Stage One: Desired Results Teacher: Snowden Grade/Subject/Course: 7th/Life Science/Science Essential Questions: Dates: October 5th-9th, 2015 How is a living organism the sum of all of its parts? How do you explain the relationship between the structures and functions of cell organelles? Stage Two: Planning for Assessing Student Learning Assessment(s): Life Skills & Georgia Milestones Strategies (5 days per Vocabulary Worksheet (Monday) week): Sponge: Check all that apply: X informal X formal formative ____ summative Two prefixes/suffixes/roots will be posted on the whiteboard daily. Students will copy these down on the data chart, “Be a Vocabulary Expert”. Students will define and write down examples. Next, they will brainstorm words that they know which contain these roots/prefixes/suffixes. We will discuss. Students will be quizzed over these each week. Additionally, they will be on the 4.5 assessments. Lastly, students will be required to complete a “dictionary” which is due Oct. 30. Students may choose to draw the dictionary or make a power point. examples -micro -mega Stage Three: Organizing the Learning Plan & Identifying Strategies Literacy Strategies: Graphic Organizers: L6-8RST3: Follow precisely a multistep procedure Vocabulary 4 square when carrying out experiments, taking Webb Diagram measurements, or performing technical tasks. Plant and Animal Cells Venn Diagram Report) Fact Sheet L6-8RST7: Integrate quantitative or technical information expressed in words in a text with a version of that information expressed visually (e.g., in a flowchart, diagram, model, graph, or table). (Cell Review Fact Sheet Anticipation Guide, Webb Diagram Guided Reading and Short Answer (Vocabulary-cell, prokaryote, eukaryote, unicellular, questions, Plant and Animal Cells Venn Diagram) multicellular, nucleus, cell membrane, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, mitochondria, cell theory, organelles, golgi complex (apparatus), vacuole, lysosome, ribosome, endoplasmic reticulum (ER), cell wall, chromosome) Teaching the Standards Describe the research-based strategies used to help students master standards and achieve each day’s goals. MON Below Level/Range Work Session On Level/Range Above Level/Range Standard(s): S7L2. Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, and mitochondria) to basic cell functions. Teachers should write out the standards, underlining content vocabulary, and put “unwrapped” skills (describe, explain, etc.) in bold font. Hook: /gFuEo2ccTPA TUES Wrap: Introduction to Cells Exit ticket each group will give a fact about their scientist Mini lessonIntroduction to Cells 9DU Mini LessonIntroduction to Cells DU Mini Lesson: The Wacky History of Cell Theory U Work Session: Work Session: Work Session: Vocabulary 4 Square Graphic Organizer Vocabulary 4 Square Graphic Organizer Vocabulary 4 Square Graphic Organizer *Provide word and picture *Provide word and picture Role-Scientist (assign students 4 scientists who have contributed to the Cell Theory) Format-letter to the paper or new conference (dialog) T- The topic focus should discuss a ground-breaking discovery made by their assigned scientist which led to the development and acceptance of the modern cell theory. Present letter to class. Students will be assigned guided readings for important concepts through the chapter. The readings will have assisted questions to point out key concepts. Standard(s): S7L2. Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems.b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, and mitochondria) to basic cell functions. Teachers should write out the standards, underlining content vocabulary, and put “unwrapped” skills (describe, explain, etc.) in bold font. Hook: http://www.yo ch?v=hVxMP Lrzv4A Mini lesson Students will watch a echnology/scienceandindust ry/microscopes/ Brain Pop episode that will follow up with a word scramble and microscope part matching exercise. . Mini lessonStudents will watch chnology/scienceandindustry/ microscopes/ episode that will follow up with a word scramble and microscope part matching exercise. Mini Lesson: Students will watch a chnology/scienceandindustry/ microscopes/ episode that will follow up with a word scramble and microscope part matching exercise. Work SessionStudents will cut and paste microscope parts to their proper definitions and create a sentence with each word. Work Session: http://portersciencerosepark.w Students and teacher complete a power point exercise on the parts of a microscope and its proper functions. Students will review procedures and protocol for Wednesdays’ lab. WED Wrap: Revise and discuss the opening question. Standard(s): S7L2. Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, and mitochondria) to basic cell functions. Teachers should write out the standards, underlining content vocabulary, and put “unwrapped” skills (describe, explain, etc.) in bold font. Hook: Cell Rap Introduction to Cell Structure and Function /-zafJKbMPA8 Mini lessonhttp://www.shellysscience organelles.pdf PowerPoint presentation on structure & function of a cell. Work SessionLabeling animal and plant cell diagrams Mini lessonhttp://www.shellyssciencesp nelles.pdf PowerPoint presentation on structure & function of a cell. Students will take closed notes during the presentation of a cell and its function. Mini Lesson:http://www.shellyssciencespo lles.pdf PowerPoint presentation on structure & function of a cell. Students will take closed notes during the presentation of a cell and its function. Work SessionLabeling animal and plant cell diagrams Work Session: Students will complete a Venn Diagram comparing and contrasting the differences Between plant and animal cells. Wrap: Hot Seat What function do the nucleus, cell membrane, golgi complex, and endoplasmic reticulum serve? Quick Lab (pg 54) Cork and Pond Water Examination: students will explore the cell structure of a slice of cork and slides of local pond and lake water. They will then draw what they have seen. Standard(s): S7L2. Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, and mitochondria) to basic cell functions. Teachers should write out the standards, underlining content vocabulary, and put “unwrapped” skills (describe, explain, etc.) in bold font. THURS Hook: com/watch?v= hVxMPLrzv4A Mini Lesson.http://studyjams.scholast http://studyjams.scholastic. com/studyjams/jams/scienc ience/animals/animale/animals/animal-cells.htm Students will complete a power cells.htm students will point on animal cells with the complete flow chart. Work SessionStudents will pair up and draw chalk diagrams with proper identification of the organelles. Wrap: Review questions from opening. Mini Lesson- Mini Lesson: http://studyjams.scholastic.c om/studyjams/jams/science/ animals/animal-cells.htm teacher, while completing a set of cloze notes Students will complete a power point on animal cells with the teacher, while completing a set of cloze notes Work SessionStudents will pair up and draw chalk diagrams with proper identification of the organelles. Work Session Students will pair up with another student complete a clay model of an animal cell and its organelles. Students will pair up and draw chalk diagrams with proper identification of the organelles. Standard(s): S7L2. Students will describe the structure and function of cells, tissues, organs, and organ systems. b. Relate cell structures (cell membrane, nucleus, cytoplasm, chloroplasts, and mitochondria) to basic cell functions. Teachers should write out the standards, underlining content vocabulary, and put “unwrapped” skills (describe, explain, etc.) in bold font. Hook: FRI https://www.y atch?v=zafJKbMPA8 Mini Lesson: https://www.flocabulary.c om/unitsearch/?q=cellsStudents will complete a flocabulary video and chart. Mini Lesson: m/unitsearch/?q=cellsStudents will complete a flocabulary video with closed notes with the teacher’s guidance. Mini Lesson: /unit-search/?q=cells Students will complete a flocabulary video with closed notes with the teacher’s guidance. Work Session: Students will finish chalk diagrams. Work Session: http://studyjams.scholastic. com/studyjams/jams/science /plants/plant-cells.htm Work Session: http://studyjams.scholastic.c om/studyjams/jams/science/p lants/plant-cells.htm Students will complete a power point on animal cells with the teacher, while completing a set of cloze notes Students will complete a power point on animal cells with the teacher, while completing a set of cloze notes Students will finish chalk diagrams of their plant cells from the day before. Students will finish chalk diagrams of their plant cells from the day before. Students will finish clay models of animal cells from the day before. Students will finish clay models of animal cells from the day before. Wrap: Review of Stations Students will quickly dictate an explanation and activity from this week that you liked and disliked. Helpful Hints Check all that apply: X Differentiation by content X Differentiation by process ___ Re-teaching ___Different performance tasks ___ Differentiation by product X Several learning modalities (visual, auditory, kinesthetic, tactile) ___ Students choose tasks ___ Differentiation by environment