Conard Introduction to Mineralogy Have you ever wondered what

Conard 1
Introduction to Mineralogy
A. Have you ever wondered what that rock you found was? A mineralogist would
know what it was.
B. History of Mineralogy
C. What Mineralogists do
D. The job outlook/salary
E. How to become a Mineralogist
F. Best place to be a Mineralogist
History of Mineralogy
A. Firstly, Mineralogy has a very interesting history.
B. Mineralogy is a branch off of Geology.
C. In 1669, Nicolaus Steno started to describe 2 principles.
1. Sedimentary rocks are laid down in a horizontal manner. (Historical
Perspective Time Line 1)
D. Later in the early 1800s, Charles Lyell created the idea of the principle of
uniformitarianism. (Historical Perspective Time Line 1)
Operations that Mineralogists do.
A. Next, Mineralogists have special actions that they must perform.
B. An action that they do is they study rocks, gems and other minerals. (VanDyke 1)
C. They study the properties of minerals and also identify them.
D. Mineralogists may also inspect mines and their safety.
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Job outlook/salary
A. Becoming a Mineralogist can be rewarding.
B. An average Mineralogist makes $106,780 per year with making $51.33 per hour.
(Bureau of Labor Statistics 1)
C. Different parts of the United States pay different amounts. (Bureau of Labor
Statistics 1)
D. The Midwest is currently the highest paying region to Mineralogists. (Bureau of
Labor Statistics 1)
E. By 2020, the job outlook is supposed to raise up to 21%.
F. Because of that current need of jobs, if you are going to school to become a
Mineralogist or a geoscientist in general, expect strong competition. (VanDyke 1)
How to become a Mineralogist
A. Here are some requirements on how to become a Mineralogist.
B. To begin in college, you must take all of the basic courses.
C. Many people who get their bachelors degree generally get a degree in geology but
focus more strictly on the study of minerals (VanDyke 1)
D. Experience is crucial to becoming a Mineralogist.
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E. Some places that Mineralogists work are with the gaswells, museums, and
Regions/places best for Mineralogists
A. Mineralogists jobs are offered all around the world.
B. Some of the best places in the United States are in the Midwest. (Bureau of Labor
Statistics 1)
C. Oklahoma received the highest average salary at $153,120 per year. (Bureau of
Labor Statistics 1)
D. Texas was the second at $146,800 per year.
E. South Carolina was the lowest paying state at $38,540 per year.
A. In conclusion, Mineralogy can help us discover new things.
B. Have you ever wondered what that rock you found was? Keeping these things in
mind about Mineralogists, you will be closer to figuring it out.
C. History of Mineralogy
D. Operations that Mineralogists perform
E. Job outlook/salary
F. How to become a Mineralogist
G. The importance of Mineralogy
H. Regions/places best for Mineralogy
Conard 4
I. The history of the earth is broken into a hierarchal set divisions for describing
geologic time. (Historical Perspective Time Line 2)
Works Cited
Fiorillo, Tony. "The Geologic Time Scale in Historical Perspecitve." . N.p., 12 Dec 1993.
Web. 5 Nov 2013. <>.
. N.p.. Web. 5 Nov 2013. <>.
VanDyke, Mark. Telephone Interview.7 Oct. 2013