1. Introduction
Nowadays learning development has become the most important thing in the education
development. In the globalization era in which the technology has been improved successfully,
learning method has been developed as well. Technology should been used to support learning
process, so that it will help the learner to learn something easier, in this case is English grammar
learning. The involvement of technology usage can be maximized to improve learning system or
method. The example of the technology usage in developing learning method is the using of
multimedia programs.
There are many kinds of multimedia programs, such as Macromedia Flash, Microsoft
Power Point, Microsoft office, and etc. Those programs can be used to make learning process
more interesting for the learner, in this case is the junior high school students. From all of those
multimedia programs, the writer chooses Microsoft Power Point as the media for supporting
learning process. The reason why the writer chooses Microsoft Power Point as a supporting idea
is because it is easy to be used. So, people will not meet many difficulties in using this media.
Students usually feel bored to study grammar because they think that grammar is very
difficult to be understood. When they are ordered to do some grammar exercises which are in the
form of printed text, they also will feel bored. There is no passion to do those exercises because
of the exercises’ ordinary display. Beside that, grammar is considered as one of the difficult
chapters in learning English. If in the beginning of the learning, the students think that grammar
is difficult, then the teacher uses the old method of learning, it will make student are not
interested in studying. Teacher should change the learning method to attract the students, so they
have passion to study.
As written in the first paragraph, technology should been used to support learning
process. As a teacher, we have to be creative in creating a new learning method. A new learning
method will attract students to study. It will help the teacher to realize the aim or goal of the
learning. If this is about English grammar learning, so at the end of the semester, the students are
expected to understand all of things relate to grammar.
The problem above can be solved by using multimedia programs for supporting learning
process. One of the examples of multimedia programs is Microsoft Power Point. This program
can be used as the media of learning. Teacher can design some learning material by using this
program. The displays are designed as interesting as possible, so they will attract the students, for
example he/she can design some exercises in the Microsoft Power Point program which are
packaged in an attractive form.
2. Objective
Many students face the problems in grammar learning. Most of them are afraid of
grammar. It is because they think that grammar is very difficult to be understood. Sometimes
they feel bored to study grammar. They have no motivation to learn more about grammar. So,
the teacher should find some strategies to make them more interested in learning grammar.
Every teacher has his /her methods to teach grammar effectively. There is no best
method to teach grammar because those methods can be combined for supporting the learning
process. They have their own advantages and disadvantages. Teacher should change their
ordinary teaching method into the interesting one.
Most of teachers use printed exercise or written exercise in grammar. That is what makes
students feel bored in learning grammar. If teacher uses another media to give the exercise, the
students will not feel bored, for example using Microsoft Power Point as the media. This can
help teacher to make them more interested in grammar. Through Microsoft Power Point, the
visual can be more attractive to the students. The color, sound, and picture will attract the
3. Review of Related Literature
3.1 Previous Study
the writer found the previous study about the use of multimedia program as the media
for supporting learning and teaching process. The research is conducted in the Nigerian
University, in this case is Ibadan University by A.B. Oshinaike and S.R. Adekunmisi.
The difference between Oshinaike and Adekunmisi. research and this research is, they
use various kinds of multimedia program, such as television, radio, CD- ROM, computer,
graphic, etc. Meanwhile, in this research, the writer only focus on the use of Microsoft Power
Point as a media of teaching and learning process.
3.2 Theoretical Review
1. Motivation
A good teacher not only give the material in the class but he/she will also thing how to
motivate the student. so the student will release that the material is useful in their life. Slamet
(2003: 180) defines motivation as the feeling of interest to something, without anybody asks to
do it. Basically, motivation is the relation between one’s inner feeling and something outside
one’s body. The stronger feeling of interest, the greater motivation will appear. Motivation is the
will deep inside one’s heart to get everything one wants.
Motivation is needed in every occasion, including in the process of learning and
teaching. It is because the motivation will influence someone both in process and result. Thus, it
is very important for teachers to know about motivation. The other experts have defined some
definitions of motivation.
Brophy (1998: 3) says that motivation refers to the students’ subjective experiences,
their willingness to engage in teaching learning activities and their reasons for doing this.
Weiner (In Elliot et al, 2000: 332) states that motivation is internal states that arouses
us to action, pushes us into particular direction, and keep us engage in certain activities.
Grocia (1992: 62) says that people learn and study because of the consequence of
such behavior satisfy certain and / or external motive.
From those definitions above it can be conclude that motivation is an impulse,
arousal or desire that moves and leads someone to engage and do a particular action in order to
attain a set of goals of teaching learning process. It will give someone motivation to get the goal.
In this case is the goal of teaching.
