Ancient civilization flashcards!

Name:________________________________________________________ Period:_______
Ancient civilization flashcards!
Ancient Egypt
Present day country:
1st advanced civilization:
Present day countries:
Form of writing:
Form of writing:
Type of religion:
Type of religion:
Name of Ruler:
Major architectural achievement (draw picture)
Type of Government:
Major architectural achievements (draw picture)
2nd major civilization:
Major accomplishments:
Ancient Chinese Civilizations
Ancient Indian Civilizations
Present day countries:
Inventions/innovations of the:
1st advanced civilization:
Indo-Aryans language:
Chin (Qin):
Mauryan religion:
Major architectural and art achievement (draw pictures)
Major accomplishments:
Ancient Civilization Constructed Response Review
1. Describe and explain the significance of Ancient Egyptian achievements in two of the following areas: Art,
Architecture, Government, Religion
2. Explain TWO different reasons why rivers were important to the development of early civilizations.
3. Explain TWO reasons people developed early written languages?
4. The names of four ancient river valley civilizations are listed below. Study the list of civilizations.
Nile River Valley Tigris-Euphrates River Valley
Indus River Valley Huang River Valley
Choose two of the civilizations listed and then describe the writing system developed by that civilization.
Description of writing system: _______________________________________________________________
Description of writing system: _______________________________________________________________
5. The main reason the Silk Road developed was to establish trade links between Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Name one product, other than silk, obtained by way of the Silk Road that changed life in Europe.
6. Explain how something other than a good or product brought to Europe by the silk road changed life in Europe.
Name:________________________________________________________ Period:_______
Ancient civilization flashcards! KEY
Ancient Egypt
Rivers: Tigris and Euphrates
River: Nile
Present day country: Iraq
flows: North
Nickname: Fertile Crescent
Silt: deposited rich soil after flooding
1st advanced civilization: Sumerians
Present day countries: Egypt
Form of writing: Cuneiform
Form of writing: Hieroglyphics
Type of religion: Polytheistic
Type of religion: Polytheistic
Inventions/innovations: dome, arch, wheeled vehicles,
math, levees
Name of Ruler: Pharaoh
Type of Government: Theocracy
Major architectural achievement (draw picture)
Major architectural achievements (draw picture)
2nd major civilization:
Major accomplishments:
Hammurabi’s Code
Ancient Indian Civilizations
River: Indus
Present day countries:
India and Pakistan
1st advanced civilization:
Indo-Aryans language: Sanskrit
Pyramids of Giza
Tombs, theocracy, pyramids, art-jewelry, gold
Ancient Chinese Civilizations
River: Yellow or Huang
Inventions/innovations of the:
Zhou: Bronze work, writing system, Confucius
Chin (Qin): started great wall, terra cotta warriors
Hinduism:brought to India by indo-aryans
Han: compass, silk road, paper,
Ashoka: king of Mauryan empire, spread buddhism
Song: fireworks/gun powder
Mauryan religion: Buddhism
Major architectural and Art achievement (draw picture)
Major accomplishments:
Harrapa- Hieroglyphics, sewer systems
Indo-Aryans- Rig Veda, Hinduism, Sanskrit
Mauyrans- Buddhism, rest houses and dug wells
Great wall of China
Terracotta warriors
Ancient Civilization constructed responses KEY
1. Describe and explain the significance of Ancient Egyptian achievements in two of the following areas: Art,
Architecture, Government, Religion
Achievement:__King tut’s tomb/mask, gold, jewelry, hieroglyphics,
Significance:all of Tut’s possessions/gold would help him in the afterlife, hieroglyphs-lasted forever
Area:__Architecture ___________
Achievement:___Pyramids of Giza, Sphinx, temples________
Significance:_largest monuments that still stand today, tombs of Pharaohs, temples to the gods
2. Explain TWO different reasons why rivers were important to the development of early civilizations.
Rivers allowed people to farm/irrigate the land to stay in one place and create a civilization.
The flooding of the Nile river spread silt and provided rich soil for farming
3. Explain TWO reasons people developed early written languages?
Early writing was developed to keep track of crops and trade.
4. The names of four ancient river valley civilizations are listed below. Study the list of civilizations.
Nile River Valley Tigris-Euphrates River Valley
Indus River Valley Huang River Valley
Choose two of the civilizations listed and then describe the writing system developed by that civilization.
Civilization:__Ancient Egypt________________________________________________
Description of writing system: Hieroglyphics- using pictures to represent words or sounds
Civilization:__Sumerians __________________________________________________
Description of writing system: Cuneifrom- first non-hieroglyphic language, used stylus to make triangle
shaped letters.
5. The main reason the Silk Road developed was to establish trade links between Asia, Europe, and Africa.
Name one product, other than silk, obtained by way of the Silk Road that changed life in Europe.
Gun powder changed life in Europe by allowing people to invent and develop and create new weapons.
6. Explain how something other than a good or product brought to Eurpoe by the silk road changed
life in Europe.
culture was brought by the silk road. People shared their religion and their languages. Arabic and
Islam spread from the middle east all the way to north Africa. Buddhism spread throughout the
Indian Subcontinent.