Nuffield College Library duplicates list 18: April 2013 If you would like any of these books please contact Clare Kavanagh ( Items will be allocated on a first come first served basis and removed from this list when they have been requested. Please note that any items marked with * require some repair or are marked. Addison, T., Hulme, D. & Kanbur, R. Poverty dynamics: interdisciplinary perspectives OUP, Oxford, 2009 Aghion, P. & Howitt, P. Endogenous growth theory The MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1998 Aghion, P. & Williamson, J.G. Growth, inequality and globalization: theory, history and policy Raffaele Mattiolo Lectures CUP, Cambridge, 1998 Albrow, M. Bureaucracy Key Concepts in Political Science Macmillan, London, 1970 Allen, V.L. The militancy of British miners The Moor Press, Shipley, 1981 Arestis, P., Palma, G. & Sawyer, M. Capital controversy, post-Keynesian economics and the history of economics: essays in honour of Geoff Harcourt, volume one Routledge Frontiers of Political Economy Routledge, London, 1997 x 2 Barrell, R. The UK labour market: comparative aspects and institutional developments CUP, Cambridge, 1994 Barro, R.J. Determinants of economic growth: a cross-country empirical study The Lionel Robbins Lectures The MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1999 Barro, R.J. & Sala-i-Martin, X. Economic growth McGraw-Hill Advances Series in Economics McGraw-Hill, New York, 1995 Baumol, W.J. Perfect markets and easy virtue: business ethics and the invisible hand Mitsui Lectures in Economics Blackwell, Cambridge (Mass.), 1991 Berger, S.D. Organizing interests in Western Europe: pluralism, corporatism and the transformation of politics Cambridge Studies in Modern Political Economies CUP, Cambridge, 1981 Besley, T. Principled agents? The political economy of good government The Lindahl Lectures OUP, Oxford, 2006 Blackburn, R.M. & Mann, M. The working class in the labour market Cambridge Studies in Sociology Macmillan, London, 1979 Brecht, B. Life of Galileo Methuen Drama, London, 2001 Bruno, M. & Sachs, J. Economics of worldwide stagflation Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1985 Cerrato, J.A. Hippolytus between east and west: the commentaries and the provenance of the corpus Oxford Theological Monographs OUP, Oxford, 2002 Chomsky, N. Year 501: the conquest continues Black Rose Books, Montreal, 1992 Cooley, T.F. Frontiers of business cycle research Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1995 Cox, D.R. & Miller, H.D. The theory of stochastic processes Methuen & Co., London, 1965 Cross, R. Unemployment, hysteresis and the natural rate hypothesis Basil Blackwell, Oxford, 1988 Currie, R., Gilbert, A. & Horsley, L. Churches and churchgoers: patterns of church growth in the British Isles since 1700 Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1977 *Dahl, R. Democracy and its critics Yale University Press, New Haven, 1989 Dahl, R. Polyarchy: participation and opposition Yale University Press, New Haven, 1971 Diamond, L. & Plattner, M.F. The global resurgence of democracy John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1996 Dixit, A.K. & Pindyck. R.S. Investment under uncertainty Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1994 Dolowitz, D.P. Policy transfer and British social policy: learning from the USA? Public Policy and Management OUP, Buckingham, 2000 Dowding, K. The civil service Theory and Practice in British Politics Routledge, London, 1995 Duggan, C. The force of destiny: a history of Italy since 1796 Penguin Books, London, 2008 Dunleavy, P. Democracy, bureaucracy & public choice: economic explanations in political science Harvester Wheatsheaf, Hemel Hempstead, 1991 Dunleavy, P. et al Digital era governance: IT corporations, the state and e-government OUP, Oxford, 2008 Dworkin, R. Taking rights seriously Gerald Duckworth & Co., London, 1977 Ehrenberg, R.G. Labor markets and integrating national economies Integrating National Economies: Promise and Pitfalls The Brookings Institute, Washington D.C., 1994 Evans, G. & Norris, P. Critical elections: British parties and voters in long-term perspective Sage Publications, London, 1999 Evans, P.B., Rueschemeyer, D. & Skocpol, T. Bringing the state back in CUP, Cambridge, 1985 Farmer, R.E.A. Expectations, employment and prices OUP, Oxford, 2010 Farmer, R.E.A. How the economy works: confidence, crashes and self-fulfilling prophecies OUP, Oxford, 2010 Finer, S.E. Comparative government Penguin Books, Harmondsworth, 1978 Freeman, R.B. & Gottschalk, P. Generating jobs: how to increase demand for less-skilled workers Russell Sage Foundation, New York, 1998 Gladkov, A. Meetings with Pasternak: a memoir by Alexander Gladkov Collins and Harvill Press, London, 1977 *Green, P. Democracy Key Concepts in Critical Theory Humanities Press, New Jersey, 1995 Gregg, P. & Wadsworth, J. The state of working Britain Manchester University Press, Manchester, 1999 Griffith, J.A.G. & Ryle, M. Parliament: functions, practice and procedures Sweet & Maxwell, London, 1989 x 2 Hardin, R. Collective action: a book from Resources from the future John Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, 1982 Hart, H.L.A. The concept of law Clarendon Law Series Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1961 