form - University of Sussex



The Santander Mobility grants provide pump priming to support research students and/or their supervisors to undertake visits to institutions within the Santander Network of 1.208 universities and research institutes in Argentina, Brazil, Belgium, Chile, China, Colombia, Germany, Ghana, Mexico, Poland, Portugal, Puerto

Rico, Qatar, Russia, Singapore, Spain, USA, UK, UAE and Uruguay.

Visits could be for the purposes of:

Developing links with another research group;

Working on collaborative grant proposals (H2020, Newton Fund, Erasmus+, doctoral training centres);

Attending a symposium or workshop relevant to the research of the student or supervisor.

However, the focus of the scheme is to encourage collaboration between institutions. The strongest applications will be able to clearly evidence how collaboration will be sustained.

Mobility works best and offers the greatest added value when it operates through existing networks and relationships 1 . Successful applicants are expected to draw on the social and human capital of supervisors/mentors or colleagues.

Applicants are asked to complete the attached form and e-mail it to Paul Roberts (


Doctoral School, Research & Enterprise Services, Falmer House.

In the current round there are 10 awards of £1000 (£500 per person) for visits within the UK or involving shorthaul flights and 10 awards of £2000 (£1000 per person) for long-haul flights.

APPLICATION DEADLINE: 4pm, Friday 30 October 2016

The following criteria apply:

 Applications may be a doctoral student (overseen by a supervisor, or other member of academic faculty at the University), a supervisor (looking to develop a research relationship for their doctoral students), or doctoral student and a supervisor or other member of academic faculty.

 Grants must not take place before a student’s research outline has been approved.

 The grant can only be used to fund visits to institutions within the Santander Network.

 Santander Mobility grant applications will be considered by a Panel convened by the Doctoral School.

In making their decision the panel will use the following criteria:

 Quality of application (including provision of evidence) and quality of research environment at host institution

 Potential for the relationship to develop beyond the grant

The proposed budget must be evidenced and reasonable. Please note payment will be in the form of expenses reimbursement. To claim expenses please follow the process below:

1 Doctoral Mobility in the Social Sciences: Report to the NORFACE ERA Network , by L. Ackers, B. Gill and J. Guth (2007)

Updated September 2015

Staff members – expenses need to be claimed via Agresso in the normal way. Claims will be authorised by the Alumni Office but you should also email the Doctoral School to confirm the amount claimed.

Students – an expenses claim form, and documentary evidence in the form of receipts or equivalent, must be provided to the Doctoral School in order for payment to be released.

Any queries on the competition or on completing the application form below should be directed to Paul


Updated September 2015


Personal details

Full Name (student):

Sussex Student Registration Number:

Full Name (staff member):

Details of study visit or conference attendance

Please give the exact dates of your proposed study visit or conference attendance

Please explain any practical (not academic) requirements or problems you foresee in making arrangements for your study visit or conference attendance in the box below, including any relevant restrictions on obtaining visas.

City/region and country to be visited

Funding bid

Please enter below the total sum of funding you wish to bid for. The Doctoral School reserves the right to offer awards of less than this sum.


Updated September 2015

Budget – Costs

Please complete a budget plan for funding your proposed study visit. Bear in mind that you should take the cheapest option wherever possible. Please include a cost for each of the specified items below or write ‘n/a’

(not applicable.) The blank boxes are for you to enter further items and costs as necessary. Please give full breakdowns as far as possible, for example including all elements of travel. If you need more space, please attach a complete separate copy of your budget to this application form.

Item Amount



(Please express as x nights at y price)

Access to research facilities

Visa charges

Conference fees

Updated September 2015

Purpose of visit

Please explain how your proposed visit will make an essential contribution to both the institutions’ research agenda. Please highlight any participation in conferences and symposium. (Maximum: 350 words.)

Student/Supervisor declaration

We confirm that we have read the guidance on eligibility and, based on these, believe that our proposed visit is suitable for support. We undertake to inform the Doctoral School if the visit is cancelled or if the length, location or nature of the visit is changed. We understand we will be required to provide documentary evidence for any payment(s) to be released. It is the supervisor’s responsibility to agree timing of the visit with their

Head of School or equivalent.

By typing your name below you are confirming that the information given on this form is complete and accurate to the best of your knowledge on the date provided.

Date: Signed (student):

Signed (supervisor): Date:

Updated September 2015
