FL-PRISM Aquatic Working Group Agenda
June 15, 2015, 12pm-2pm
Finger Lakes Institute, 601 S. Main Street, Geneva, NY
Conference Call-in: will send out on Monday
Meeting Objective: Identify the work being done around the region and seek opportunities for collaboration. Set
summer priorities and target areas of concern in the region.
Welcome and meeting objective
Introductions and partner updates
Partner updates
PRISM updates
Review of minutes from March 2015 and review of action items
ACTION ITEM: Hilary to develop a phenology of invaders and effective controls for species of concern—ghost
list of who to do the work and a resource list- in progress. No update
- ID Cards that are waterproof and durable- we have the template- now to print!
Old Business
Priority tasks list for the FL-PRISM—
Creation of a Finger Lakes Management Plan
New Business
Billboard promotions in collaboration with Wildlife Forever
NYS Invasive Species Awareness Week- July 12-23. Events for this week? Hydrilla Hunts? Other events?
New website at
Action item identification and follow-up plan, new business for next meeting
Action item from 9/15/14 meeting
- ACTION ITEM: Hilary to develop a phenology of invaders and effective controls for species of concern—ghost list of
who to do the work and a resource list
Tabled Items
Establishing priority tasks and outreach venues for the FL-PRISM
Determining Annual Work Plan and Strategic Plan
Cayuga Lake Watershed Hydrilla Project
June 2015 FL-PRISM Aquatic Working Group Meeting
Project Updates
HTF, NYSDEC, and peer reviewers conducted annual peer review conference call on Friday March 27, 2015.
Conversation focused on Cayuga, WNY, and Croton River System hydrilla Projects. Peer reviewers provided
input/recommendations on 2015 treatment options. A LTF Management Committee meeting was
convened on Monday 3/30, to further discuss the conference call and peer reviewer recommendations
and input. The Management Committee made final decisions regarding 2015 treatments in the Cayuga
Lake Watershed.
o Cayuga Inlet: Similar to 2014, a combination endothall/fluridone treatment will be utilized in the
Cayuga Inlet and connecting tributaries. Initial endothall treatment will occur in July, followed by
Flurdione injection/pellet treatments. Sonar injection units will be used again.
o Fall Creek: Will receive preliminary endothall treatment in backwater/shallow areas, followed by
primary endothall treatment in main channel via injection unit over a 36-hour period. Follow-up
Sonar pellet treatments in shallow/backwater areas through end of season.
o SE Corner of Cayuga Lake: Sonar pellet treatment will be applied to 30-acre treatment area in SE
corner of lake (in area encompassing isolated patches that were discovered in 2013 and 2014).
The Tompkins Co. Soil & Water Conservation District (TCSWCD) and HTF are have finalized contracts with
the 2015 Project contractors. Allied Biological will conduct the 2015 herbicide treatments. Racine-Johnson
Aquatic Ecologists will conduct the 2015 plant community and hydrilla tuber monitoring activities.
Community Science Institute (CSI) will conduct water quality monitoring sample analysis.
Dye study to be conducted in Fall Creek prior to Aquathol-K treatment. Dr. Mike Netherland to lead dye
study. This study will provide greater detail on actual flow dynamics in Fall Creek, which will hopefully
allow for improved treatment protocols and efficacy. Dye study will need to be conducted during similar
water flows as planned treatment window.
Racine-Johnson Aquatic Ecologists worked with the City of Ithaca to install floating barriers in Fall Creek.
Barriers are currently installed, but need more work to ensure that they are secured and anchored
properly. These barriers will limit boat traffic to shallow, infested areas of Fall Creek, and will also help
prevent possible hydrilla fragments from being transported into main Fall Creek channel (and ultimately
Cayuga Lake).
 HTF received request from Community Science Institute and Cayuga Lake Watershed Network to present
on Hydrilla Project at the “What’s in Your Watershed” lecture series on June 25, 2015 from 6-8pm at the
Ithaca Town Hall. HTF has committed to giving presentation (20 min). HTF will plan to have this be the pretreatment public updates meeting. This combined event could draw more people from community.
 Preliminary treatment notification to go out to treatment notification and waterfront business mailing
 June news article for “Signs of Sustainability” column in Tompkins Weekly. Will be published later in June.
Will use this article as an opportunity to promote “What’s in Your Watershed” lecture series and hydrilla
public meeting, as well as notify the public regarding our treatment plans for the southeast corner of
Cayuga Lake this season.
WEDNESDAY June 17, 2015 @ 10:00AM (EST). **
Dial-in Number: 1-302-202-1110
Conference Code: 982118
Host Code: 8346
Please note that this event will take place on FRIDAY, June 26th from 9:30am (program starts at 10am) until noon at
Ventosa Vineyards in Geneva. The event is open to all, but registration is required. Email Hilary Lambert at for further details or to register.
Thank you.
Finger Lakes
Issues Briefing
Hosted by the Finger Lakes
Regional Watershed Alliance
“For the Sake of Our Lakes”
Friday, June 26, 2015
9:30 Refreshments & Registration
10 AM – 12 noon Presentations & Discussion
Ventosa Vineyards
3440 Route 96A, Geneva NY 14456
Light refreshments will be served.
Finger Lakes legislators and FLRWA member and partner groups are invited to gather for our second annual issues
briefing and discussion. These annual briefings focus on issues of concern regarding the environmental health and
economic well-being of the beautiful and unique Finger Lakes region in central New York State. Please RSVP to .
9 AM Lake groups set up table displays.
9:30 AM Arrival of guests, register and gather for refreshments.
9:45 AM Lisa Cleckner, Executive Director, Finger Lakes Institute
Don Cook, Vice President, Finger Lakes Regional Watershed Alliance
Welcome & Introduction to FLI and FLRWA.
10:00 AM
Legislators and Aides, Self-introductions with brief statements.
FLRWA member groups and partners, Self-introductions with brief statements.
10:20 AM Hilary Mosher, Coordinator, Finger Lakes PRISM (Partnership for Regional Invasive Species Management),
“The Risk and Subsequent Cost of Invasive Species in Our Finger Lakes.”
Invasive species cost the United States billions of dollars in management each year. Currently, the south end of
Cayuga Lake spends upward of $500,000 to control the spread of the world's most invasive plant. This presentation
describes the risk of invasion for our precious Finger Lakes and the cost of inaction versus prevention to our economy,
environment, and human health.
10:55 AM Nancy J. Mueller, Manager, NYSFOLA (NYS Federation of Lake Associations), “What It Takes to Protect Our
Freshwater lakes, from tiny to Great, are glittering jewels in the New York State landscape. This presentation
provides an overview of the staffing, research and enforcement levels needed to adequately protect this priceless public
11:30 AM Lisa Cleckner
Facilitated discussion with Legislators, Aides and FLRWA groups.
12:00 noon Adjourn.
A list of participants with contact information will be sent to attendees following this event.
Learn more about the Finger Lakes Regional Watershed Alliance