Celebrating Nyoongar Culture Information Booklet

Celebrating Nyoongar Culture
Ruah Community Services and Richmond Wellbeing are currently working on a project
called ‘Celebrating Nyoongar Culture’. The Department of Social Services have provided
funding for Ruah and Richmond Wellbeing to link in with local government, community
members, community groups, and other support agencies to create a series of events to
Celebrate Nyoongar Culture.
These events will use Community Development principles to bring together a wide range of
key stakeholders with the goal being to improve the relationships between marginalised
individuals, families and communities and existing community service organisations
operating in the South East corridor Perth.
The project will aim to deliver a series of six celebration days in the South East
Corridor of Perth aligned with the 6 Nyoongar seasons: Birak, Bunuru, Djeran,
Makuru, Djilba and Kambarang.
The celebrations will provide an opportunity for relationship building between workers
from community based services that seek to improve their engagement with the local
Aboriginal community.
The events will combine opportunities to celebrate Noongar culture with learning
about culture, health promotion (particularly mental health), education, fun activities
and awareness / engagement with a range of service providers.
As celebrations of culture the events will highlight local culture including speakers,
performances and displays of traditional skills. These events will be well promoted
and will occur in public spaces in the local community.
We are currently seeking members from Local Council, Community groups and independent
members of the community to share with us their ideas of how they would like to see these
events take place.
We would like to see an advisory committee for each different area that consists of people
from areas in the community such as:
Local Government
Local Schools
Youth Groups
Aboriginal Elders
Support Agencies
Local Business
What are we calling the South
East Corridor?
South East Corridor of Perth 1
Linking communities together…..
Department of Social Services
Bringing Service
agencies, Local
Government and
community together
to create Advisory
To build sustainable
events to celebrate
Nyoongar Culture
and nurture
involvement in the
South East Corridor
of Perth
Reg Henry
Culture and Workforce Development Senior
0401 173 133
Milly Taylor
Project Worker
0488 685 326
John Cusack
0447 474 471