Strode College

MINUTES of the 129th meeting of the Board of Governors held on Wednesday 2 July 2014
 Rob Bennett
 Tim Blake
 Richard Clark
 Anna Clarke
 Lesley Gagg
 Geoff Hepworth
 Lloyd Hughes
 Shirley Theedom
 Becky Edwards
 Debbie Cummings
 Stephen Bower
Anthony King
 Sue Snell
 Wendy Cavill
Kate Lovell (Chair)
Mark Moran
David Mozley
Molly Proud
Emily Richardson
Kevin Sherrard
James Staniforth
Deputy Principal
Executive Director of Finance
Assistant Principal, Director of Student Services (until 5.48pm)
Student Governor Designate
External Member of Audit Committee
Clerk to the Governors
Minutes Secretary
( those present)
Site Visit
Prior to the start of the Board meeting, Governors visited the Employment Skills Centre
to review progress with the building works.
Apologies for Absence
Apologies were received from David Mozley and Anthony King.
Kate Lovell thanked Molly Proud, retiring student governor, for her contribution to the
work of the Board during her term of office. Stephen Bower, student governor
designate, was welcomed to the meeting.
There were no declarations of interest.
Confirmation of the Minutes
The Minutes of the 128th meeting, held on 2 April 2014, were confirmed as a correct
record and signed by Kate Lovell.
Matters Arising from the Minutes
There were no matters arising.
Safeguarding Children and Vulnerable Adults Annual Report 2013-14 (document
previously circulated)
Debbie Cummings spoke to the report, which is in a prescribed format predominantly
prepared for schools.
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862.4 The College has had an internal Safeguarding audit during the last two years,
providing assurance. There is strong College awareness regarding
safeguarding and expert staff, trained in managing safeguarding issues. The
nominated Governor for Safeguarding, Lesley Gagg, confirmed that she is kept
informed and updated on safeguarding issues. There are regular meetings with
other local colleges to benchmark safeguarding practices.
862.5 Debbie Cummings has been invited to join the SCC ‘Protecting Vulnerable
People’ Group, as a representative of FE colleges.
862.5 The Board approved the Annual Report, which was signed by Kate Lovell,
Chair of Governors and James Staniforth, Principal. The report will be
forwarded to the Local Safeguarding Children Board.
Sue Snell
Debbie Cummings left at this point
Finance and Personnel Committee
863.1 The approved Minutes of The Finance & Personnel Committee meeting, held
on 21 May 2014, were received by the Board (document previously circulated).
863.2 The unapproved Minutes of the Finance & Personnel Committee meeting, held
on 25 June 2014, were received by the Board (document circulated at the
Financial Forecast 2014-2016 (document previously circulated)
864.1 Becky Edwards spoke to the executive summary. The Board noted the rationale
for the proposed 2014/2015 budget and the key risks detailed in the summary.
864.2 Becky Edwards reported that, since the F&PC meeting, the College had been
informed by the SFA of an increase of £267k Adult Skills funding for 2014/2015.
Estimated costs associated with the income will be approximately £242k, giving
an approximate £25k improvement to the bottom line in the 2014/2015 budget.
Becky Edwards will email the amended budget to Governors for information.
Sue Snell
864.3 It was proposed by Richard Clark, seconded by Mark Moran and agreed that
the Board accept the recommendation of the Finance and Personnel
Committee to approve:
 The estimates of Income and Expenditure for 2014/2015, with the caveat that
an additional £267k of income, and approximately £242k of expenditure, be
 The Capital Expenditure Budget for 2014/2015;
 The Financial Forecast for the period 2014-2016;
 The College’s revised financial objectives;
 Finance Leases of £105k in year 1 and £200k in year 2;
 Set up of an overdraft facility for 2014/2015, for use if required.
864.4 The Board noted the partnership work with JTJ, led by Shirley Theedom, which
had been successful in generating additional work and income in Traineeships.
Audit Committee (document previously circulated)
865.1 The unapproved Minutes of the meeting, held on 18 June 2014, were received
by the Board.
865.2 Rob Bennett informed the Board that for the internal audit service it is proposed
to go out to tender in the Autumn in conjunction with one, possibly two, other
colleges. This will ensure better value for money.
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Risk Management (document previously circulated)
Becky Edwards summarised the key points of the report.
866.1 It was noted that a full review and update of the risk register is taking place, to
include risk ‘heat mapping’. Completion is scheduled for the November Audit
Committee meeting.