Hazell, R. Constitutional futures: a history of the next ten years OUP, Oxford, 1999 Held, D. Models of democracy Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1987 Hingley, R. A biography: Pasternak Unwin, London, 1985 Horton, T. & Gregory, J. The solidarity society: why we can afford to end poverty and how to do it with public support Fabian Society, London, 2009 *Huntington, S.P. The clash of civilizations and the remaking of world order Simon & Schuster, London, 1996 Inglehart, R. Modernization and post modernization: cultural, economic and political change in 43 societies Princeton University Press, Princeton, 1997 Jewkes, J., Sawers, D. & Stillerman, R. The sources of invention, 2nd ed. Macmillan, London, 1969 Kanbur, R. / Commission on Growth and Development Equity and growth in a globalizing world The International Bank for Reconstruction and Development / World Bank, Washington, 2010 Kavanagh, D. & Rose, R. New trends in British politics: issues for research Sage Publications, London, 1977 Keane, J. Democracy and civil society: on the predicaments of European Socialism, the prospects for democracy and the problem of controlling social and political power Verso, London, 1988 Kennedy, P. A guide to econometrics Blackwell, Oxford, 1998 (4th ed.) Lawrence, R.Z. & Schultze, C.L. Barriers to european growth: a transatlantic view The Brookings Institute, Washington D.C., 1987 Layard, R. Tackling inequality Macmillan Press, Houndsmill, 1999 Layard, R. Tackling unemployment Macmillan Press, Houndsmill, 1999 Layard, R., Nickell, S. & Jackman, R. Unemployment: macroeconomic performance and the labour market OUP, Oxford, 2005 LeDuc, L., Niemi, R.G. & Norris, P. Comparing democracies 3: elections and voting in the 21 st century Sage, London, 2010 Lichtenberg, F.R. Corporate takeovers and productivity The MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1992 Lijphart, A. Electoral systems and party systems: a study of twenty-seven democracies, 1945-1990 Comparative European Politics OUP, Oxford, 1994 Lijphart, A. Parliamentary versus presidential government Oxford Readings in Politics and Government OUP, Oxford, 1992 Lipset, S.M. & Rokkan, S. Party systems and voter alignments: cross-national perspectives International Yearbook of Political Behavior Research, volume 7 The Free Press, New York, 1967 Lindbeck, A. & Snower, D.J. The insider-outsider theory of employment and unemployment The MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1988 Lora, G. A history of the Bolivian Labour Movement, 1848-1971 Cambridge Latin American Studies CUP, Cambridge, 1977 Lowenthal, A.F. et al The Obama administration and the Americans: agenda for change Brookings Institution Press, Washington D.C., 2009 Lucas, R.E. Lectures on economic growth Harvard University Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 2002 MacCormick, N. Legal reasoning and legal theory Clarendon Law Series Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1978 Mair, P. The West European party system Oxford Readings in Politics and Government OUP, Oxford, 1990 Marshall, G. Constitutional theory Clarendon Law Series Clarendon Press, Oxford, 1971 McAllister, I., Dowrick, S. & Hassan, R. The Cambridge handbook of social sciences in Australia CUP, Cambridge, 2003 Meierhenrich, J. The legacies of law : long-run consequences of legal development in South Africa, 1652-2000 CUP, Cambridge, 2008 Middlemas, K. Politics in industrial society: the experience of the British system since 1911 André Deutsch Ltd, London, 1979 Minford, P. Unemployment: cause and cure Martin Robertson, Oxford, 1983 Osborne, M.J. An introduction to game theory OUP, New York, 2004 Pateman, C. The sexual contract Stanford University Press, Stanford, 1988 Phillips, A. Engendering democracy Pennsylvania State University Press, Pennsylvania, 1991 Pomper, G.M. et al The election of 1988: reports and interpretations Chatham House Publishers, Chatham, 1989 Powell, G. Bingham Elections as instruments of democracy: majoritarian and proportional visions Yale University Press, New Haven, 2000 Presthus, R. Elites in the policy process CUP, London, 1974 Proudman, J. 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Sunk costs and market structure: price competition, advertising and the evolution of concentration The MIT Press, Cambridge (Mass.), 1991 Teulings, C. & Hartog, J. Corporatism or competition? Labour contracts, institutions and wage structures in international comparison CUP, Cambridge, 1998 Thorner, D., Kerblay, B. & Smith, R.E.F. A.V. Chayanov on the theory of peasant economy The American Economic Association Translation Series Richard D. Irwin, Illinois, 1966 Tickner, J.A. Gender in international relations: feminist perspectives on achieving global security New Directions in World Politics Columbia University Press, New York, 1992 United Nations World economic and social survey 2012: in search of new development finance E/2012/50/Rev.1 ST/ESA/341 United Nations, New York, 2012 Ware, A. & Goodin, R.E. Needs and welfare SAGE Modern Politics Series Volume 26 SAGE Publications, London, 1990 Wertheim, M.. Pythagoras' trousers: God, physics and the gender wars Fourth Estate, London, 1996 Wolff, J. An introduction to political philosophy (rev. ed.) OUP, Oxford, 2006