
St. Patrick’s N.S.


Co. Leitrim.

Roll No: 19423J

Special Educational Needs Policy

Reviewed: September 2014


Due for review:

Partial review: Annually

Full review: 2019

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

St. Patrick’s National School

Special Educational Needs Policy 2014

Introductory Statement

From September 2015, St. Patrick’s National School will be the base school for one full-time

(Regina McLoughlin) and one part-time resource teacher (Aidan Flynn) as well as one full time learning support teacher (Orla Walsh) and one shared learning support teacher (John

Molloy) with St. Bridget’s NS Drumcong. There is also an autism class in the school with a teacher (Fran Battle ) and two full-time SNAs ( Donna Flynn & Samantha Cullen).

This policy is an update to the 2014 SEN Policy.

Changes in the policy arise from

A perceived need to support the large numbers in certain classes and the broad range of abilities within them.

 A recognition of the disadvantage to all students who find themselves in a class of 30 or more

Difficulties in timetabling in classes where numbers of children are withdrawn twice daily to receive learning support.

Those involved in the process were Máirín O’Keeffe (Principal), Fran Battle (Autism class),

Regina McLoughlin (Resource), John Molloy (Learning support) and Orla Walsh (Learning support).

All class teachers were consulted prior to the proposed changes.

Table 1: Projected enrolment for September 2014:

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

Name Of School Roll No.


No. Of children on roll

2014 - 2015

St. Patrick’s N.S,



Table 2: Provision of Learning Support: 45 hours

Name of School

Orla Walsh

St. Patrick’s NS, Drumshanbo

25 hours

20 hours John Molloy*

*5 hours provision in St. Brigid’s Drumcong

Table 3: Resource Provision: 27.2 hours

Name of school

Regina McLoughlin

St. Patrick’s NS, Drumshanbo

25 hours

2.7 hours


The school has a learning support classroom, separate from the main building which is usually divided to accommodate two teachers. Resource teaching takes place in a room in the main building (formerly a staff room). The autism class has a dedicated classroom which had been furnished appropriately to meet the needs of the children.


As stated in our school vision, we want to ensure that each child in our school reaches his/her full potential. We recognise that the special education, learning support teachers and resource teachers have an integral role to play in this. We have an expectation that every child who leaves our school will have acquired basic literacy and numeracy skills. We also believe that the earlier these difficulties can be identified and addressed, the greater the chance that our intervention will be successful. We realise that for this to work, the class

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy teacher must work closely with the Learning support teacher/ Resource teacher/Special

Education teacher.

We base our policy on the following principles:

 Direction of resources towards pupils in greatest need.

Prevention of failure.

Provision of intensive early intervention.

Parental involvement

 Effective whole – school policies


Our principal aim in the provision of learning support /resource is to optimise the teaching and learning process in order to enable all pupils to achieve adequate levels of proficiency in literacy and numeracy before leaving school.

By reviewing this policy we hope:

 To enable pupils of all abilities to avail of and benefit from an appropriate education.

To develop positive self- esteem and positive attitudes about school and learning in the pupils.

To enable the pupils monitor their own learning and become independent learners.

 To make allowances for children with special needs.

To assist parents in making an informed decision in relation to the enrolment of their child in our schools.

 To outline procedures and practices to be followed in relation to supporting the learning of pupils with Special Educational needs.

To establish communication structures for the involvement of all the partners in the education of pupils with special educational needs.(L.S. Guidelines)

Those guidelines are laid out as follows:


Enrolment of children with identified special educational needs:

Prior to the child’s enrolment, the schools will acquaint themselves with a child’s special needs and decide whether these are categorised as High Incidence or Low Incidence, by the following means:

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

Meeting between parents/principal/ class teacher/special needs staff and SENO as appropriate.

Obtaining copies/details of reports, assessments etc from psychologists, therapists etc.

 Contact with SENO, NEPS psychologist or other psychologists/speech therapist or occupational therapist.

 Liason with family counsellor/ care worker where appropriate.

The following steps will be used to ensure a smooth transition into the school for both the pupil and the schools.

Parental visits to the school.

Pupil visit to the school.

 Making all school employees and pupils aware of the need for the child with special educational needs to be educated in an inclusive environment.

Liason with SENO to arrange for individual personnel, resources, training.

*The school has a specific enrolment policy for children wishing to enroll in the autism class.

