BMED 2801 Lecture 16 – Histology of Nervous Tissue Structurally, nerve tissue consists of two cell types: 1. Nerve cells, or neurons, which usually show numerous long processes - are responsible for the reception, transmission, and processing of stimuli; the triggering of certain cell activities; and the release of neurotransmitters and other informational molecules. 2. And several types of glial cells, which have short processes, support and protect neurons, and participate in neural activity, neural nutrition, and the defence processes of the central nervous system. Parts of a Neuron Dendrites: - Dendrites are receptor processes which receive stimuli from other neurons or external environment - Dendrites can be multiple, can branch e.g. in multipolar neurons - Appear as darker stained processes - Has a greater diameter than axons - Unmyelinated & tapered - Can be smooth, or studded with small, mushroom-shaped appendages = dendritic spikes. - They are connected to the base of the Nissl body however to distinguish between an axon (especially when unmyelinated), the axon is not connected to the Nissl body. Axons: - Are extended process projecting out of a cell body - transmit outgoing electrical signals from the integration center of the neuron to the end of the axon (axon terminal) Appear as clearer projections Form bulb shaped swellings at the ends = terminal axon Nissl granules are absent Nerve Cell body (aka Soma, Perikaryon) - The integration centre of the neuron - Has an unusually large, euchromatic nucleus with a well-developed nucleolus. - Contains Nissl bodies, which are also found in large dendrites. Chemical and Electrical Synapses - The synapse is responsible for the unidirectional transmission of nerve impulses. - Synapses are sites of functional contact between neurons or between neurons and other effector cells (e.g., muscle and gland cells). - The function of the synapse is to convert an electrical signal (impulse) from the presynaptic cell into a chemical signal that acts on the postsynaptic cell. - Most synapses transmit information by releasing neurotransmitters during the signalling process. Electrical synapses. - A synapse that transmits ionic signals through gap junctions (connexin channels) that cross the pre- and postsynaptic membranes - the ion movement allows for the spread of electrical signals. - It does not a require a neurotransmitter - With a lumen diameter of about 1.2 to 2.0 nm, the pore of a gap junction channel is wide enough to allow ions and even medium sized molecules like signalling molecules to flow from one cell to the next thereby connecting the two cells' cytoplasm. - Thus when the voltage of one cell changes, ions may move through from one cell to the next, carrying positive charge with them and depolarizing the postsynaptic cell. - Electrical synapses are only used for applications where a reflex must be extremely fast. They are simple and allow for synchronized action. A benefit of electrical synapses is they will transmit signals in both directions. Chemical synapses. - The space between a chemical synapse is much larger than an electrical synapse. - The release of a neurotransmitter is triggered by the arrival of a nerve impulse (or action potential) and occurs through an unusually rapid process of cellular secretion, also known as exocytosis: Within the pre-synaptic nerve terminal, vesicles containing neurotransmitter sit "docked" and ready at the synaptic membrane. The arriving action potential produces an influx of calcium ions through voltage-dependent, calcium-selective ion channels. Calcium ions then trigger a biochemical cascade which results in vesicles fusing with the presynaptic-membrane and releasing their contents to the synaptic cleft. - - Chemical synapses are much slower to react to stimuli. However chemical synapses transmit a signal with constant strength or even a signal that get stronger. This is called "gain." Electrical synapses are faster but have no "gain," the signal gets weaker as it travels along the synapse to other neurons. They are more complex and can vary their signal strength- their functions are influenced by chemical outputs in the nervous system. The Central Nervous System (CNS) Vs the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS) Anatomically, the nervous system is divided into the - Central nervous system, consisting of the brain (cerebrum and cerebellum) and the spinal cord. - Peripheral nervous system composed of nerve fibres/bundles and small aggregates of nerve cells called nerve ganglia. Peripheral Nervous System - Neuronal tissue outside the brain and spinal cord – i.e. neuronal tissue projecting off the spinal cord = spinal cord nerves - It consists of a feltwork of nerve fibres = plexuses and bundles of nerve fibres forming nerve and nerve roots. - Connective tissue is a main component of the peripheral nerve structure e.g. the endoneurium, perineurium and epineurium are connective tissue structures that provide structural support. - 2 specialised supporting cells = o Satellite cells- located around the ganglion cells of sensory and autonomic ganglia. o Schwann cells – associated with peripheral nerve axons- form the myelin surrounding PN axons. The Central Nervous System - Neuronal tissue within the brain and spinal cord - Does not contain connective tissue other than that in the meninges – hence collagenous fibers and fibrocytes will not be observed. Contains several types of non-neuronal supporting cells = Neuroglia 4 different types of Neuroglia 1. Astrocytes – fibrous astrocytes and protoplasmic astrocytes – provide physical support and forms part of the blood brain barrier 2. Oligodendrocytes – form the myelin in the CNS 3. Microglia – phagocytic cells 4. Ependymal cells –line the ventricles of the brain and the central canal of the spinal cord – theses cells absorb cerebrospinal fluid. The Central Nervous System - Consists of Grey matter Cell bodies Dendrites and axons Neuroglial cells = Site of synaptic communication White matter Axons Neuroglial cells Blood vessels = Site of transmission Support cells of the CNS – Neuroglial cells The are 4 different types: ASTROCYTES 2 subclasses Protoplasmic Astrocytes • Mostly found in grey matter • Short, branched processes