IHF-7 - Cobb County School District

Cobb County School District
Form IHF-7
Empowering Dreams for the Future
Graduation Requirements
This Rule is effective for students enrolling in the ninth grade for the first time in the 20022003 and subsequent years.
The Cobb County School District (District) shall provide secondary school curriculum,
instructional, and support services that reflect the high school graduation and state
assessment requirements and assist all students in developing their unique potential to a
function in society.
Requirements for regular high school graduation from the District shall meet or exceed all
rules and standards as set forth by the State Board of Education and the Southern
Association of Colleges and Schools.
This Administrative Rule specifies programs of study that shall be offered by the District for
students enrolling in the ninth grade for the first time in the 2002-2003 school year and for
subsequent years, according to the State rule 160-4-2-.47.
The District shall provide instructional support and delivery services. These services shall
include, but are not limited to the following:
1. Beginning in ninth grade, students will be provided a continuous guidance component
a. Familiarize students with graduation requirements;
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b. Help students identify the likely impact of individual career objectives on the
program of work studies they plan to follow; and
c. Provide annual advisement sessions to report progress and offer alternatives in
meeting graduation requirements and career objectives.
Record keeping and reporting services that document students’ progress toward
graduation and include information for the school, parents/guardians and students.
Diagnostic and continuous evaluation services that measure individual student
progress in meeting competency expectations for graduation.
Instructional programs, curriculum and course guides and remedial opportunities to
assist each student in meeting graduation requirements.
Appropriate curriculum and assessment procedures for students who have been
identified as having disabilities that prevent them from meeting the prescribed
competency performance requirements.
This Rule is effective for students enrolling in the ninth grade for the first time in 20022003 and subsequent years. For prior years, refer to the following Forms:
1. Form IKF-3 (Graduation Requirements: Students Enrolling in the Ninth Grade Prior to
the 1993-1994 School Year).
2. Form IKF-4 (Graduation Requirements: Students Enrolling in the Ninth Grade in the
1993-1994 & 1994-95 School Years).
3. Form IKF-5 (Graduation Requirements: Students Enrolling in the Ninth Grade in the
1995-1996, 1996-1997 & 1997-1998 School Years).
4. Form IKF-6 (Graduation Requirements: Students Enrolling in the Ninth Grade in the
1998-1999, 1999-2000, 2000-2001 & 2001-2002 School Years).
1. Core Courses:
Courses identified as "c" or "r" in Rule 160-4-2-.03 “List of State-Funded K-8
Subjects and 9-12 Courses” for the specified program of study. For diploma seals
with distinction, fine arts courses are also considered core.
2. Elective Courses:
Any courses identified as "e" in Rule 160-4--2-.03 “List of State-Funded K-8 Subjects
and 9-12 Courses” that a student may select beyond the core requirements to fulfill
the unit requirements for graduation.
3. Program of Study:
Selected courses as specified by the State Board of Education that, when successfully
completed, will result in a specific seal of endorsement on the High School Diploma.
a. College Preparatory (CP) Program:
A program of study requiring 22 units. Completion of this program is signified by a
High School Diploma with a College Preparatory Seal.
b. College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) Program:
A program of study requiring 24 units and a grade-point average in the core
courses of 3.0 or above on a four-point scale or 80 numeric grade-point average
or above. Completion of this program is signified by a High School Diploma with a
College Preparatory Seal of Distinction.
c. Technology/Career-preparatory (TC) Program:
A program of study requiring 22 units. Completion of this program is signified by a
high school diploma with a Technology/Career-preparatory Seal.
d. Technology/Career-preparatory with Distinction (TC+) Program:
A program of study requiring 24 units and a grade point average in the Core
Courses of 3.0 or above on a four point scale or 80 numeric grade point average.
Completion of this program is signified by a high school diploma with a
Technology/Career preparatory Seal of Distinction.
4. Early Admissions:
A program in which a high school student enrolls as a full-time postsecondary
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student and pursues a postsecondary degree in lieu of a high school diploma.
5. Required Courses:
Specific courses identified as "r" in Rule 160-4-2-.03 “List of State-Funded K-8
Subjects and 9-12 Courses” that each student in a program of study shall pass to
graduate from high school.
6. Seal:
An attachment placed on a high school diploma indicating the successful completion
of one or more programs of study.
