Study Guide -

Lesson 1: A story of Bottled Water
Teacher’s Instructions
Step 1
Write “sustainability” on the board. Ask the students to define it. Elicit or give a definition such as ‘well-balanced
development as a process of changes for the sake of securing the quality of people’s lives’.
Step 2
Put your students into pairs and ask them to discuss the following questions:
Is sustainability important in life? If so why?
What can we do to cultivate sustainable approach towards life?
Step 3
Get feedback from the whole class on why sustainability is important and what can be done to cultivate it?
Step 4
Give your students the worksheet with the quotes about sustainability (see Appendix 1). Ask them to read the
quotes and see if any of the ideas they mentioned are reflected in the quotes.
Step 5
Ask students to look at the quotes again and then discuss in pairs the meaning of each one and whether they agree
with it.
Step 6
Hold a plenary session on the meaning of each of the quotes.
Step 7
Tell your students they are going to watch a short video (8:05) that is based on a story of bottled water. As they
watch, their task is to answer the question:
Why is it important to be sustainable in the terms of water consumption?
Play the video twice. Help with the vocabulary if necessary.
Step 8
Put your students in small groups and ask them to discuss their answers.
Step 9
Hold a plenary session based on the following questions:
Where should we nurture sustainability?
What is the relationship between consumption and sustainability?
How does industry relate to sustainability?
Ask your students to make their own presentations or a 1-minute film on sustainable water consumption.
Lesson 2: A story of Cosmetics
Teacher’s Instructions
Step 1
Write “sustainability” on the board. Ask the students to define it. Elicit or give a definition such as ‘well-balanced
development as a process of changes for the sake of securing the quality of people’s lives’.
Step 2
Put your students into pairs and ask them to discuss the following questions:
Is sustainability important in life? If so why?
What can we do to cultivate sustainable approach towards life?
Step 3
Get feedback from the whole class on why sustainability is important and what can be done to cultivate it?
Step 4
Give your students the worksheet with the quotes about sustainability (see Appendix 1). Ask them to read the
quotes and see if any of the ideas they mentioned are reflected in the quotes.
Step 5
Ask students to look at the quotes again and then discuss in pairs the meaning of each one and whether they agree
with it.
Step 6
Hold a plenary session on the meaning of each of the quotes.
Step 7
Tell your students they are going to watch a short video (8:18) that is based on a story of cosmetics. As they watch,
their task is to answer the question:
Why is it important to be sustainable in the terms of cosmetics consumption?
Play the video twice. Help with the vocabulary if necessary.
Step 8
Put your students in small groups and ask them to discuss their answers.
Step 9
Hold a plenary session based on the following questions:
Where should we nurture sustainability?
What is the relationship between consumption and sustainability?
How does industry relate to sustainability?
Ask your students to make their own presentations or a 1-minute film on sustainable cosmetics consumption.
Lesson 3: A story of Electronics
Teacher’s Instructions
Step 1
Write “sustainability” on the board. Ask the students to define it. Elicit or give a definition such as ‘well-balanced
development as a process of changes for the sake of securing the quality of people’s lives’.
Step 2
Put your students into pairs and ask them to discuss the following questions:
Is sustainability important in life? If so why?
What can we do to cultivate sustainable approach towards life?
Step 3
Get feedback from the whole class on why sustainability is important and what can be done to cultivate it?
Step 4
Give your students the worksheet with the quotes about sustainability (see Appendix 1). Ask them to read the
quotes and see if any of the ideas they mentioned are reflected in the quotes.
Step 5
Ask students to look at the quotes again and then discuss in pairs the meaning of each one and whether they agree
with it.
Step 6
Hold a plenary session on the meaning of each of the quotes.
Step 7
Tell your students they are going to watch a short video (7:46) that is based on a story of cosmetics. As they watch,
their task is to answer the question:
Why is it important to be sustainable in the terms of electronics consumption?
Play the video twice. Help with the vocabulary if necessary.
Step 8
Put your students in small groups and ask them to discuss their answers.
Step 9
Hold a plenary session based on the following questions:
Where should we nurture sustainability?
What is the relationship between consumption and sustainability?
How do industry and design relate to sustainability?
Ask your students to make their own presentations or a 1-minute film on sustainable electronics consumption.
Appendix 1
 We endeavour to meet the needs of the present without reducing the possibilities of future
 Little things mean a lot, and it is not necessary to wait for big changes in the society to be able
to rejoice in the smaller.
 Sustainability is understanding the limits of ecosystems as an important basis for successful
 Sustainability is understanding the importance of one’s own welfare and that of others.
 Sustainability is the need for us not to exploit earth´s resources to the extent that we will be
unable to leave the planet to future generations in the same or in a better state we received it.