2. Provision for children with emerging special educational needs (The staged approach)

2.1 Procedures for early identification, screening and addressing of the SEN of certain children.

A first step in identifying pupils who may need learning support in English or Mathematics is for the class teacher to administer one or more screening measures. The screening measures that are administered depend on the age and stage of development of the pupils concerned. M.I.S.T and BIAP will be used in the early primary classes.

Reading and maths tests ( Micra T & Sigma T ) will be used from first class onwards.

The NRIT test is used in 2 nd and 4 th class.

Implementation of intensive early intervention programmes in the early primary classes as an effective response to meeting the needs of children with low achievement. These programmes:

Include a strong emphasis on oral language laying the foundation for meaningful reading.

Emphasise phonemic awareness.

 Sometimes involve small group teaching.

Engage the pupils in frequent supervised oral and silent reading of texts at appropriate levels of difficulty and monitor their comprehension.

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

Stress the interconnected nature of listening, speaking, reading and writing.

In mathematics we focus on language development and development of mathematical procedures and concepts.

2.2 Stage 2. Referral to Learning Support Teacher


Children will be referred to the learning support teacher on the basis of teacher recommendations, parental concerns and assessments. In selecting pupils for supplementary teaching priority will be given to the following:

Children scoring under the 10 th percentile in English

Children scoring under the 10 th percentile in Maths

Children in classes of 30 or more

 Junior Infants/Senior Infants/1 st Class – Early Intervention programmes for low achievers in Maths and English based on the class teacher’s observations and recommendations/BIAP & MIST results.

Where the above needs have been met we will use any excess provision for

 Children scoring under the 30 th percentile in English

Children scoring under the 30 th percentile in Maths

Priority will be given to those pupils whose achievements are lower in agreed standardised tests. In exceptional cases this will be reviewed. Teachers will be consulted regularly to ensure that the needs of the children are being met and this may cause changes to timetabling of learning support during the school year

2.2 (b) Progress Review – Continuing/Discontinuing Pupils in Receipt of Supplementary


Meetings will be held at the start of each instructional year/parent teacher meetings with parents in cases where supplementary teaching is to be continued to discuss the revised learning targets and activities in the pupil’s individual learning programme.

Parents will be notified when learning support is to be discontinued due to adequate progress being made or when the pupil in question is performing above the percentile laid down in the criteria for learning support.

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

2.2 (c) Monitoring Progress

Ongoing structured observation and assessment of the language, literacy and numeracy skills of pupils in the infant classes to facilitate early identification of learning difficulties by the class teacher.

Formative testing and observation of work by the class teacher.

Implement the school policies on screening and selecting pupils for supplementary teaching in both Maths and English by administering appropriate screening measures. All classes from 1 st – 6 th will be screened every May/June with the Micra

T/Sigma T tests. (1 st class will be tested in October and again in May/June ).

Standard and diagnostic testing by learning support/resource teachers.

Record keeping – Pupils have a file whereby records, test results and assessments are kept in a secure filing cabinet.

2.3 Stage 3 Consultation or referral for assessment to outside specialist

 Procedures for referring children for psychological or other assessments

The class teacher should oversee initial contact with parents. The principal will liaise with assessment services, and, where appropriate, make arrangements for additional educational provision for children with diagnosed special needs. The relevant special education teacher will collect all documentation concerning the pupil’s test scores. This will be co-ordinated by the principal. In the event of a limited availability of assessments through NEPS priority will be given to the pupil with the greatest need.

Psychological Assessment Procedures

 Every year all the pupils from 1 st up to 6 th class will have standardised testing in


 The parents of any pupil, whose results indicate a difficulty, will be notified and asked to meet with the class teacher. If appropriate, diagnostic tests will be carried out by the learning support teacher in advance of these meetings.

 The learning support teacher will send a consent form home to be signed by the parents giving their consent for supplementary teaching. If necessary, meetings will be arranged throughout the year to discuss the child’s difficulties/progress etc.

 Should the child’s difficulties warrant further investigation, the learning support teacher/class teacher will advise an educational assessment with a psychologist.

Parents will be asked to sign a consent form.

 Where reports from other agencies/therapists e.g. Speech and

Language/Occupational therapists etc. make recommendations that require

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy support in school, the child/children concerned may be considered for an educational psychological report.

 The class teacher and learning support will then complete a Pupil Referral Form.

