
Renal-Root Words & Combing Forms
Calyx-cuplike division of the kidney
Cortex-outer layer of kidney
Medulla-inner or central portion of the kidney
Renal-Anatomical Terms
Afferent arteriole- carrying blood to the designated site, the glomerulus
Bowman’s capsule-glomerular capsule; the expanded beginning of a nephron composed of
inner and outer layers
Collecting tubule- tubular segment of the renal collecting duct system that connects the
distal convoluted tubule to the cortical collecting duct.
Distal convoluted tubule- portion of kidney nephron between the loop of Henle and the
collecting duct system
Efferent arteriole- Conducting fluid or a nerve impulse outward from the arteriole
Glomerular capsule- Bowman’s capsule; the expanded beginning of a nephron composed
of inner and outer layers
Glomerlus- a tuft formed of capillary loops at the beginning of each nephric tubule in the
Kidney-One of the paired organs that excrete urine, remove nitrogenous wastes of
metabolism, reclaim important electrolytes and water, contribute to blood pressure control
and erythropoiesis
Loop of Henle- the U-shaped part of the nephron extending from the proximal to the distal
Nephron (renal tube)-basic functioning unit of the normal kidney; each nephron has two
main parts; the glomerulus and the tubule
Proximal convoluted tubule- portion of the duct system of the nephron of the kidney
which leads from Bowman's capsule to the loop of Henle
Renal cortex- the part of the kidney consisting of renal lobules in the outer zone beneath
the capsule and the lobules of the renal columns that are extensions inward between the
pyramids; contains the renal corpuscles, medullary rays, and proximal and distal
convoluted tubules
Renal medulla-the inner, darker portion of the kidney parenchyma consisting of the renal
Renal papillae-the apex of a renal pyramid that projects into a minor calyx; some 10–25
openings of papillary ducts occur on its tip, forming the area cribrosa.
Renal pelvis- a flattened funnel-shaped expansion of the upper end of the ureter receiving
the calices, the apex being continuous with the ureter.
Renal-Physiological Terms
Aldosterone-hormone made by the adrenal gland that regulates the balance of salt and
water in the body
Angiotension-protein whose presence in the blood promotes aldosterone secretion and
tends to raise blood pressure
Antidiuretic hormone-works to limit the output of fluid from the kidneys, constrict blood
vessels, and raise blood pressure
Bicarbonate-regulating vital functions and one of the important buffers necessary to
maintain normal acid-base balance in the body
Carbonic acid-H2CO3, formed from H20 and CO2
Diuretic-increase the flow of urine, which causes the body to get rid of excess water
Erythropoietin-hormone produced in the kidney that regulates marrow production of red
blood cells
Glomerular filtration rate (GFT)-filtration ability of the glomerulus, index of kidney
function, normal value about 125 mL/min
Renin- hormone made by the kidneys that helps regulate the volume of fluid in the body
and blood pressure
Renal-Symptomatic Terms
Acetonuria-presence of acetone in the urine
Academia-condition of excess acid in the blood consistent with a pH less than7.35
Albuminuria-presence of excessive protein in the urine
Anuria-failure of kidneys to produce urine
Azotemia-buildup of nitrogenous waste products such as urea in the blood and body fluids
Dysuria-painful or difficult urination
Hematuria-the presence of blood in the urine
Hyperkalemia-high serum potassium
Micturition-the discharge of urine
Nocturia-excessive urination at night
Oliguria-urine output less than 400mL, which is the min amount of normal urine that can
carry away the daily load of metabolic waste products
Proteinuria-presence of too much protein in the urine
Pyruia-the presence of pus in the urine, typically from bacterial infection
Renal insufficiency (renal shut-down, lower nephron nephrosis)-insufficient excretion
of wastes by the kidneys
Renal osteodystrophy-refers to bone disease related to CKD, caused by over-production
of PTH or by exposure to aluminum
Renal-Diagnostic Terms
Acidosis-conditions that produce excess acid in the blood
Arteriolar nephrosclerosis- renal scarring caused by arteriolar sclerosis resulting from
longstanding hypertension
Glomerulonephritides- Renal disease characterized by diffuse inflammatory changes in
glomeruli that are not the acute response to infection of the kidneys
Hypertrophy of kidney- increased size of the kidney
Nephritic syndrome- the clinical symptoms of acute glomerulonephritis, particularly
hematuria, hypertension, and renal failure
Nephrolithiasis (renal calculi)- Presence of renal calculi
Nephromegaly- Extreme hypertrophy of one or both kidneys
Nephrosclerosis- Fibrosis of the kidney from overgrowth and contraction of the
interstitial connective tissue
Pyelonephritis- Inflammation of the renal parenchyma, calyces, and pelvis, particularly
due to local bacterial infection.
Uremia- An excess of urea and other nitrogenous waste in the blood; The complex of
symptoms due to severe persisting renal failure that can be relieved by dialysis
Renal-Operative Terms
Nephrectomy- Removal of a kidney
Nephrolithotomy- Incision into the kidney for the removal of a renal calculus
Nephrostomy- Establishment of an opening between the collecting system of the kidney
through its parenchyma to the exterior of the body; may be performed by surgical incision
or be placed percutaneously
Nephrotomy- Incision into the kidney
Pyelolithotomy- Operative removal of a calculus from the kidney through an incision in
the renal pelvis
Pyeloplasty- Surgical reconstruction of the renal pelvis and ureter to correct an
obstruction at the ureteropelvic junction.
Pyeltomy- Incision into the pelvis of the kidney.
Renal biopsy- medical procedure in which a small piece of kidney is removed from the
body for examination
Renal transplantation- transplantation of a kidney from a compatible donor to restore
kidney function in a recipient suffering from renal failure.
Renal-Special Procedures
Arterio-venous shunt- the passage of blood directly from arteries to veins, without going
through the capillary network.
Dialysis- renal replacement procedure that removes excessive and toxic byproducts of
metabolism from the blood, thus replacing the filtering function of healthy kidneys
Hemodialysis-Dialysis of soluble substances and water from the blood by diffusion
through a semipermeable membrane
Peritoneal dialysis-removal from the body of soluble substances and water by transfer
across the peritoneum, using a dialysis solution that is intermittently introduced into and
removed from the peritoneal cavity
Renal-Special Diagnostic Procedures
Intravenous pyelography- former name for intravenous urography; radiography of
kidneys, ureters, and bladder following injection of contrast medium into a peripheral vein
Nephrogram-radiographic examination of the kidney after the intravenous injection of a
water-soluable iodinated contrast material
Nephrosonography-process of recording the kidney using sound, such as an ultrasound
Pyleogram- X-ray of the kidenyes and ureters
Ultrasonic laminograms of kidneyUrogram- The radiographic record obtained by urography
Urography- Radiography of any part of the urinary tract (kidneys, ureters, or bladder).
ADH-antidiuretic hormone
A/G-albumin/globulin ratio
BUN-Blood urea nitrogen
CAPD-continuous ambulatory peritoneal dialysis
CRF-chronic renal failure
ERPF-effective renal plasma flow
ESRD-end stage renal disease
fld-fatty liver dystrophy
GBM-glomerular basement membrane
GFR-glomerular filtration rate
HDU-hemodialysis unit
IVP-intravenous pyelography
KUB-kidney, ureter, bladder
LSK-liver spleen kidney
NPN-non-protein nitrogen
PDU-pediatric dialysis unit
PTH-parathyroid hormone
RER-rough endoplasmic reticulum
RPF-renal plasma flow
RTA-renal tubular acidosis
SUN-standard unit of nomenclature
UTI-urinary tract infection