Search and Governance Committee (document previously circulated)
867.1 The unapproved Minutes of the Search and Governance Committee
meeting, held on 7 May 2014, were received by the Board.
867.2 It was proposed by Geoff Hepworth, seconded by Richard Clark and agreed
that the Board approve the Committee’s recommendation to re-appoint Rob
Bennett as a Governor, to serve from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2016.
867.3 It was proposed by Anna Clarke, seconded by Mark Moran and agreed that
the Board approve the Committee’s recommendation to re-appoint Lesley
Gagg as a Governor, to serve from 1 September 2014 to 31 August 2018.
867.4 The Board noted the unopposed election of Stephen Bower as Student
Governor and formally approved his appointment to serve from 1 September
2014 to 3 July 2015. A second Student Governor to be elected in early October.
Academic Standards and Quality Committee (document previously circulated)
868.1 The unapproved Minutes of the inaugural Academic Standards and Quality
Committee meeting, held on 12 June 2014, were received by the Board.
868.2 Terms of Reference: It was agreed to approve the terms of reference for the
Academic Standards and Quality Committee.
Theatre Board of Management (document previously circulated)
869.1 The unapproved Minutes of the Theatre Board of Management meeting, held
on 6 May 2014, were received by the Board.
869.2 Mark Moran spoke to the minutes:
 There is a proposal to increase capacity and flexibility, and to increase revenue,
by converting the rehearsal room to a multi-use space to show film and
alternative content when the main Theatre is in use. The project is currently at
the feasibility phase.
 An order has been placed for the new Safety Curtain.
 A letter has been sent to Garth Muton on behalf of the Theatre Board and the
 Thanks were expressed to Liz Leyshon and the Theatre team for their
continued excellent work.
Community Education Advisory Committee (document previously circulated)
870.1 The unapproved Minutes of the Community Education Advisory Committee,
held on 14 May 2014, were received by the Board.
Lesley Gagg spoke to the minutes:
Current enrolments to the Summer School are at a similar level to last year.
The Committee values the Sports presentations delivered by Shonagh Butler
A review of the Committee’s terms of reference will be considered at the next
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Letter from FE Commissioner (document previously circulated)
James Staniforth reported that David Collins has been appointed as the first FE
Commissioner. His open letter and exemplar KPI chart was received and noted by the
Board, including the absence of value-added and English and Maths. Currently KPIs
are provided to Strode Governors via the Principal’s report and F&PC. From
2014/2015 the new Academic Standards & Quality committee will monitor KPIs in the
same way that F&PC monitors financial KPIs. The KPIs will be updated and presented
to the Board of Governors in the Autumn.
Preparation for Ofsted
An Ofsted inspection is anticipated in the Autumn term. Sue Snell to collate the
availability of Governors for September/October in readiness for a Governors’ briefing.
Sue Snell
Board of Governors and Committees
873.1 Election of the Chair of the Board of Governors for the 2014/2015 academic
year (Rob Bennett took the chair for this item). Kate Lovell was proposed by
Anna Clarke, seconded by Geoff Hepworth and duly elected as Chair of the
Board. The Board extended their thanks to Kate Lovell for her work as Chair.
873.2 Election of the Vice Chair of the Board of Governors for the 2014/2015
academic year. Rob Bennett was proposed by Lesley Gagg, seconded by
Mark Moran and duly elected as Vice Chair of the Board. Rob Bennett was
also thanked for his work as chair of the Audit and Search & Governance
873.3 Attendance at Board and Committee meetings (document previously
circulated). Sue Snell reported that attendance for 2013/2014 had been good,
with attendance at Board meetings 85% and an overall attendance at Board
and committee meetings also at 85%. Attendance at committee meetings
remained strong, with all but one committee exceeding the 80% attendance
target. Governors were reminded to advise Sue Snell if they are unable to
attend meetings. Board members were thanked for their continued commitment
to the College and Kate Lovell thanked everyone for their time and attendance.
Board of Governors’ Self-Assessment
See separate document.
Any Other Business
875.1 Becky Edwards reported that a Funding Audit will be undertaken at the
beginning of September by KPMG, on behalf of the SFA and EFA, covering 1618, Adult work and Apprenticeships.
Date of next meeting:
Wednesday 1 October 2014 at 5.30pm
The meeting closed at 7.20pm
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