7. Secondary School Credential:
A document awarded to students at the completion of the high school experience:
a. High School Diploma:
The document with appropriate seal(s) awarded to students certifying that they
have satisfied attendance requirements, unit requirements and the state
assessment requirements as referenced in Rule 160-3-1-.07 “Testing Programs –
Student Assessment.”
b. High School Certificate:
The document awarded to students who:
(1) Have met the 22 unit requirements in specified areas of study; and
(2) Have not passed the state assessment requirements as referenced in
State Board Rule 160-3-1-.07.
c. Special Education Diploma:
The document awarded to students with disabilities assigned to a special
education program who have not met the state assessment requirements
referenced in Rule 160-3-1-.07 “Testing Programs-Student Assessment” or who
have not completed all of the requirements for a high school diploma but who
have nevertheless completed their Individualized Education Programs (IEP).
8. Unit:
One unit credit awarded for a minimum of 150 clock hours of instruction or 135
hours of instruction in an approved block schedule.
9. Unit, Summer School:
One unit of credit awarded for minimum of 120 clock hours of instruction.
The District includes a passing score on the State assessment requirements as
referenced in Rule 160-3-1-.07, attendance, and Carnegie units of credit as
requirements for graduating from any District high school. The District has based local
graduation requirements on State Rule 160-4-2-.47 and requires the following:
1. State Assessment:
a. Students who enroll meet the graduation requirements for the graduating class
they enter and the state assessment requirements as referenced in Rule
160-3-1-.07 “Testing Programs - Student Assessment.”
b. Students who enroll from applicable accredited and/or home study programs are
required to take and pass End of Course tests in order to receive course credits for
courses with End of Course tests.
c. Students who enroll in the ninth grade for the first time in the 2002-2003 school
year and withdraw and re-enroll shall meet the graduation requirements specified
in this Rule and the assessment requirements specified in Rule 160-3-1-.07.
d. Students with disabilities will be accommodated as discussed in Rule 160-3-1-.07
and other applicable authority.
2. Attendance:
a. Attendance is required for high school students in accordance with State law and
State Board of Education Policies.
b. Students must be enrolled in a minimum of two and a half units of credit each
semester as they progress toward high school graduation. For exceptions to this
Rule, see Administrative Rule IDCJ (Released Time).
3. Units of Credit:
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a. All District high schools shall make available to all students the programs of study
for the required College Preparatory, College Preparatory with Distinction,
Technology/Career-preparatory and Technology/Career-preparatory with Distinction
programs of study.
b. Dual Seal:
To receive both the College Preparatory (CP) or College Preparatory with
Distinction (CP+) and the Technology/Career-Preparatory (TC) or
Technology/Career-Preparatory with Distinction (TC+) seal, a student shall
complete the requirements as specified in this Rule for each seal.
c. A course shall count only once for satisfying any unit of credit requirement for
English/Language Arts*
Social Studies*
Health and Physical Education
Computer Technology and/or Fine Arts and/or
Technology/Career preparatory and/or
Foreign Language
Foreign Language*
0 **
Technology/Career-preparatory units***
(from core Technology/Career-preparatory
Locally required or elective units
State Electives from Core Areas - (Courses
with a single asterisk) and/or Fine Arts
*Core Courses
** Technology/Career-preparatory students may want to utilize an elective unit for a Foreign Language or a fourth unit of
mathematics depending upon the student's program of study and the student's intentions to enter a University System of
Georgia institution or other post-secondary institution. Determination of the appropriate number of mathematics units for
each Technology/Career-preparatory program of study shall be determined by the District.
***Technology/Career-preparatory includes Junior Reserve Officer Training Corps (JROTC)
****Technology/Career-preparatory: To receive the Technology/Career-preparatory (TC) or Technology/Careerpreparatory with distinction (TC+) seal, a student shall complete at least four Technology/Career-preparatory units, three
of which must be concentrated in one occupational or related program areas. One of the four units may include the
Program of Education and Career Exploration (PECE), Coordinated Vocational Academic Education (CVAE) or Related
Vocational Instruction (RVI).
See chart at the end of this Form for more detail.
d. Course Credit:
Credit may be earned in the following ways:
(1) Regular School Program:
(a) Unit credit shall be awarded only for courses that include concepts and
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skills based on the Georgia curriculum for grades 9-12 as approved by the
State Board of Education.
