to support development
Weekly monitoring and scrutiny of record keeping
including assessment records.
There is the provision of effective behaviour management
strategies and the opportunity to observe best practice
within the subject.
There is a strong subject identity and trainees are
encouraged to become involved.
Effective use of the action plans for subject knowledge
development in their Subject Knowledge Profile is
supported by the SM.
A timetable is planned in conjunction with the trainee to
offer faster progression towards the Teachers’ Standards
and for the development of pedagogy and practice in
their subject area.
Observations are undertaken regularly and detailed
feedback provided that supports trainee progress and
development against the Teachers’ Standards. Trainees
are encouraged to be innovative and creative in their
planning and teaching.
A weekly SM meeting is held at the scheduled time that
provides quality training through encouraging trainees to
engage in detailed reflection on progress and set
challenging targets.
SMM Log is passed weekly to SPT and key points
High quality planning is supported by the SM through
Detailed scrutiny of record keeping and support in the
development of outstanding practice.
The use of a behaviour management policy is consistent
and explicit to support trainee development.
Guidance is provided to support emerging practice in
behaviour management.
Trainees are encouraged to involve themselves in all
aspects of the subject specialism.
Trainees are supported in their development of their
subject knowledge for teaching through regular
monitoring of the Subject Knowledge Profile.
If there are issues, these are reported to the UWE subject
Group Tutor.
A weekly Subject Mentor meeting is held at the scheduled
time to review progress and purposeful targets set using
the SM Meeting Log.
SMM Log is passed weekly to SPT.
Some contact is maintained with the UWE subject Group
There is active involvement in subject associations and
research to support the subject.
Trainees are encouraged to extend and develop their
subject knowledge and are supported by experienced and
specialist staff
Action plans are detailed and completed.
Regular feedback on progress is provided to the UWE
subject Group Tutor.
Quality Assurance Procedures
Emerging Partnership Provider
Developing Partnership Provider
Leading Partnership Provider
The SPT maintains the green placement file and the
appropriate documentation is lodged in the file
There is some scrutiny of contents.
The SPT regularly monitors the green placement file
contents and completes the checklist.
There is an ongoing commitment to monitoring quality in
There is a regular check to ensure SM colleagues have
sufficient forms.
The SPT monitors the quality of lesson observation feedback
and the Subject Mentor Meeting Log and supports
colleagues to develop this aspect of training as appropriate.
The distribution of paper work to colleagues is
managed effectively.
The SPT is in contact with the Link Tutor at the
beginning of the placement and some purposeful
actions identified.
The SPT observes each trainee once and provides
some feedback to the trainee and the SM.
The SPT is in regular contact with the Link Tutor; good
practice is highlighted and future actions identified.
Some colleagues are involved in the construction of
the reports on trainee progress and achievement.
Colleagues are actively encouraged by the SPT to contribute
to the reports on trainee progress and achievement.
There is a regular check to ensure SM colleagues have
sufficient forms.
Colleagues are encouraged to use e- records
The SPT and Link Tutor work together to continue to ensure
a leading partnership. The SPT may be involved in UWE and
cluster based training.
The SPT conducts a joint observation with the SM to
monitor the quality of written and verbal feedback and
progress against the Teachers’ Standards. This then forms
part of the development of the ITE programme identifying
good or outstanding practice to disseminate or
development needs to address.
There is a dialogue between colleagues contributing to the
reports and the SPT.
The SPT maintains an overview of the training
The SPT ensures the completion and return of the QA
documentation such as questionnaires.
The SPT encourages involvement in ITE as beneficial and an
opportunity for CPD.
The SPT ensures the full completion and return of the QA
documentation such as questionnaires.
The SPT promotes involvement with ITE and recognises the
contribution to the school improvement agenda.
The SPT ensures the detailed completion and return of the
QA documentation such as questionnaires.
The SPT conducts a joint observation with the SM to
monitor the quality of written and verbal feedback and
progress against the Teachers’ Standards.