The Leighty Foundation Guidelines for Consideration for Board Membership This process was developed by the Third Generation and ratified by the Board in June 1996; revised by the Third Generation and the Board in June 1999 and July 2003, revised by the Board in June 2005 with input of the advisors; title changed to Guidelines by the Board in June 2010; revised by the Board in August, 2010. Board membership is open to direct and adopted descendants of the Founder and their spouses and life partners. Threshold for consideration for Board Membership is age 24. Upon successful completion of some of the following, the Board will consider the person eligible for Board membership: Taking the lead on at least one grant request through the funding process from invitation to grant evaluation. Completing each of the following during the above process or separately: a site visit, invitation of a grant proposal, review of a grant proposal, presentation of a proposal to the Board, personal contact with a grantee regarding grant acceptance, evaluation of the grant results. Preparation for and participation in at least one annual Board meeting. Attendance at least one conference on family philanthropy. Completion of readings selected by the Board and/or the potential Board member. Creation of a personal statement of philosophy regarding philanthropy. All the above may be done in any order. There is no time limit for the completion of the above. Keep a record of your experiences which will be of personal value and could assist you when you decide to apply for Board membership. A potential Board member is responsible for expressing interest in Board membership to a current Board member and sending a completed Application for Board Membership to current Board members. The following options for involvement are open to family members: Individual Advisor or Advisor Family Unit Giving: $5000 per year (Board approval required). 3rd G Corporate Giving: $5,000 maximum with at least two members of the Third Generation working together (Board approval required). Suggest potential Board contributions. Propose grant requests to the Board. With written request for and prior approval by the Board, advisors may be reimbursed for expenses to attend educational conferences or meetings regarding philanthropy, attend TLF Board meetings, or attend site visits. August 2, 2010, revised May 22, 2014. Page 1 THE LEIGHTY FOUNDATION 2014 APPLICATION for BOARD MEMBERSHIP Complete and electronically deliver this form to:,, and Date: May 22, 2014 Name: Address: Phone: Birthdate: E-mail: 1. Write a statement of your personal philosophy of philanthropy. 2. Describe the experience and skills you would bring to the governance and oversight of The Leighty Foundation as a Board member. (Use TLF Guidelines in answering this question, if you wish.) 3. What do you hope to gain from your experience as a board member? 4. List the opportunities and challenges you think TLF may go through in the next 5 years and how you will participate in steering TLF to or through some of these. August 2, 2010, revised May 22, 2014. Page 2 For Reference, here is the Job description for a BOARD DIRECTOR. Position Overview: The Board (currently made up of family members of Founder) is commissioned to carry out the duties necessary for the governance and oversight of The Leighty Foundation. Determine, articulate, and support the mission of the Foundation Elect the Board and officers; determine the Policies and By-laws of the Foundation; amend the Articles of Incorporation, as necessary Retain and evaluate the Executive Director Assure that the Foundation functions within appropriate legal and fiscal constraints Review investment policy and opportunities for the Foundation; annually evaluate the Investment Managers Attend Board meetings by conference call or in person Build relationships and collaborate with other funders Serve as ambassadors for information sharing in the field of philanthropy Research funding opportunities in areas of interest of the Foundation Initiate relationships with potential grantees Conduct site visits Participate in grantee follow up and evaluation Serve as advocate for the cause of potential grantees Engage in lifelong learning in areas of interest and expertise Assist each other as requested August 2, 2010, revised May 22, 2014. Page 3