(b) Special Education Students:
The individualized Education Program (IEP) shall specify whether core
courses taken as part of an IEP shall receive core unit credit.
(2) Dual Enrollment:
See Administrative Rule LBD (Cooperative Programming with Higher Education).
(3) Work Experience:
Work Experience credit is awarded during the school year only for on-the-job
experience phase of the career and technology cooperative, internship, and
apprenticeship programs:
(a) Traditional Schedule:
Students may earn from .5 up to a maximum of 1.5 units per semester,
depending upon his/her individual schedule, grade level, graduation status,
and job placement.
(b) Block Schedule:
Students may earn a maximum of two units per semester, depending upon
his/her individual schedule, grade level, graduation status and job
(4) Distance Course Delivery:
(a) Definition:
Distance course delivery is course delivery where the majority of
instruction occurs when student and instructor are not in the same place.
Distance Course delivery methods may employ online, correspondence
study or audio, video, or computer technologies.
(b) Requirements:
1) Students may earn credit toward graduation through distance delivery
provided the courses meet District curriculum and assessment
2) Students seeking a diploma from the Cobb County School District must
meet the enrollment requirements of Administrative Rule IED
(Scheduling for Instruction – High School Minimum Class Enrollment
3) Credit for courses delivered through distance delivery methods may be
applied toward the graduation requirements for all diplomas (Form IKF-2
[Flow Chart for CCSD Student Requests for Taking Courses Out of District
and/or Outside of Regular School Day]).
4) Hardship Cases:
The Superintendent or designee shall exercise discretion in approving
credit for courses delivered through non-traditional methods or waiving
provisions stated above for hardship cases on an individual basis.
(c) Online Courses:
Beginning with the 2003-2004 school year, credit will be given for online
courses for elective credit based only on the following provisions:
1) Web-delivered courses are taken through online providers.
2) Approval for credit for courses provided by online providers is based on
the following criteria:
a) Before the student enrolls in the course, the course is approved
using the Request for Approval to Take Correspondence or Online
Courses Form IKF-1 (Request for Approval to Take Correspondence or
Online Course).
b) While the student is enrolled in a District school, completion of one
credit as recorded on an official transcript will be required before the
local school officials authorize enrollment in another online course.
c) The course provider is accredited by a regional accrediting
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d) The course includes a final evaluation component, and the course
provider provides evidence that the administration of the final
examination has been appropriately proctored.
e) If a course is approved for a graduating senior, the
local school must receive the transcript no later than the last
day before final exams.
(d) Correspondence Courses:
Beginning with the 2003-2004 school year, credit will be given for
correspondence courses for elective credit when the student complies with
the following provisions:
1) Before the student enrolls in the course, the course is approved using
Form IKF-1 (Request for Approval to Take Correspondence or
Online Course).
2) While the student is enrolled in a District school, completion of one
credit as recorded on an official transcript will be required before the
local school officials authorize enrollment in another correspondence
3) The course provider is accredited by a regional accreditation
4) The course includes a final evaluation component, and the course
provider provides evidence that the administration of the final
examination has been appropriately proctored.
5) If a course is approved for a graduating senior, the local school must
receive the transcript no later that the last day before final exams.
(e) NovaNET Courses:
The District provides course credit recovery opportunities through the
NovaNET online curriculum delivery system. If a student transfers after
the beginning of the semester and the school cannot accommodate the
student’s schedule, NovaNET can be used to allow the student to
complete the coursework for the first time credit.
(f) eHigh/Georgia Virtual:
1) eHigh provides year-round online courses to high school students
enrolled in the District. Online course offerings and enrollment
information may be found on the eHigh School Website at
www.cobbk12ehighschool.org (Form IKF-2).
2) The Georgia Virtual School provides year-round online courses to high
school students in those courses not offered by eHigh School. Online
course offerings and enrollment information may be found on the Georgia
Virtual School Website at www.gavirtualschool.org (Form IKF-2).
(5) High School Courses Taken in Middle School:
(a) Middle school students entering seventh or eighth grades in 2002-2003
who have completed high school courses (including both years of foreign
language) with 70 or above by the end of the 2002-2003 school year will
be awarded unit credit and the grade will appear on their transcripts.
These students will have the option of rescinding this credit until April 1st
of their freshman year in high school.