 Appointments will then be made with an Educational Psychologist. Parents will be informed of a date and time. They will be invited to attend.

 A copy of the psychologist’s report will be kept on file in the school’s filing cabinet. The parents will also receive a copy of the report.

 Where appropriate, the principal will make an application for resource hours to the Department of Education, if recommended by the Educational Psychologist.

 Upon receipt of a decision from the DES, parents will be notified by the principal.

3.0 Drafting and Implementing an Education Plan

The Individual Profile and Learning Programme/IEP is used to record relevant information relating to a child’s learning attainments and his/her learning strengths and needs. It also contains an outline of his/her learning strengths and needs. It also contains an outline of his/her individual learning programme. The first stage in the development of an Individual

Profile and Learning Programme/IEP involves the collection of the relevant information through diagnostic assessment and through discussion with class teachers. Following this, the pupil’s learning strengths and needs are specified and decisions are taken regarding the choice of learning targets and activities.

Much of the work involved in completing and Individual Profile and Learning

Programme/IEP is carried out and co-ordinated by the Learning Support/Resource Teacher.

However an inclusive approach is used, whereby the class teacher, parents and pupils themselves are involved.

Following the completion of the assessment/information gathering phase, the pupils learning strengths/attainments and priority needs can then be stated. The statements provide a means of linking the results of assessment to the setting of specific learning targets for the pupil.

The Individual Profile and Learning Programmes/IEP address medium-term planning, depending on the ability of the child. They will be drawn up during the month of September and again in the month of February.

The Learning Support Teacher/Resource teacher, Class teacher receive a copy of the

IPLP/IEP. Communication will be made with class teachers, parents, and principal at the end of an instructional term or as targets are achieved, whereby progress will be reviewed. If the

IPLP/ IEP identify resources over and above those normally available the principal will bring

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy it to the attention of the SENO or the NCSE. The principal will also be responsible for ongoing consultations with psychologists, the SENO etc.

The IEP’s will be filed appropriately for access by relevant parties.

4.0 Inclusion

The following practical steps are in place to ensure that pupils with special educational needs are included as fully as possible in the life of the school and the classroom:

 Buddy system

 Educational outings

School tours

SPHE classes

Paired/ Shared Reading – to be implemented

 Drama


Visual Art


 Religion


5.0 Deployment of Staff

To facilitate the effective implementation of a school policy on special needs and learning support- support services, the roles of the different partners – the Board of Management,

Principal, Class teachers, Learning Support Teacher/ Resource teacher, Parents and Pupils are crucial.

5.1 Role of Board of Management:

To oversee the development, implementation and review of school policy on special educational needs.

 To ensure that adequate classroom accommodation and teaching resources are provided for special education teachers.

To provide a secure facility for the storage of records relating to pupils in receipt of special educational needs.

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

5.2 Role of the Principal:

To assume overall responsibility for the development and implementation of the school’s policies special educational needs.

 To work with teachers and parents in the development of the school plan on special educational needs and learning on an ongoing basis.

In collaboration with the SEN team and class teaqchers, to monitor the selection of pupils for supplementary teaching, ensuring that this service is focussed on the pupils whose needs are greatest.

 To assume responsibility for co coordinating special needs services, in collaboration with the relevant teachers.

To work with teachers regarding external assessment services that are available and the procedures to be followed in initiating referrals.

To help teachers to increase their knowledge and skills in the area of special educational needs.

 To attend multi-disciplinary meetings regarding children with special educational needs.

To oversee the implementation of standardized testing and reporting.

5.2 Role of the Principal with a Shared Learning Support Teacher/ Resource Teacher

 To attend an initial meeting of all the principal teachers of the school in the cluster and the Special Educational Needs Teachers to develop a policy on Special

Educational Needs.

 To attend an annual meeting of all the principal teachers of the school in the cluster.

This meeting would also be attended by the Learning support/Resource teacher, where necessary.

Performing a defined role in co-ordinating the provision of special needs and learning – support services in one or more schools, if requested to do so by the principal teachers.

Arrange travel between schools in such a way that the frequency and intensity of the resource/learning support teachers are at the highest possible level, in collaboration with the teachers concerned.

