ALUMNI NEWSLETTER FALL 2012 The Kappa Theta Comments Letter from the Advisor By Craig Tollini Kappa Theta 868 INDEX PAGES 1-3 Letter from the Advisor PAGE 4 Past and Recent Accomplishments PAGE 5 New Members and Leaders Philanthropy Simply put, the active brothers are continuing to perform at the levels they have in the past, if not to actually build on what they have already accomplished. In addition to placing second in Homecoming, the actives had the second highest GPA for the Spring 2012 semester (with the new members having the highest GPA), continued to volunteer at the VFW and pay down the debt for the Campbell House, and have kept the house clean and in good condition (with the occasional lapse). There has also been continued interest in making sure the constitution and by-laws reflect their priorities and perspectives, as well as having actual discussions of issues that had been tabled indefinitely in the past (such as the ideal size of the chapter). It also appears that semi-formal is on its way to being a tradition. The second semi-formal was held at the end of October at Buffalo Wild Wings, and the actives and their dates appeared to enjoy themselves (and tipped and treated the wait staff well, so we were invited to have future events there). In addition, there are some major changes planned for the house. The actives will work with the landlord to renovate the house so there can be another bedroom. The room off of the kitchen will be fully converted into a bedroom (meaning the double doors will be replaced with an actual wall and the door will be replaced or repaired so it can be locked), the kitchen will be renovated so there is a door that leads directly to the bathroom, and some of the closets will be converted to cupboards to replace the cabinets that will be removed from the kitchen. The landlord has generously offered to only charge us for the supplies, which he estimates will have a maximum cost of $300, provided the actives provide the labor. As for new members, nine men were pinned, and five were initiated. Two of the men who were not initiated had to leave WIU for personal reasons; only two men received a “no vote.” At this point, I believe that all of the actives made a good faith effort to get to know the associate members prior to the vote and did not allow any inappropriate factors to drive their votes (whether those votes were “yes,” “no,” or “abstain”). I will be talking to and observing the brothers to ensure that this is what happened and that the actives continue to follow the procedures they put in place to ensure the quality of our membership. ...Continued on page 2 THE KAPPA THETA COMMENTS ALUMNI NEWSLETTER FALL 2012 The Kappa Theta Comments The only truly negative news to report is that there were a large number of early grade warnings, but this has occurred before without the final grades being low. Furthermore, our Scholarship Chair is working with the affected active and associate members to make sure they improve their grades. In addition, the chapter has delayed planning a philanthropic/fundraising event for this semester, which will be a raffle. There will also be an event in the Spring, and I believe the chapter is still adjusting to the need to have an event each semester. On a more positive note, the actives appears to have maintained the levels of community service and the number of educational programs they’ve had in the past, and the actives have also completed and submitted the paperwork so these efforts can be officially recognized. As always, it was great to see alumni visit for Homecoming and Initiation, and I hope you can all make it to the alumni event in the spring, which is still being planned. In addition, please know that the actives absolutely appreciate anything you can donate to them, whether it be a jumbo Jenga set (which they still use) or funds to be used for the rewards for the academic incentive program. Since the landlord is considering selling the property in the near future, one place in which alumni financial support would be deeply appreciated would be a fund for a down payment for the house. As always, if you have any questions or concerns, please contact me by email at or by phone at 309-259-0226. In addition, please feel free to contact any officer or myself if you have suggestions regarding ways in which the chapter could improve. Yours in the Bonds, Craig Tollini Kappa Theta 868 ...Finish on page 3 THE KAPPA THETA COMMENTS ALUMNI NEWSLETTER FALL 2012 The Kappa Theta Comments Brothers, As hard as it is to believe my time at Western Illinois University is coming to a close, but it is even harder to believe that my time as an active in the Kappa Theta Chapter is closing as well. The journey I started 2 ½ years ago, seemed for the longest time like it would never end, probably because I did not want it to. But as all good things do, it must end. However, I have the privilege to be able to look back on this past year and know the Chapter has come further yet, progressing and setting the stage to continue and do many more great things. Over the past year, we held our first true alumni event that I have seen in my time; took another 1st place trophy in Delta Zeta’s Greek Idol; 2nd Place