(b) Middle School Students Entering Seventh Grade in 2003-04 and
Subsequent Years:
1) Upon successful completion of high school courses taken at the middle
school level with a final grade average of 70 or above, a student will
receive a "P" for Pass on his/her high school transcript.
2) Courses awarded "P" for "Pass" will count toward graduation but will
not be calculated into the student’s Grade Point Average (GPA).
(6) Night School:
The District offers tuition-based course opportunities for high school juniors and
seniors after the regular school day. Course delivery may be traditional
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classroom or NovaNet.
(7) Summer School:
The District offers tuition-based course opportunities for all high school
students during the summer recess. Course delivery may be traditional
Classroom or NovaNet.
E. GRADUATION REQUIREMENTS (Class of 2003 and Subsequent Years):
The State Board of Education offers four diplomas: College Preparatory (CP), College
Preparatory with Distinction (CP+), Technology/Career (TC) and Technology/Career
with Distinction (TC+) (See chart at the end of this Form). Courses listed below in the
program meet the entrance requirements for public post-secondary institutions in
Georgia. Students who are planning to attend a school other than a Georgia public
institution should check the specific requirements of the school they wish to attend. In
order to receive a diploma, students must also pass the graduation exit exam
1. General Provisions:
a. Courses that earn unit credit in English/language arts, mathematics, science,
social studies, health, physical education, foreign languages, military science,
music, visual arts, dance, theatre arts, computer science, education, humanities,
personal/interpersonal/social skills and Technology/Career-preparatory are listed in
State Board of Education Rule 160-4-2-.03 “List of State-funded K-8 Subjects
and 9-12 Courses.”
b. Students may select courses listed in State Board Rule 160-4-2-.03 within the
following guidelines:
(1) Required Courses:
Any course identified as "r" is required and must be successfully completed.
Another course cannot be substituted for them.
(2) Core Courses:
Any course identified as "c" is a core course and may be selected to count as
one of the core unit requirements. Courses identified as "c" in
Technology/Career-preparatory areas will count as one of the four core
Technology/Career-preparatory courses for a TC or TC+ program of study.
(3) Elective Courses:
A course identified as "e" is an elective course that may be selected beyond
the core requirements to fulfill the unit requirements.
2. English/Language Arts:
At least one-half unit of credit in American literature/composition shall be required.
All courses that may satisfy the remaining units of credit are identified with a "c."
The other courses identified with an "e" are electives. Grammar/composition shall be
a component of all courses and shall be integrated into the course of study, not
3. Fine Arts:
One elective required of all students may be selected from courses in fine arts. For
students working toward diplomas with distinction, two additional elective units are
required for CP+ programs and one additional elective unit is required for TC+
programs. These electives may be chosen from fine arts.
4. Foreign Language:
a. Two units of credit of the same foreign language shall be required for the College
Preparatory (CP) and College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) programs of
b. Students whose native language is not English may be considered to have met
the foreign language requirement by exercising the credit in lieu of enrollment
option if they are proficient in their native language. A formal examination is not
necessary if other evidence of proficiency is available.
c. One elective required of all students may be selected from courses in foreign
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d. American Sign Language:
(1) For a student who is hearing impaired, American Sign Language may be
taken as an elective or as a core course to fulfill the requirements of the
CP CP+ seal. A demonstrated proficiency in American Sign Language shall be
accepted as a foreign language if it is determined that a student has a hearing
loss which significantly impacts upon his/her ability to learn a foreign
language. The IEP Committee shall state in the IEP that American Sign
Language is substituting for two units of foreign language.
(2) For students who are not hearing impaired, American sign Language may be
taken for one unit of elective credit or for a third unit of foreign language
5. Health and Physical Education:
For each program of study, one unit of credit of health and physical education is
required. Students shall combine one-half or one-third units of credit of Health
(17.011), Health and Personal Fitness (36.051), or Advanced Personal Fitness
(36.061) to satisfy this requirement. Health and physical education courses may
be taken as electives for all programs of study. Courses in physical education
shall be taken to enhance lifelong fitness and physical activities rather than
development of athletic performance.
6. Mathematics:
a. College Preparatory (CP) and College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+):
(1) For the CP and CP+ programs of study, four units of credit of approved
mathematics are required. The student record shall show credit or equivalency
for each of the following core courses:
(a) Algebra I (27.061);
(b) Euclidean Geometry (27.063) or Informal Geometry (27.062);
(c) Algebra II (27.064); and
(d) An additional course listed in the CP Mathematics (27.06) or Advanced
Mathematics (27.07) categories or Statistics (27.051).
