Linda Duttenhaver Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form Must be postmarked by March 31, 2016 for consideration in 2016 Purpose of Award Established in 2014 and named in honor of UCEAP alumna Linda Duttenhaver, the Distinguished Alumni Award is the highest honor that UCEAP bestows upon an outstanding alumna or alumnus. The award salutes the achievements of alumni who have demonstrated a record of distinguished service and extraordinary achievement in a particular discipline or organization. The awardee will have made a positive impact on our global community and be an inspiration to current students and alumni. The award will also augment alumni engagement efforts by involving alumni in the nomination process and honoring outstanding achievements on an annual basis. The selection announcement will raise the profile of the alumna or alumnus selected as well as highlight the impact of study abroad on an individual’s personal and career success. Nominees will be encouraged to stay involved with UCEAP through opportunities to mentor students, network, and support scholarships. In recognizing the achievements of the selected alumna or alumnus on our web site and in other materials, the awardee will serve as an example to current and future students and emphasize the value of study abroad. Nominee Information Nominee Name: Home Address (if known): Preferred Email: Home Phone: Cell Phone: UC Campus: Graduation Year: EAP Country: Program: Year: Occupation/Title: Company Name: UCEAP Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form 7/27/15 Award Criteria Record of extraordinary service and achievement to a particular organization or cause: Examples of good character and citizenship: Examples of commitment to UCEAP, international eductation or study abroad: Statement regarding why the nominee, other than professional or personal accomplishments and activities reflected elsewhere in this form, should be selected as a distinguished alumna/alumnus: UCEAP Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form 7/27/15 Nomination Information Nominated By: Date: Contact information (address, email, phone number): Relationship to Nominee: Please note: The attachment of relevant support documents (i.e. letters of recommendation, press clippings, resume and/or CV, etc.) is encouraged. Return completed forms to: University of California Education Abroad Program, attn: Distinguished Alumni Award, 6950 Hollister Avenue, Suite 200, Goleta, CA 93117. To Submit nominations electronically, send to: UCEAP Distinguished Alumni Award Nomination Form 7/27/15