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

6. Collaboration and Communication

6.1 - Role of Parents in supporting the work of the school

Effective communication with parents is critically important to the success of Special

Educational Needs Programme. Activities that may be organised to increase the involvement of parents in supporting their children’s learning, particularly parents in the

Special Educational Needs Programme. Such activities include:

 Paired/Shared Reading.

 Developing children’s oral language through discussion.

Motivating children to learn more.

Selecting high interest books for the children.

Visits to places of interest to broaden the range of children’s experiences.

 Encouraging children to use the library

Engage children in activities to aid social and emotional development such as football, choir, drama, rugby etc.

Parents will be consulted regularly at all stages of processes outlined in this policy eg

 When a child is assessed as having needs that may require learning support

 When a child is identified as having behaviours/difficulties that may require further investigation within the school or by outside agencies

During psychological assessments

 When an IEP/IPLP is being drawn up for a child

When a child is being withdrawn from learning support

Where learning support/resource provision is ongoing, parents will be provided with an opportunity to meet with the support teachers.

6.2 Class Teacher

Once a pupil has come to the attention of the school because of underlying difficulties, the class teacher will make contact with parents to make him/her aware of the situation and also to clarify the parent’s views about the child’s performance at school.

The class teacher will seek help from the learning support teachers to proceed with further assessment, which may lead to supplementary teaching.

 The class teacher will be involved in drawing up an IEP/IPLP for the pupil.

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

The class teacher will indicate that a meeting with the learning support teacher and the parents will take place.

Teacher may set supplementary work for the child to be undertaken during the holidays.

6.3 Learning Support Teachers

The role of the Special Needs Teacher should include:

 Meeting with the parents whose child is beginning learning support.

Meeting with parents when IPLPs/IEPs are being drawn up.

Liaise with class teachers when IEPs/IPLPs are being drawn up.

Co- coordinating the provision of special needs including timetabling.

 Liasing with external agencies such as the educational psychologist to arrange assessment and special provision for pupils with special needs.

Maintaining a list of pupils who are receiving supplementary teaching.

Maintaining records for pupils in receipt of supplementary teaching.

7. Resources

The learning support teachers, resource teachers, autism class teachers and the principal are responsible for sourcing and acquiring additional resources for the provision of special education in our school. The SEN teachers are responsible for tracking, storing and maintaining these resources. There is a general consensus to share the resources among the schools in our cluster.

8. Transfer to post primary or to another primary school

To assist the smooth transition for pupils with special needs to post primary education a standard form is completed.

A review meeting will take place with all the necessary bodies. Parental consent needs to be sought when information is transferred.

9. Record Keeping

The IPLP’S/IEP’s are maintained by the SEN teachers.

Parents, class teachers, learning support/resource teachers, SENO, psychologist and inspectors have access to these records. Bearing in mind the child’s entitlement to

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy confidentiality, access may be on a need to know basis. The records are stored in a locked filing cabinet. The records are maintained until the pupil is twenty –one years old. Records are updated when necessary.

10. Other Related Policies

The schools’ curricular and organisational policies and plans take into account the needs of pupils with SEN, through differentiation of content and methodologies in curriculum areas.

Special needs are also reflected in the following policies: Enrolment, Code of

Behaviour, Anti Bullying and Record Keeping.

Success Criteria

The following points will be indicators of the success of the Special Educational

Needs Policy.

Pupils with special needs will be catered for.

 The progress of pupils with special needs will be monitored and recorded.

Discussion/meetings with parents.

Feedback from teaching staff, pupils, psychologists etc.

Standardised test results

 Inspector’s Reports.

Roles and Responsibility

The roles and responsibilities of parents, teaching staff, principal and BOM have already been outlined in the policy

It is the role of the SENO to allocate the annual support provision to the school, based on the information provided to her by the principal.

Other agencies involved in meeting the needs of the pupils are the DES and NEPS. The school also relies on the support of a variety of therapists and psychologists in analyzing the needs of our pupils.


This policy will apply from 2014 as soon as it has been ratified by the BOM.

St. Patricks NS: SEN policy

Timetable for Review

The policy will be reviewed annually in light of changes to provision. However the underlying principals, roles and responsibilities will be reviewed every 5 years.

Ratification and Communication

This policy will be presented to the BOM for ratification at the first meeting of the 2014 –

2015 school year. Upon ratification, it will be published on the school web-site at the earliest opportunity.


Ratification of policy for St. Patrick’s NS

Chairperson Date

Principal Date
