PostAnes - San Diego Anethesiologist

Eating and Drinking:
Limit oral intake to clear liquids for the first few hours. If this is tolerated, then diet can be advanced to
soft foods (jello, applesauce, soup). If the patient is not hungry, do not force him/her to eat, rather
encourage fluid intake. If the patient had teeth extracted avoid use of a straw. No citrus or milk products
the first day. A normal diet may be resumed after the first day as tolerated.
Nausea and Vomiting:
This is the most common side effect of general anesthesia. If vomiting occurs, stop food until vomiting
subsides. However, encourage intake of fluids to avoid dehydration. Vomiting may last all day - contact
Dr. Alex Olea if vomiting persists longer than four hours.
Pain and Fever:
Sore throat and mild fever are common after general anesthesia, however usually subside after 48
hours. There may also be bruising or soreness at the I.V. site. Over-the-counter pain medications such as
Tylenol and Motrin may be used at the first sign of pain or fever. If medications were prescribed for the
procedure, take as directed.
Limit activity for the first 24 hours after anesthesia until the effects of the anesthesia have worn off. It is
common for patients to be drowsy, dizzy, and groggy for the remainder of the day - encourage rest.
Children should be supervised closely for the first day and restricted from active play.
When to Call:
- If fever is greater than 101 degrees and has not responded to medication
- If vomiting persists for longer than four hours
- If there any concerns following anesthesia
Anesthesia services by Dr. Alex Olea 415 . 450 . 8994