1 Appendix S6: AANAT Polymorphism and Phylogeny 2 Phylogenetic reconstructions 3 Because the only AANAT crystal structure available is from O. aries (Hickman 4 et al. 1999a, 1999b) we chose this species as an outgroup for all performed 5 phylogenies. Genbank and Ensembl were searched for all Teleost AANAT2 cDNA 6 sequences available (Table S3). Non AANAT2 isoforms were excluded thanks to 7 nomenclature verification using Blast and preliminary phylogenetic reconstructions. 8 Analyses were restricted to the full AANAT2 ORF ranging from 627 to 693 bp length, 9 depending on the species. 10 Two mitochondrial genes were searched in Genbank for the 15 species 11 investigated: the Cytochrome b (Cytb) and Cytochrome C Oxidase subunit 1 (COX1) 12 (Table S3). The genes were cloned for the catfish O. sifontesi because they were not 13 available in the data bases. For this purpose, total RNA was extracted from catfish 14 skin using Trizol. The cDNA library generation and the Cytb or COX1 amplification 15 was performed using the same protocols as mentioned earlier on for AANAT2 16 cloning. The majority of O. sifontesi cytb and COX1 genes were obtained 17 (respectively 1,005 and 1,385bp). 18 Each set of sequences was aligned using MUSCLE codon algorithm (Edgar 19 2004) displayed in MEGA 5 (Tamura et al. 2011). Nucleotide or amino acids 20 alignments were then imported in Geneious Pro 5.4.6 (Drummond et al. 2010). 21 Amino acid matrices are displayed for the three genes in Figure S2. The nucleotide 22 AANAT2 alignment was analyzed by maximum likelihood (ML). The model of 23 nucleotide substitution was selected in Modeltest v 3.8 (Posada 2006) using the 24 Akaike Information Criterion (AIC) for each position of the codon. The more complex 25 model was found at the first position (GTR + G), and was applied to all tree positions 26 in the ML reconstructions. A ML heuristic search, using a starting tree obtained by 27 Maximum Parsimony, was then conducted using PAUP 4.0b10 package (Swofford 28 2003). Node support was assessed with the bootstrap technique, using 100 29 replicates. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were also performed on nucleotide 30 sequences using MrBayes 3.0 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003) implemented in 31 Geneious. The Bayesian analysis was performed with the Metropolis-coupled Markov 32 chain Monte Carlo algorithm using a Codon Model. The tree-space was explored by 33 using four chains run during 2 million generations and saving every 100th tree. The 34 first 25,000 trees were discarded (Burnin’) based on preliminary runs that allowed 35 empirical checking of the point when chains reached apparent stationarity. A 36 consensus was built with the remaining trees. Bayesian probabilities were used to 37 evaluate branch support. 38 Amino acid AANAT2 sequences were also analyzed by ML. The model of 39 nucleotide substitution was selected in Prottest webserver (Abascal et al. 2005). The 40 best model based on the AIC was JTT+G (alpha = 0.73). It was implemented in 41 PhyML displayed in Geneious for further ML reconstructions (Guindon & Gascuel 42 2003). Node support was assessed with the bootstrap technique, using 1000 43 replicates. Bayesian phylogenetic analyses were also performed on this amino acid 44 matrix using MrBayes 3.0 (Ronquist & Huelsenbeck 2003) implemented in Geneious. 45 The Bayesian analysis was performed with the Metropolis-coupled Markov chain 46 Monte Carlo algorithm using a Mixed model. The tree-space was explored by using 47 four chains run during 4 million generations and saving every 100 th tree. The first 48 25,000 trees were discarded (Burnin’) using the same strategy as previously 49 mentioned for nucleotide sequences. A consensus was built with the remaining trees. 50 Bayesian probabilities were used to evaluate branch support. 51 Phylogenies based on the two mitochondrial genes were performed using the 52 same techniques as presented before for the AANAT2 gene. For nucleotide and 53 amino acid Bayesian reconstructions, the same parameters as the one employed for 54 AANAT2 were used. The more complex model was found at the second and first 55 position of the codon (GTR + I + G) for, respectively, Cytb and COX1, and was 56 applied to all tree positions in the ML reconstructions performed in PAUP. Amino acid 57 sequences of the two genes were concatenated and this new matrix was also used 58 as an input for further analyses. The best substitution models provided by Prottest 59 webserver (Abascal et al. 2005) were MtArt+I+G+F for COX1, and MtMam+I+G for 60 cytb and MtArt+I+G+F for the concatenation. They were used as previously 61 mentioned as inputs for the analysis in PhyML. Bayesian reconstructions were run 62 each time for 2 million generations. 63 Substitution rate and natural selection 64 AANAT2 polymorphism was assessed using DNAspV5 (Librado & Rozas 65 2009). We searched for signatures of positive or negative selection at every codon of 66 Teleost AANAT2 and O. aries AANAT using the HyPhy package (available through 67 the Datamonkey webserver (Delport et al. 2010; Kosakovsky Pond & Frost 2005). 68 Putative recombination within sequences was assessed with the GARD algorithm 69 that partitioned sequences in 4 non recombinant fragments. These fragments were 70 analyzed separately with the SLAC codon-based maximum likelihood method. The 71 best time-reversible model was detected and substitution rate parameters were 72 estimated. These values along with branch length (NJ tree) allowed obtaining a 73 global non synonymous / synonymous substitutions (dN/dS) ratio. 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