Fibrous Astrocytes • Mostly found in white matter • Long, unbranched processes • expanded ends of processes • cover vessels and neurons • Blood-Brain Barrier OLIGODENDROCYTES • Most common • produce myelin - have processes that wrap around axons, producing a myelin sheath. • Small • Few processes MICROGLIA • Phagocytic cells • Small EPENDYMA • Ciliated, simple columnar cells • Microvilli • Line spinal canal and ventricles • form the choroid plexus • produce cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) Connective tissue of the CNS MENINGES = brain and spinal cord covered by connective tissue membranes 1. DURA MATER • Dense connective tissue continuous with the periosteum of the skull. • Is covered by simple squamous epithelium. • attaches to skull bone • Spinal nerves pass through it • The dura mater is separated from the periosteum of the vertebrae by the epidural space, which contains thin-walled veins, loose connective tissue, and adipose tissue. • The dura mater is always separated from the arachnoid by the thin subdural space. 2. ARACHNOID • Delicate connective tissue devoid of blood vessels • Covered with simple squamous epithelium • sends trabelculae into pia mater • The arachnoid has two components: a layer in contact with the dura mater and a system of trabeculae connecting the layer with the pia mater. • The cavities between the trabeculae form the subarachnoid space, which is filled with cerebrospinal fluid 3. PIA MATER • Delicate/loose connective tissue containing many blood vessels Squamous cells of mesenchymal origin cover pia mater. • attached to brain and spinal cord surface Between the pia mater and the neural elements is a thin layer of neuroglial processes, adhering firmly to the pia mater and forming a physical barrier at the periphery of the central nervous system. - This barrier separates the central nervous system from the cerebrospinal fluid ARACHNOID SPACE • Between arachnoid and pia mater • contains cerebrospinal fluid and blood vessels Astrocytes form a three-dimensional net around the neurons (not shown). Note that the footlike processes of the astrocytes form a continuous layer that involves the blood vessels that contribute to the blood–brain barrier. SPINAL CORD In cross sections of the spinal cord, white matter is peripheral and gray matter is central, assuming the shape of an H. In the horizontal bar of this H is an opening, the central canal, which is a remnant of the lumen of the embryonic neural tube. It is lined with ependymal cells. The gray matter of the legs of the H forms the anterior horns. These contain motor neurons whose axons make up the ventral roots of the spinal nerves. Gray matter also forms the posterior horns (the arms of the H), which receive sensory fibres from neurons in the spinal ganglia (dorsal roots). Features to identify the grey matter: White matter: blue stained, no cell bodies, all fibres, blood vessels associated with ventral fissure, but no dorsal sulcus Grey matter: parts of dorsal horn and ventral horn, a lot of cell bodies within it and surrounds central canal GREY MATTER • In the core • appears as the profile of an H WHITE MATTER • Outer layer • Axon bundles = TRACTS TRACTS - Can be visualized with specific stains Dorsal medial sulcus CEREBRUM and CEREBELLUM GREY MATTER • Outer region = cortex • Islands = nuclei • Variety of cell body types Neuropil = meshwork of axonal, dendritic and neuroglial processes WHITE MATTER • Inner core CEREBELLUM Histological characteristics of GREY MATTER (1) MOLECULAR LAYER • Outermost layer of cortex • Basket cells • Few cell bodies • Stains pale pink (Eosin) (2) PURKINJE CELL LAYER • Large cells • Flask shaped • Dendrites extend into molecular layer • Axons extend into granular layer (3) GRANULAR LAYER Granule Cells • Small nuclei • send axons to molecular layer Golgi type II Cells • Larger nuclei Stain blue (Haematoxylin) Histological characteristics of WHITE MATTER • Internal layer • Axons, neuroglial cells, blood vessels • Stain black (Silver) Photomicrograph of the cerebellum. The staining procedure used (H&E) does not reveal the unusually large dendritic arborzization of the Purkinje cell. Low magnification. The cerebellar cortex has three layers: - an outer molecular layer a central layer of large Purkinje cells And an inner granule layer. The Purkinje cells have a conspicuous cell body and their dendrites are highly developed, assuming the aspect of a fan (Figure 9–3). These dendrites occupy most of the molecular layer and are the reason for the sparseness of nuclei. The granule layer is formed by very small neurons (the smallest in the body), which are compactly disposed, in contrast to the less cell-dense molecular layer. Axons synapse on purkinje cells (big nerve cells) Purkinje cells extend their fibres into the molecular layer Granular layer synapse with purkinje cells and myelinate the fibres found in the white matter Myelinated Vs Unmyelinated Axons - - the axon is lighter/clear compared to the Schwann cell cytoplasm Myelination begins when a schwann cell surround the axon and its cell membrane becomes polarised The thickness of myelin sheaths are determined by the axonal diameter – some axons are very large, large means further travel of action potentials = greater demand for insulation = greater demand for myelination. unmyelinated nerves are still enveloped by the Schwann cell cytoplasm The Peripheral Nervous System Individual nerve fibres (axons) are associated with Schwann cells and myelin sheath, if present. The individual fibres are separated from one another by a delicate connective tissue layer called the endoneurium. Groups of fibres are surrounded by a specialised sheath consisting perineural cells and collagen and this layer is called the Perineurium. The Perineurium creates bundles of fibres which are referred to as fascicle. The fascicle configuration creates space between the fascicles and these spaces are filled wtih epineurium connective tissue. It is continuous with the connective tissue of the fascia. The smallest peripheral nerves may be made up of only one fascicle therefore they will lack Epineurium. The nuclei of Schwann cells are curved around the axons. The fibroblasts of the endoneurium are elongated and straight.