Requesting an EHC needs assessment: An overview Date completed: UPN: Forename: Surname: Home address: Gender: Ethnicity: Male Date of Birth: Is the child in care/ looked after? Other Year Group: Yes No Don’t know Form completed by: Name of school or setting: Type of request: Female Parents/carers School/setting Other: Other professionals already involved (names when known and role) If this is a school request, please complete items 1-8 below and the checklist. Otherwise move straight to the checklist. 1.Summary of the reason for the request: 2.Parents/carers are aware of the Yes No request: 3.Parents views 4. What parents hope to get from the assessment? 5. Child/young person’s view? 6. What is important to them? 7. What is working well? 8. What is not working? Any other information Please add name to the footer so each page can be linked to the child/young person. First name Surname (DoB) Page 1 of 3 Criteria checklist for requesting an EHC needs assessment Please read the full guidance document before completing this checklist. Please number all supporting documents you are sending and then indicate where the evidence for each of the criteria can be found. Based on the definitions within the guidance please answer the following questions. Please note numbers in these categories will be relatively low. 1. Do you consider that there is a compelling reason to assess? 2. Do you consider the child/young person to have severe and life-long needs which require an EHCP to provide additional resources to support the child/young person’s education? a) Evidence of the child or young person’s Page numbers where academic attainment (or developmental evidence can be found milestones in younger children) and rate of progress The child or young person’s academic attainment in all areas of learning. Yes/No Yes/No Crosscheck for use by SAS The child or young person’s attainment in assessments and tests compared to the majority of children that age. Evidence of the rate and style of the child or young person’s progress. Teachers’ own recorded assessments of a child or young person’s classroom work. (b) Information about the nature, extent and Section (b) to be completed only when applicable context of the child or young person’s SEN and disabilities Information about the nature of the child’s/young person’s SEND. Information about impact that the SEND is having on their learning and development. Evidence of the child or young person’s performance in different environments. Information about: numbers on roll; class or group size; staff to pupil ratios in the group or class (including teachers and learning support assistants or other support staff); other children with SEN or disabilities. (c) Evidence of action already taken by the early years setting, school or post-16 institution to meet the child or young person’s SEN Evidence of person-centred planning and coproduction: All planning, decision making and support should follow from the experiences, opinions, aspirations, goals and hopes of the child, young person and the family. This may include use of planning tools such as a One Page Profile. Evidence of assess, plan, do and review. For example, One Planning, Early Support or TAC. First name Surname (DoB) Page 2 of 3 Evidence of a focus on outcomes particularly those important for and important to the child or young person and the family. (c) continued Information about the use of evidence-based interventions and how their effectiveness has been monitored and evaluated over time. The use of the Provision Guidance Toolkit should be evidenced here. Evidence of any changes in strategies and programmes as a result of that monitoring. (d) Evidence that where progress has been made, it has only been as the result of much additional intervention and support at a sustained level over and above that which is usually provided Evidence of how the delegated funding available to the school or college has been utilised appropriately and how it has been evaluated. How services available through the Local Offer have been accessed and how the impact of these has been evaluated. Evidence that the school/college has provided targeted intervention addressing the child/young person’s individual needs. Is there evidence of individual or small group support? Evidence of active monitoring information adjustments to the child/young person’s programmes in the event of limited progress being made. Evidence of advice or support from external services. Evidence that the child /young person has had access to Quality First teaching. Evidence that the school or college have focused on meeting the agreed outcomes for the child /young person. (e) Evidence of the child or young person’s physical, emotional and social development and health needs, drawing on relevant evidence from clinicians and other health professionals and what has been done to meet these by other agencies Evidence of the child /young person’s health, including their medical history where relevant. Health Care Plans (where appropriate). Page numbers where evidence can be found Crosscheck for use by SAS Section (e) only to be completed when applicable Evidence of significant social, emotional or behavioural difficulties, as indicated by clear recorded examples. Evidence from assessments or interventions by health or social services. Evidence that the setting has had regard to the DfE guidance on managing the child’s or young person’s mental health and behaviour difficulties. First name Surname (DoB) Page 3 of 3