(2) For students who take Applied Problem Solving (27.0451) and Applied
Algebra (27.0461), the records shall show credit for:
(a) Applied Problem Solving (27.0451) Applied Algebra (27.0461), Euclidean
Geometry (27.063), Informal Geometry (27.062) or Applied Geometry
(27.049); and
(b) Algebra II (27.064).
(3) This latter program of study will fulfill admission requirements for some
institutions in the University System of Georgia.
b. Technology/Career-preparatory (TC) and Technology/Careerpreparatory with Distinction (TC+):
(1) The TC and TC+ programs of study require that a student earn at least three
units of mathematics which shall include, as a minimum, Algebra I or its
(2) To meet the requirements for Algebra I or its equivalent, a student shall
(a) A unit of credit in Algebra 1 or a locally developed course equivalent
to Algebra I that has been approved by the State Board of Education; or
(b) Two units of credit by passing both Applied Problem Solving (27.0451)
and Applied Algebra (27.0461); or
(c) Two units of credit by passing both Concepts of Problem Solving (27.055)
and Concepts of Algebra (27.056).
7. Science:
Students shall earn at least three (3) units of credit in science.
a. College Preparatory (CP) and College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+):
Students earning the CP or CP+ seal shall satisfactorily complete:
(1) A physical science unit (physical science, chemistry or physics) (40.0);
(2) A biology unit; and
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(3) One additional science unit.
b. Technology/Career-preparatory (TC) and Technology/Career-preparatory
with Distinction (TC+):
Students earning the TC or TC+ seal shall meet the requirements for the College
Preparatory (CP) or College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+) seal or shall pass
any three units of science including one physical science, one life science or two
units of applied biology/chemistry.
c. Science courses that meet the science requirement for graduation shall be
year-long courses with the exception of the third unit of credit. All courses
meeting the science requirements for graduation must be laboratory-based.
8. Social Studies:
a. College Preparatory (CP) and College Preparatory with Distinction (CP+):
At least three units of credit shall be required in social studies with the following
(1) One unit of credit of United States History (45.081);
(2) One unit of credit of World History (45.083);
(3) American Government (45.057) – (one-third or one-half unit);
(4) Principles of Economics (45.061) – (one-third or one-half unit).
b. Technical Career-Preparatory (TC) and Technical Career-Preparatory
with Distinction (TC+):
At least three units of credit shall be required in social studies, with the following
(1) One unit of credit of U. S. History (45.081);
(2) One unit of credit of World history (45.083) or World Geography (45.071).
(3) American Government (45.057) – (one-third or one-half unit);
(4) Principles of Economics (45.061) – (one-third or one-half unit).
9. Technology/Career-preparatory:
To receive the TC or TC+ seal, a student shall complete at least four
Technology/Career-preparatory units, three of which must be concentrated in one
occupational or related program of study. One of the four units may include the
Program of Education and Career Exploration (PECE), Coordinated Vocational
Academic Education (CVAE), Related Vocational Instruction (RVI), or a Work-based
Learning Program course (Cooperative Ed., Internship or Youth Apprenticeship.
1. A unit of credit for graduation shall be awarded to students only for successful
completion of state-approved courses of study based on a minimum of:
a. 150 clock-hours of instruction provided during the regular school year;
b. 135 clock-hours of instruction in an approved block schedule during the regular
school year; or
c. A minimum of 120 clock-hours of instruction in summer school.
2. Units of credit for graduation shall be awarded to high school students participating in
any joint enrollment program using the ratio referenced in State Board of Education
Rule 160-4-2-.34 “Postsecondary Options.”
3. Credit awarded for learning which has occurred outside the 9-12 classroom (for
example, home schooling) shall be awarded based on proficiency tests. Equivalency
credit shall be shown on the transcript.
Adopted 9/26/02
Reclassified an Administrative Rule: 9/1/04
Reclassified a Form: 8/13/08
Revised 3/30/03; 5/9/07; 9/23/09
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4 Units Including:
½ Unit American Literature
4 Units Including:
½ Unit American Literature
(Course must be Level 2 or higher)
3 Units Including:
4 Units Including:
Choose one of the following plans:
1 Unit of Algebra I,
2 Units Concepts of Algebra, or
2 Units Algebra, Parts I & II
(1 Unit Alg.1)
(1 Unit Geometry)
(1 Unit Alg.II)
(2 units Alg.1 Parts 1
& 2)
(1 Unit Geometry)
(1 Unit Algebra II)
(1 Unit Adv.Alg/or
3 Units Including:
Choose one of the following plans:
3 Units Including:
Choose one of the following plans:
(1 unit Biology)
(1 unit Biology)
(1 unit Chemistry)
( 1 unit Physics)
(1 unit Physical
(1 unit Biology)
(1 unit Chemistry)
( 1 unit Physics)
(1 Additional unit)
(1 unit Physical
(1 unit Biology)
(1 Additional unit)
Social Studies
3 Units Including:
1 Unit of World Studies (Geog. or History)
1 Unit U.S. History
½ Unit American Government
½ Unit Principles of Economics
3 Units including:
1 Unit of World History
1 Unit U.S. History
½ Unit American Government
½ Unit Principles of Economics
Health & Physical Education
½ Unit Health
½ Unit Personal Fitness
½ Unit
½ Unit Personal Fitness
Technology and/or
Fine Arts and/or
Prep and/or Foreign
1 unit
1 unit
Foreign Language*
No Requirement
2 Units in One Foreign Language
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4 Units Including
3 Units in one of the following
Business or Computer Education
Family and Consumer Science
Cooperative Education
Youth Apprenticeship
Any one Trade and Industry Area
(1 of the 4 units may include CTAE)
No Requirement
(Students who complete the College
Preparatory Program may also receive the
Technology/Career Diploma with at least 4
units from among the Technology/Career
Local Electives
3 Units
4 Units
State Electives
0 from Core Courses-English/Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts
0 from Core Courses-English/Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts
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4 Units Including:
1/2 Unit American Literature
4 Units Including:
1/2 Unit American Literature
(Course must be Level 2 or higher)
4 Units Including:
The student's transcript shall show credit or
equivalency for each of the core courses of
Algebra I; Euclidean Geometry or Informal
Geometry; and Algebra II and an additional
course listed in the CP mathematics or
advanced mathematics category OR 2 Units
of Alg I, Parts I & II; Informal Geometry;
and Alg II. A math track ending with Alg II
may not meet the admissions requirements
for some colleges and universities.
3 Units Including:
1 Unit of Biology
1 Unit of a Physical Science
1 Additional Science Unit Physical Science,
Chemistry, or Physics)
Units Including:
Unit of Algebra I
Units Applied Algebra or
Units Algebra, Parts I & II or
Unit of Fundamentals of Algebra
3 Units: One of the following plans is
(1 Unit Biology) (1 Unit Physics) (1 Unit
Chemistry) or
(1 Unit Biology) (1 Unit Physical Science) (1
Additional Unit)
Social Studies
3 Units Including
1 Unit of World Studies (Geog. or History)
1 Unit U.S. History
1/2 Unit American Government
1/2 Unit Principles of Economics
3 Units including
1 Unit of World History
1 Unit U.S. History
1/2 Unit American Government
1/2 Unit Principles of Economics
Health & Physical Education
½ Unit Health
½ Unit Personal Fitness
½ Unit
½ Unit Personal Fitness
Technology and/or
Fine Arts and/or
Prep and/or Foreign
1 Unit
1 Unit
Foreign Language*
No Requirement
2 Units in One Foreign Language
4 Units Including
A minimum of 3 units needs to be from
Business, Computer, Family and Consumer
Science, Cooperative Education Youth
Apprenticeship, Technical/Career, or ROTC
(one of the 4 units may include CTAE
No Requirement
(Students who complete the College
Preparatory Program may also receive the
Technology/Career Diploma with at least 4
units from among the
Technology/Career offerings. The Dual
diploma does not require that three units be
in one specialized area)
Local Electives
4 Units
4 Units
State Electives
1 Unit
(from Core Courses-English/Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Foreign Language and or/Fine Arts)
2 Units
(from Core Courses-English/Language Arts,
Mathematics, Science, Social Studies,
Foreign Language and/or Fine Arts)
*Students who successfully complete high school level math and foreign language courses at the middle school level may
earn one unit of high school math credit for each course.
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