in Homecoming 2012; grew into the 900’s of total members in our history; set a plan into motion for fixing and one day purchasing our current house. Our Constitution & by-Laws have progressed even more, being updated and made to work for us, we will have a member as a Top 3 Exec. Board on IFC this coming spring (with potentially more to follow, as vacant positions have yet to filled), we have helped to update the IFC Constitution and By-Laws, and continued our partnership with the local VFW post. While the accomplishments that came directly to my mind in writing this are as extensive as they have been in past years, our greatest accomplishments have occurred behind the scenes, so to speak. At the end of our last spring semester we lost many strong leaders, as we will also do here in December. I know this weighed into the minds of many, myself included, coming into this fall semester. Of course, without fail, Kappa Theta’s stepped up as we do and have filled that void, although many members have not even realized they did so. In fact, we have officially transitioned in the new Executive Board, whom is one of the youngest I have seen or heard about, but for myself I have nothing, but confidence in this new E-Board and their ability to do great things. We have grown into a younger chapter, but lost none of the leadership and abilities needed to succeed, all while becoming and functioning more business-like, but not losing our closeness and our ability to have the best times together. As an Associate Member and then newly Initiated Brother there was a level of excitement I felt for the journey I was entering into, while also a level of fear, still not sure what I was getting into. Just about three years later, I can say with absolute conviction that the Kappa Theta Chapter of Theta Xi Fraternity was the best decision of my life; quite frankly it will take some pretty amazing decisions in the future to top the fact that I am a Theta Xi. Now, though, as I begin a new journey of my Theta Xi career and become the ever important alumnus again that level of excitement is brewing, but this time there is no fear. I am fearless for our Chapter because of one line from the Pinning Ceremony that has stuck with me since I was pinned and has seen me through time and time again, “Theta Xi will never fail a member who does not fail it.” I know no one I call a Brother will ever fail this Chapter, and because of that I cannot wait to see where these men take our beloved Fraternity and Chapter. I have uttered my closing more times than I care to count, but only now do I truly realize the passion of it that has drove me these past couple years and how this one line will drive our Brothers further in the future. . . . I LOVE THETA XI!! YITBMatt Devine Kappa Theta 874 THE KAPPA THETA COMMENTS ALUMNI NEWSLETTER FALL 2012 The Kappa Theta Comments Past and Recent Achievements By Danny Sutton Kappa Theta 886 Notable GPA’s Above a 3.0 Kevin B. Matt D. Zach R. Eric G. Jason C. Patrick Z. Greg F. In the Spring semester we took Second in Greek Week with Delta Zeta and Sigma Alpha Epilson. We also took Second overall amongst Fraternities. This fall semester has had many recent achievements for our Kappa Theta chapter. For starters, we ranked second in overall GPA for fraternities on campus. We also took Second place this year in Homecoming with the Phi Sigma Sigmas and the Alpha Gamma Sigma. Finally, next semester, our Greek Week partners are Phi Sigma Sigma and Delta Tau Delta! Wish us luck as we continue to prosper this semester! Above a 3.5 Scott Baumbich Mark Dasher Dan Kmieciak Tony Leckonby Bryan Wood Lenny Zeppo THE KAPPA THETA COMMENTS ALUMNI NEWSLETTER FALL 2012 The Kappa Theta Comments New Members By Danny Sutton Kappa Theta 886 New Leaders President: Nick Dollenmaier Vice President: Jeremiah Henaifesh Sr. Steward Greg Faloona Jr. Steward: Mark Dasher Treasurer: Dillon Huff Secretary: Logan Saurs Scholarship Chair: Bill Burbatt As Theta Xi Kappa Theta Chapter lost seven great members last semester, Sam Bradford, Pat Zaloum, Clay Thompson, Tony K, Dan Kmieciak, Seth Gittelsn, and Tony Leckonby. We have had a great last two semesters with new members and we broke the Kappa Theta number 900. We rushed; Oleksa Bindas 889, Lucas Beecham 890, Dillon Huff 891, Micah Gallardo 892, Eric Cunningham 893, Kurt Ritter 894, Scott Baumbich 895, Gabriel McDonagh 896, were all in the spring class and the fall class consists of; Bill Burbatt 899, Logan Sauers 900, Charles Smith 901, Mike Lasula 902, and Corey Mackin 903 we welcome these Brothers to the Bonds! Philanthropy By Danny Sutton Kappa Theta 886 Over the past while, we have been doing a lot of work with the local Macomb VFW. The past few semesters, we have been taking the time to get to know the members there and have been helping out with whatever was needed. That has included fish fry’s and preparation for all the events they have been having. We are having a raffle this semester on December 5th and we hope it is a good one. Our Philanthropy last semester went smashingly, it was our own fish fry with the VFW and we hope that we will have more of these in the future. THE KAPPA THETA COMMENTS 719 W. Adams Street Macomb IL, 61455 Email: