November 2015 Extraordinary Full Governing Body minutes

Brize Norton Primary School
Minutes of Extraordinary Full Governing Body Meeting
Monday 2nd November 2015 at 6.30 pm in school
1. Present: Miranda Mowbray (chair), Chris Rushton (vice chair), Anna
Fairhurst, Christine Eaglestone, Bridget Winter, Alistair Doran, Angus
Shipway, Tracy Barnett. Rob Mills was welcomed as a new co-opted
There were no apologies. The meeting was quorate.
2. There were no pecuniary interests to declare.
3. Proposal to increase the PAN
As previously highlighted at FGB meetings and the parent consultation
evening, AF wished to propose that the PAN increase to 17, thus taking
total pupil numbers potentially to 119. This would increase our income
and enable us to maintain current staffing levels within our budget.
AS asked about the impact on teaching if this was agreed – AF felt that as
we currently have a high qualified staff to pupil ratio that there would not
be a negative impact. Due to anomalies of admission, there are already
several year groups of 17 in school.
Governors voted unanimously to accept the proposal to increase PAN to
4. Conversion to academy status
Governors discussed the response to a late question from a parent – the
response will be placed on the website.
AF confirmed that the Parish Council would happy to draw up a new
agreement for use of the adjacent playing fields with the new academy.
Governors voted on the proposal to convert to academy status and to join
ODST MAT. 6 governors voted in favour and 2 abstained. Rob Mills did not
participate in the vote as he was new to the FGB and had not been
involved in the process up to this point. The motion was therefore carried.
A newsletter in paper format is due out at the end of the week. Parents to
be notified of our decision in the newsletter – AF and AS to liaise.
5. MM shared details of a proposal from David Seaton as co-opted governor.
Governors voted unanimously to invite him to join the FGB.
The meeting closed at 7.15 pm