2. Multimedia Program
Multimedia is defined as the combination of various digital media types such as text,
images, sound and video, into an integrated multi-sensory interactive application or presentation
to convey a message or information to an audience. In other words, multimedia means “an
individual or a small group using a computer to interact with information that is represented in
several media, by repeatedly selecting what to see and hear next” (Agnew, Kellerman and
Meyer, 1996).
Reisman (1994) described multimedia as a ray of “computer-driven interactive
communication system, which create, store, transmit and retrieve, textual, graphic and auditory
networks of information.
Multimedia could be interpreted as a combination of data carriers, for example video,
CD-ROM, floppy disks, Internet and software in which the possibility for an interactive
approach is offered (Smeets, 1996; Jager and Lokman, 1996).
Fetterman (1997) also viewed multimedia as those resources used for instruction that
include one or more media such as graphics, video, animation, image and sound in addition to
textual information. He identified four important characteristics of multimedia as:
Multimedia systems are computer controlled
Multimedia systems are integrated
The information content must be represented digitally
The interface to the final presentation of media.
The power of multimedia lies in the fact that it is multi-sensory, stimulating the many
senses of the audience. It is also interactive, enabling the end users of the application to control
the content and flow of information. This has introduced important changes in the educational
system and impact the way we communicate information to the learners (Neo and Neo, 2000).
Ogunbote and Adesoye (2006) expressed that multimedia technology adds new
dimension to learning experiences because concepts were easier to present and comprehend
when the words are complemented with images and animations. Stating further that it has been
established that learners retain more when a variety of senses are engaged in impacting
knowledge; and the intensity of the experience aids retention and recall by engaging social,
emotional and intellectual senses.
Reinsman (1994) expressed that multimedia involves processing, storage, generation,
manipulation and retention of multimedia system, and the resources could include text files,
pictures, video, audio, databases, archives, library catalogs, course notes, relevant links to
various websites and easy access to search engines available on the Internet (Shuell and Ferber,
A study by Ubogu (2006) supports the view that multimedia resources facilitate
access to all human knowledge, anytime, and anywhere in a friendly, multi-modal, efficient and
effective way, by overcoming barriers of distance, language and culture, and by using multiple
Internet-connect devices.
It is important to say that the use of multimedia technology has great significance in
colleges, universities and research institutions in the Western countries. In these countries, the
technology is being seen as a key player to development in all ramifications and essential
component of education.
However, Babajide (2003) identified different types of multimedia communication,
some of which include computer hard wares, computer soft wares, public address systems,
slides, overhead projectors, opaque projectors, videos, cassettes, audiotapes, cassette recorders,
flip, time sequence, stream charts, Diorama still motion pictures among others.
The evolution of multimedia has made it very possible for learners to become more
involved in their work. With multimedia technologies, they can create multimedia applications as
part of their project requirements. This would make them active participant in their own learning
process, instead of just being passive learners of the educational content.
From those definitions, the writer can conclude that Multimedia Program is a
program which consists of animation, picture, sound, and video; used for presenting the data. In
this case, is used for presenting the grammar exercise to attract the students.
a. The use of Multimedia Program
Multimedia Program can be used for:
Presenting the data
Making the presentation more interesting
Visualizing the data by using animation, pictures, videos, and sounds.
3. Grammar
According to some experts, there are some definitions of grammar. They are:
Grammar is the structural foundation of our ability to express ourselves. The more
we are aware of how it works, the more we can monitor the meaning and effectiveness of the
way we and others use language. It can help foster precision, detect ambiguity, and exploit the
richness of expression available in English. And it can help everyone--not only teachers of
English, but teachers of anything, for all teaching is ultimately a matter of getting to grips with
meaning. (David Crystal, "In Word and Deed," TES Teacher, April 30, 2004)
Another definition of grammar is the systematic study and description of language.
(Richard Nordquist).
4. Analysis
positive and negative analysis
Hartoyo (2012: 48) the computer (possibly) offers many advantages for individual
instruction: it has infinite patience and often an attractive personality. So teaching by using
the multimedia program will make the student more attractive and effective. By using
multimedia program like Microsoft Power Point the teacher easily can design the material
more interesting, so student will pay attention to the teacher explanation.
After we talk about the positive of using Microsoft Power Point, this program also has some
negative analysis like when the electricity off or black out, we cannot use this program. So
before we applied this media to our teaching and learning make sure that the facility in the
school is satisfied
5. Summary and recommendation
In the globalization era in which the technology has been improved successfully,
learning method has been developed as well. So we have thought to use the technology to
support learning process. It will help the learner to learn something easier, in this case is
English grammar learning. The involvement of technology usage can be maximized to
improve learning system or method. The example of the technology usage in developing
learning method is the using of multimedia programs such as Microsoft Power Point in
teaching grammar.
We have to selective when choose the media and method that will use in our teaching
learning process. We also have to think the positive and also the negative of the media or
method that we will use.