
Alumni Questionnaire 2013
We are currently working towards developing our Alumni Association. We have compiled this survey to find out
more about you and to ask for your views on how we can expand our Alumni network in the future. The
questionnaire will only take a few minutes to complete and the information collected will be used for
development purposes within the College and to stay connected with our alumni.
1. Personal Information:
Last Name: ………………………………………………………………. First Name: ……………………………………………
Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………...
…………………………………………………………………………………………………… Country: ………………………….
Telephone No: Home ………………………………… Mobile: ………………………………… Other : ………………………..
Are you on Facebook: Yes [ ] No [ ] Twitter: Yes [ ] No [ ] LinkedIn: Yes [ ] No [ ]
Other social media (specify)……………………………………. Email address: ………………………………………………….
What is your preferred method of communication: Standard Mail: [ ] Email: [ ]
Secondary School Attended and Address: ………………………………………………………………………………………….
Age Group:
18-24 [ ] 25-34 [ ] 35-44 [ ] 45-54 [ ] 55-64 [ ] 65-74 [ ] 75 and over [ ]
2. Course(s) undertaken in All Hallows: (If you left the course before completion, enter year of leaving instead)
Undergraduate Programmes
BA in Theology and Philosophy [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………….
BA in Theology and Psychology [ ] Year of Graduation: ……………………..
BA in Theology and English Literature [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………………….
BA for Personal and Professional Development (ALBA) [ ] Year of Graduation / Course Completion: ……….
Post Graduate Programmes
MA in Applied Christian Spirituality [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………………….
MA in Ecology and Religion [ ] Year of Graduation: ……………………….
MA in Leadership and Pastoral Care [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………………….
MA in Management for Community and Voluntary Services [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………………….
MA in Social Justice and Public Policy [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………………….
MA in Supervisory Practice [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………………….
MA / PhD by Research [ ] Year of Graduation: ………………………….
Other Programmes / Courses:
Pathways [ ] Year: …………………..
Others please specify:
Year of Graduation/Year of Course Completion: ………………..
(If you have completed more than one course please enter each relevant year of graduation/completion above.
If you are currently studying, which course are you undertaking: …………………………………………………………………
College Name: ……………………………………………………………………
When will you be graduating : …..........
3. Employment Status:
Working [ ] Studying [ ] Self-employed [ ] Retired [ ] Other(Specify) ……………………………………………….
If you are working could you let us know
Your current occupation /job title: ………………………………………..
Industry/Sector : ……………………………………
Employer: ………………………………………………………………
Location: …………………………………………...
4. Would you be interested in helping the Alumni Association in any of the following areas?
 Alumni Steering Committee Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Working with the Committee to develop strategies and provide leadership for the Alumni Association
Alumni Working Groups Yes [ ]
No [ ]
It is anticipated that a number of specialist working groups will be formed in relevant areas of expertise, e.g.
philosophy, psychology, etc.
General administration/back office functions
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Helping the Alumni Association in areas such as general clerical duties, photocopying, mailings, etc.
Alumni Help Line
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Keep in contact with existing alumni on a regular basis and providing support to them as required
Student Mentorship Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Alumni are in a unique position to support students and provide skills mentoring. This may be at a group level or
on a one-to-one basis.
Guest Speaking (at Alumni and other college events both on and off campus)
Research Collaboration
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
The college is proactively involved in developing a research capability in all disciplines. The involvement of
alumni would greatly enhance this process.
Pastoral Reflection Group
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Facilitating and providing support to alumni currently working in pastoral/social justice and other relevant areas.
This would operate on a similar basis to the current Pastoral Reflection Groups in College. Commitment would
be for 1 and a half hours weekly/monthly.
Fundraising Activities
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
The college is involved in a number of major initiatives to upgrade facilities and services, develop Scholarship
Programmes and provide other supports
Newsletter (writing articles relevant to alumni activities)
Alumni Ambassadors
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
Attending College events, representing the college as appropriate and developing relationships with other
College Gospel Choir Yes [ ]
No [ ]
In order to ensure the continuation of the Gospel Choir new members would be welcome from September
onwards – approximately 1 and a half hours per week – evenings
Yes [ ]
Yes [ ]
No [ ]
No [ ]
Prayerful Experience Yes [ ]
No [ ]
The College is currently investigating the possibility of establishing regular meetings based upon various prayer
models, e.g. Lectio Divina, scripture based prayer, mindfulness and the art of stillness. Commitment would be 1
and a half hours per week/month.
Please specify here any other areas that you feel you could help us: ……………………………………………………...
5. Roughly how many hours per week/month could you commit to?
Monday [ ] Tuesday [ ] Wednesday [ ] Thursday [ ]
Friday [ ]
6. Which times would suit you best?: mornings [ ] afternoons [ ] evenings [ ] weekends [ ]
7. We hope to organise a series of alumni related activities/events in the coming months: Please indicate which
of the following you would be interested in attending:
Conferences Yes [ ] No [ ]
Seminars Yes [ ] No [ ]
Continuous Professional Development Initiatives Yes [ ] No [ ]
Short Courses (preference – day/night/weekends) Yes [ ] No [ ]
Skills Mentoring Yes [ ] No [ ]
Careers development Yes [ ] No [ ]
Special Networking events with voluntary/private organisations Yes [ ] No [ ]
Sports Events Yes [ ] No [ ]
Social Occasions Yes [ ] No [ ]
College Societies Yes [ ] No [ ]
Fundraising Events Yes [ ] No [ ]
Retreats Yes [ ] No [ ]
Supervisory Practice Group Yes [ ] No [ ]
8. Are there specific courses/educational/professional development initiatives you would be more interested in
(Please tell us here) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
9. Please include here any other suggestions for Alumni events you would like to see arranged.
10. Which college facilities do you currently use or would be interested in using
Library Services [ ]
Accommodation [ ]
Religious Services [ ]
Dining Facilities [ ]
Room Hire [ ]
Other college facilities (Please list here)
11. Would you ever consider supporting All Hallows with a donation? Yes [ ] No [ ]
If yes, which areas of support do you consider being important:
Student Life
Hardship Fund
Teaching & Research
Capital Building Campaign
Restoration of Drumcondra House
Library Endowment
Development of Recreational Facilities
Other areas (please specify) …………………………………………………………………………………………………………..
12. Please let us know here any thoughts or reflections you may have in relation to how we can develop the
Alumni Association and/or support the college: (Continue overleaf if necessary)
We are very grateful to you for taking the time to provide us with your feedback. If you wish to know more about how the
Alumni network is growing please visit or alternatively contact us at
In completing the questionnaire we assume that you wish to be included in our mailing list. If you wish to opt out please
tick here: [ ]
Remember you are welcome to visit the college at any time!
Geraldine McKenna
Director of Alumni Relations, All Hallows College, Gracepark Road, Drumcondra, Dublin 9
March 2013
01 852 0727