Housing Development in South Marston You are invited to the Village Consultation Drop in Event at the Mercure Hotel on Tuesday 23 July between 3pm & 8pm This is the last chance to influence South Marston’s future. The event will showcase the latest proposals for development emerging from: the planners in Swindon Borough Council the developers who control the land the Parish Council’s Expansion Working Group This is a formal consultation event by Swindon Borough Council on how they see the development taking place east of Swindon. Their proposals are in the form of two Supplementary Planning documents (SPDs) which provide the blueprint for developers when submitting planning applications. After feedback from consultations has been incorporated, these documents will be assessed by an independent Planning Inspector in the late autumn. In the meantime, the developers, who control the land north of the A420, will be making a planning application for development at South Marston and Rowborough before the end of the year. The developers will be showing their initial proposals at the event. Finally, the Village Expansion Working Group has continued to explore the more detailed aspects of the development. The working group is looking at the key factors affecting design of the village centre which will be generated by the expanded open space. See the plans, ask questions and contribute your views to help shape South Marston’s future. Swindon Borough Council The Local Plan for Swindon is the document that identifies where, when, and how development will take place in Swindon Borough up to 2026. It was widely consulted on during the winter of 2012, and awaits review by an independent Planning Inspector. This is the document that identifies that major growth must be accommodated east of the A419, and earmarks South Marston and Wanborough parishes as those areas that are most suited to take this development. The Local Plan makes some top level statements about how that development takes place. However, it cannot convey sufficient detail to set out all the constraints and requirements that would have to be met. This is why there are two supplementary documents – the Eastern Villages and the South Marston Village SPDs. These two documents are now also undergoing formal consultation, so they can go, alongside the Local Plan, to the Examination in Public in the autumn. The SPDs state approximately how many houses and how much employment and retail space is needed. They cover requirements for roads, community facilities and services. The plans acknowledge environmental and heritage constraints such as flooding, landscape and archaeology. The Eastern Villages SPD Expansion east of Swindon covers most of South Marston parish, part of Wanborough parish and down to Commonhead roundabout. The plans on display will show the way new villages will be created at Rowborough and south of the A420, surrounded by landscaped areas and supported by a new district centre. The South Marston Village SPD Expansion at South Marston is the most sensitive, since it will build onto an existing village community. To reflect this, Swindon Borough agreed with South Marston Parish Council that a separate blueprint would jointly be developed to guide how the whole village would develop in the future. This includes both greenfield and the brownfield site at Crown Timber, and builds on all the previous consultations undertaken with local residents. The Developers A few years ago, a consortium of developers was formed from all those construction companies who had interests in developing the land covered by the local plan expansion area. In recent times, this consortium has disbanded. However, Hallam and Hannick homes are the two major developers controlling land north of the A420. They are working together and their proposals will deliver two of the ‘Eastern Villages’. The Local Plan proposes an expanded South Marston, with an additional 500 homes on greenfield sites they control and a new village, Rowborough, of some 1500 houses towards Nightingale Wood and down towards Acorn Bridge. The developers aim to submit their planning application before the end of this year. It is likely that South Marston village will be the first location where development takes place. Swindon Borough, the Developers and the Expansion Working Group have had joint meetings to discuss how constraints, such as traffic and flooding, affect their proposals and have had early discussions on the potential for community facilities and open space. The Parish Council Working Group had sight of their initial plan a few days ago. Although they largely conform to the blueprint put forward in the Swindon Borough planning documents, there are a number of significant differences, particularly in the layout of roads. These differences will have to be negotiated once the planning application is submitted, as part of the normal planning system processes. Come and talk to the developers and ask questions about the proposals and the timing for construction. The Village Expansion Working Group The hardy band of local residents who make up the group have worked throughout the year to ensure that first the Local Plan and then the two Supplementary Planning Documents reflect, as far as possible, the early work and consultation outcomes that were achieved through previous village events and questionnaires. Since the last public event in June 2012, Swindon Borough Council has made the decision, endorsed by the Parish Council, that the school should be expanded on its existing site, rather than a separate building or relocated school. This will require a land swap, since the expanded school footprint needs a narrow strip of additional land from the existing recreation ground owned by the Parish Council. Plans showing the footprint of the extended school will be on show at the event. The compensatory land will be added to the extended recreation ground behind Bell Gardens which will be acquired by the Parish Council. Overall, the open space achieved will far exceed the statutory allowance for the size of development at South Marston. The Expansion Working Group is now shaping plans for the expanded village centre – the facilities we want and the uses of open space that are viable and capable of being maintained by the community. We are keen to have wider village input into the final design and want residents to tell us what they like and don’t like about particular design and location ideas. Please bring your children with you if you need to. We have set aside a small supervised area for them so you can have the freedom to look around the display boards. Distributed by the Expansion Working Group of South Marston Parish Council